Chapter 5

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Ami frowns as he watched Yami thrash in his sleep. "He's running a high fever."

Yugi runs in with Heba and Rebecca behind him. "Ami I brought Rebecca." Yugi said. Ami nods as he allowed them to enter his home.

Rebecca walks over to Yami and places her hands on Yami's wound. They glowed brightly and when they stopped Yami's wound was fully gone.

Yami's fever disappears as he breathes evenly. "Yugi .. "

Yugi blushes brightly before looking away. Heba and Ami smirk. "So..that's my little brother's potential mate? Hm...nice...but something seems off with him."

Yugi looks at them. "He's potential...mate." Yugi said softly before yawning. "Its getting late. We should all go to bed."

Ami smirks as he clapped his hands as several beds appears as he made sure Yugi's was near Yami's. "Nice. Come on Babe let's get some rest."

Yugi rolls his eyes before transforming into a munchkin cat, only the white part of a regular munchkin cat was violet on Yugi.

Heba and Becca cuddle along with Malik and Bakura. Atemu lays down and Ami smirks as he made sure he and Atemu were sharing a bed while Dylan got her own bed.

Yugi laid on the top of his bed and curled up into a ball. He looks up at Ami and meows. Ami could see a small pout on Yugi's kitten mouth.

"What? That's just how the bed arrangements were."

Yugi shakes his head and meows again. He walks over to Ami and lightly bumps his head with his small one and licks at his hand.

Ami smirks as he gently pets Yugi's ears. "Yugi I know you're the god of why not enjoy some happiness yourself?"

Yugi purrs against Amis hand. After a few minutes of being stroked by his ears Yugi's goes back to his bed. He curls up again and falls asleep.

In the middle of the night Yami woke up and rubbed his eyes. What...the..huh. Yami felt something warm and fluffy brush his hand. Yami saw a small kitten.

"Well hello there little one." Yami who was extremely fond of cats gently stroked the tiny little kitten behind his pure black ears.

The kitten starts to purr as it slept. "Now where did you come from?" He gently pick up the kitten as he strokes the little kitten and smiled.

Yugi purred louder and snuggles into Yami's warmth. Yami continues to pet Yugi until the sun rose. Shining above the magical kingdom.

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