healing in the lake?

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The gang arrived at the lake

Joong laid Dunk on the edge of the lake and stayed next to him

They were waiting for Net

After about fifteen minutes they saw Net in the distance

He moved towards and when he saw Dunk lying down he started running

He came and knelt next to Dunk

"Shia Dunk" he touched his forehead "what did you do to him??"

Net stood up

"Caution" Mix took out the sword and raised it at Net

Net went back to Dunk and took some medical devices out of the bag

Joong was still crouched next to Dunk closely watching every step that Net made

"He took something he wasn't supposed to take" Net announced after a few minutes

"Wow, what a genius, how did you come up with this very difficult and complicated thing, what an expert doctor you are, applause" Mix clapped

Net rolled his eyes
"What did he take?"  He asked

"I can't tell you"

"It will help me know how to take care of him"

Mix was silent and exchanged glances with Phuwin

"J- Joong" Dunk mumbled

"what did he say?"  Net looked back at Dunk

Joong looked like he was about to shed a tear

"Nothing just keep taking care of him" Mix raised the sword again

"If you stop bringing him what he took he will be fine" Net announced a few minutes later

"and if not?"  Mix asked

"Then he will die"

"Isn't there anything else?"

"I can take him to the palace, there is a doctor there who is more expert than me" Net put a hand on Dunk and looked as if he was going to pick him up

"Tempting but less so" Joong took out his sword and pointed it at Net's forehead

Joong picked up Dunk and they were going to go

"Dunk" Gemini came out of the trees followed by Fourth who shouted Gemini's name

"So you did bring someone" Mix raised his sword at Net and the whole gang did the same

"I...Gemini what are you doing here?"  Net asked Gemini

"Gemini" Dunk muttered in Joong's arms

"Dunk" Gemini was in tears and moved towards Dunk

"Stay away" Earth pointed the sword at Gemini

Gemini continued to advance but Fourth stopped him

Net and Fourth drew their swords and advanced

Net attacked and Pond attacked him back and Fourth also attacked and fought against Neo and Earth

Gemini was still trying to get through but Phuwin and Mix blocked him

Joong stepped back with Dunk

"Oui" Net cut Pond in the waist and Pond cried out in pain

Phuwin saw this and ran towards Dunk

"Stop" he put the sword on Dunk's neck

Joong tried to get away with Dunk but Phuwin wouldn't let him

Net and Fourth stopped

"Drop the swords" Phuwin yelled at them and they threw away the swords

Phuwin beckoned to Mix with his eyes and Mix stepped forward and put his sword on Dunk's neck

Phuwin let go and went to pick up Pond who was kneeling with a hand on his hip where he was bleeding

He reached him and helped him up

The gang went back step by step until they disappeared into the forest

Fourth ran to Gemini who was sitting on the sand crying

"Fuck" Net stomped on the ground "Why did you come?? I had a plan"

"What plan?"

"I planned to act like I was going ,to hide and then shoot them with anesthesia arrows and take Dunk"

"I-" Gemini had nothing to say he realized he had ruined the plan that could have brought his brother back

"You could have told us" Fourth yelled at him "we thought you would just heal him and not bring him back"

"I didn't have time" Net shouted back

"STOP" Gemini got up and wiped the tears from his eyes "we have a name of one of them it sure must help"

"What? Whose?"  Net and Forth looked at Gemini


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