19. Let the Right One In

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To say that Stefan was shocked when Damon and Allison came to the Boarding House was an understatement, he was mortified. Allison came in first completely drenched from the pouring rain. She was breathing heavily, bare foot and still in her pajamas. He was by her side in an instant, wrapping his arms around her small body and pulled her towards him and asked frantically, "Allison, what happened?" She didn't answer, only shook her head. She held a blank expression on her face, but it was clear she had been crying. Seconds later, Damon came bustling through the door. "Damon, what happened?" He demanded with his arm still tightly wrapped around his friend. 

Damon looked to Allison and insisted, "later. C'mon Alliecat." He took her out of his grasp and took her up the stairs and too his room. Stefan paced the floor waiting for Damon to return with an explanation as to why Allison was so upset. Damon probably did something, but then if he had then why was she still with him. Stefan turned when he saw a shadow enter the living room. "You might want to stop pacing. I could hear you wearing the floors from upstairs." Damon said as he went to his scotch and poured himself a glass and took a sip. Stefan folded his arms, "what happened Damon?"

He sighed and turned around to face him, "a vampire tried to kill Allison." Stefan stiffened, "one of the tomb vampires?" He shook his head, "no, he was friends with Allison before he turned." Stefan cocked his head to the side slightly, "Shane?" Damon nodded, "wait, how do you know about Shane?" "When we were trying to get Katherine-" Damon stiffened slightly, "out of the tomb and Allison and I went to get the gasoline, he was there. Stefan explained. "Anyway, where is he?"

"Dead." "You killed him? Why am I even asking? Of course you did." Damon smirked as he took a sip of his scotch, "duh." Stefan rolled his eyes, but then looked above him, "how is she?" Damon paused and he looked slightly upwards too. "Bad. She's asleep now though, so I guess that's a plus." "I think we should tell her that she's adopted." Stefan said.

Damon glared at him, "do you think she's in any condition to be told that she's not related to anyone in her family?" He waited a few seconds for an answer, "exactly." He downed the rest of his drink and slammed his glass on the table and was gone in a flash.

"I say we go down to Pearl's, bust down the door and annihilate the idiot that attacked us last night." Damon told them after he finished hammering boards to cover up where the broken window was. Elena and Stefan were standing in the center while Allison was sitting on the sofa in a fresh change of clothes that Elena had brought over when she came. She had tried to talk to Allison about it earlier, but she had claimed she was fine. Elena anticipated that as her answer, but she hoped that she would open up to her.

Stefan rolled his eyes, "yeah? And then what, turn to the rest of the house of vampires and say, 'oops sorry'?" Allison lips quirked up at this. Damon shrugged and sat down, his eyes quickly darting to Allison. She was messing with her shoelaces. She hadn't contributed to the conversation at all since it started. "I can't believe you made a deal with her." Elena snapped.

Damon rolled his eyes, "it was more like a helpful exchange of information. It's not like I got a choice. She's... scary." He turned to Allison, "right princess?" She stopped fiddling with her shoelaces for a second, nodded and then resumed. Damon groaned internally; he was trying to get her to say something, anything. Even if it was an insult. He turned back to Stefan and Elena, "besides, she's gonna help me get Katherine back." Allison snorted.

Elena chuckled humorlessly, "of course she is. Damon gets what he wants as usual, no matter who he hurts in the process." Her eyes darted to Allison and she rolled her eyes at Elena. Damon mumbled, "no need to be snarky about it." Elena gave him a pointed look, "I woke up this morning to learn that all the vampires have been released from the tomb. I've earned snarky." Allison turned to Elena, scoffed, got up and left the room. Elena watched her leave.

Elena earned snarky? Seriously? It wasn't fair how everyone expected her to be talking and being her usual self when it was completely fine when Elena was upset about vampires terrorizing the town. That and she had a major headache. She looked to the window and saw the pouring rain and then looked to the front door. She wanted to go for a walk to clear her head. Just to be alone for a little while. 

Allison opened the front door when a hand pushed against the door, closing it. "Where do you think you're going?" "What do you care? Out." Allison answered simply. Damon chuckled, "yeah, A) You're my friend. B) It's pouring down out there and C) There's tomb vamps out there and they'd kill you in a second." Allison sighed and looked up at him, "I just wanna go for a walk." Damon stared into her eyes and sighed, "fine, but come back here." She was out the door in a second and waved a dismissive hand as she went. "Sure, sure."

Allison had been wandering around in the rain for a half hour now, just thinking. How had her life gotten so screwed up? Why did Shane have to be the one to become a vampire? She kicked a stone angrily across the forest floor. Shane was a jerk sometimes, but he didn't deserve to die.

She walked further, muttering nonsense to herself when she heard a grunt. Walking forward slowly, hiding behind a tree quickly, she saw a vampire who had just stabbed a stake into Stefan's stomach. Her eyes widened in shock and fear and she was about to go and help him when she stopped herself. What could she do to help him? If she went up there now, she'd just cause even more trouble for both her and Stefan. She needed Damon. She wasn't about to lose another friend.

Allison banged her knuckles against Elena's house rapidly. She had been trying to call Elena and Damon, but there was no signal and then her battery died. Finally Elena opened the door, "we've got a problem." Allison told her. Damon appeared from behind Elena. "What kind of problem?" He asked. Allison looked at him, "the tomb vampires have Stefan." Damon groaned, "knew it." Elena turned to them, "well, what do we do? We have to help him." She insisted frantically. "C'mon." Damon instructed and they all piled into his car.

It was silent as they drove to where Pearl had said she was staying. The tension and worry filled the car and as they parked a few yards away from the house Allison and Elena went to get out, but Damon turned to them, "you guys wait here." "What? No way in hell I'm just sitting around." Allison told him. Elena immediately agreed. Damon glared at them, "Stay. Here." And before either of them could say otherwise he was gone.

"He's a jerk face." Allison said. Elena sighed, "I know." She looked up to where Pearl's house was, "I'm worried." "Well, duh." Allison mumbled and Elena glared, "what? If you weren't i'd think you were a pretty bad girlfriend." She laughed lightly, but it died quickly, "how are you?" Allison's eyes came together and she folded her arms and looked out the window, "worried about Stefan. That's it." Elena gave her a pointed look, "you know what I mean." 

Allison looked back at her, "yeah, I do." And then Allison saw Damon running towards them through the trees. She got out of the car followed by Elena, "what happened? Where is he?" "They have him. I can't get in." "Why not?" Elena demanded. Allison and Damon were drenched now, "because the woman who owns the house was compelled to not let me in." An idea came to her, "I can do it." "Me too." Elena said.

Allison moved to go past him, but he stopped her by grabbing her arm and he quickly stopped Elena too, "you're not." Allison scoffed, "as if you can stop me." And she went to go around him again. Elena appeared to have given up. He grabbed her shoulders this time, "you're not going in there." Elena looked between them, "why are they doing this? What do they want with him?" "Revenge." He answered, "they want revenge."

Elena shook her head mechanically, "we've gotta do something." "I know." He looked back behind him, still holding onto Allison. "We've gotta get him out." Elena insisted. "Yeah, we get it." Allison said. Damon grabbed Elena's face, "Elena, I know, but I don't know how to get him out." Allison smirked, "I do." They both turned to her waiting for her to tell them her plan.

"This is your plan? Ask the history teacher!?" Elena exclaimed. Damon had agreed with Allison though, "your history teacher just so happens to be a vampire slayer, so that's why it's a good plan." Damon then rounded the corner and walked down the hallway in the school and came face to face with Alaric, "well don't you look... alive." Damon said. "You can't hurt me." Alaric told him. He disagreed with a smirk, "oh, I can hurt you alright."

Elena walked to them, dragging Allison, "Mr. Saltzman. We need your help." Reluctantly Alaric led them into his room. Alaric went behind his desk, Damon was by the window, Allison was sitting at her desk with her feet up and Elena was in front of Alaric begging him to help, "Damon's a vampire. He can't get in. We need you. Allison and I would go but-" "But both of your lives are valuable." He stated. "Yours on the other hand-" Damon began to Alaric with a smirk.

Elena interrupted him, "Stefan told me about your ring." Alaric sat down and clasped his hands together, "what about it?" "Let me recap." Damon began. "You tried to kill me, I defended myself, you died, then according to my brother your ring brought you back to life. Am I, uh, am I leaving anything out?" Alaric stood up, "yeah, the part where I try to kill you again. Only this time I don't miss."

Elena blocked his path to Damon, "Mr. Saltzman. Please. It's Stefan." He looked at her for a moment before finally saying, "I'm sorry, Elena. It's not my problem." Allison sat up straight in her chair, "What if I told you I did my history homework?" "Did you?" He asked. "No, but you could believe that it's done." And she batted her eyelashes at him. "Nope." Allison sighed, "you suck."

Damon rolled his eyes and got up and walked beside Allison, "well, the woman in charge of the crowd can help you find your wife." He stared him down for a second, "you're lying." "Why don't you ask her for yourself?" He suggested to Alaric. Alaric continued to stare at him, "coward. Come on, you two." Allison got up and followed while keeping an eye on Alaric as Elena did the same.

"Alright. Wait." Alaric finally agreed. "I'll go." Alaric left the room without a word, probably to get his weapons and Damon and Allison high-fived one another. He came back a few minutes later and placed everything on his desk. "Teacher by day, vampire hunter by night." Alaric glared at him, "I have you to thank for that." Allison and Elena looked at some kind of tranquilizer dart. "What are these?" Elena asked. "Those are tranquilizer darts filled with vervain." He informed them.

Damon was looking at them too. "Just get me in and I'll get Stefan out." Elena raised her eyebrows at him, "that's your plan? You're just gonna take them all on yourself?" Allison nodded, "even I have to agree that, that plan is crap." "Well, I'll be a little stealthier than that, hopefully." "Yeah, hopefully." Allison remarked. Elena took out one of the darts, "whoa, what are you doing?" Alaric questioned.

Elena looked at them all, "I'm going with you guys." Allison looked back to Damon. "If she's going than so am I." "No, no, no, no way." Damon immediately disagreed. They both looked around, "you need us. We can get in, you can distract them, and then we'll get Stefan out." Damon looked at them both, "you'll get yourselves killed. You're not going in there." "I'm going." Elena insisted.

He ignored her, "so when you get me in, get out as quickly as you can. I know how to sneak around where they can't hear me. You'll basically just be in the way." Elena scoffed, "Damon now is not the time to be the lone ranger." He rolled his eyes and sighed, "fine, Elena, you can drive the getaway car and Allison you can open the doors." "That's so lame." Allison said. "Neither of you are going in there." He told them, they were starting to annoy him.

Allison moved so that she was closer to him, "you can't stop us." Elena nodded, "yeah, it's Stefan we're talking about here. You don't understand." "Oh, I understand, I understand." He said to Elena over Allison's head, "he's the reason you live. His love lifts you up where you belong. I get it." Allison jabbed him in the chest, "hey, don't make fun of her." Elena nodded, "can you just not joke around for two seconds?"

His face turned serious, "I can't protect you both, Elena. I don't know how many vampires are in there." He snapped his fingers in front of Allison's face and she blinked, "that's how long it takes for you to get your head ripped off. I have to be able to get in and get out. I can't be distracted with your safety or this will be a blood bath that none of us will walk away from, including Stefan." His voice and eyes softened then, "I know. I get it. I understand."

Of course he understood. That's how he felt when he thought Katherine was trapped in the tomb. He had waited so long for her and was worried the entire time that she was dead. His eyes darted to Allison though and he found that he would be doing the same thing with her now. She was his friend after all. Alaric looked at the three of them, "if we're gonna go, let's go." Elena had tears in her eyes and Allison slung her arm over her shoulder and led her to the car.   

Damon and Alaric had left fifteen minutes ago to save Stefan and they were both starting to get agitated. Suddenly a tree fell and smashed against the hood making them both gasp. Allison opened the car door and kept the tranquilizer dart hidden. "Come on, we're going in." Elena followed her out of the car, "but Damon said-" "Do you want to save your boyfriend?" Elena nodded, "well, come on then, let's go save your guy." 

They walked through the rain towards the house. Elena followed her immediately and as they got in view of the house she was about to walk forward when Allison stopped her. She pointed to go around and Elena agreed. Allison led her over the small fence around the house and then pushed Elena against the wall when she saw a door. "Billy, Jacob, get back in here." She heard a vampire call and she went backwards a bit. Looking across, Elena saw some steps leading to a basement and pointed so Allison could see. She nodded, agreeing to go that way and signaled for Elena to crouch down to get passed the door. She nodded for Elena to follow and crouched and ran quickly to the steps and seconds later Elena followed.

They opened the gate and walked down the corridor, but they came across a door. Elena looked inside and jiggled the handle, but it was locked from the inside. Allison motioned for Elena to smash the window and she did opening the door. Allison looked around to see if anyone heard the glass smashing, but it appeared no one had.

Allison peaked around the corner and saw a vampire with headphones in. He got up suddenly and Allison pushed Elena back, gripping the tranquilizer dart tighter in her hand. Elena poked her head around Allison and saw the vampire standing there. Allison whipped around and pushed her behind her. She got in a fighting stance, ready to kick this vampires ass when someone stabbed him in the neck and he crumpled to the floor. The vampire stepped out of the shadows and hissed, "are you insane?" Allison only shrugged.

Elena barged through a wooden door and sure enough, there was Stefan being strung up by ropes. He looked like crap, "Elena? Allison?" He gasped, "you guys shouldn't be here." Damon entered then, "they were supposed to stay in the car." "Didn't wanna miss out on all the action, now did we." Allison said.

He rolled his eyes as they both walked over to the vampire that was staked to the chair. Allison handed him a stake and he went to stab him, but Stefan stopped him, "no, no. Not him." Allison shrugged and Damon turned away and went to the ropes. "Whatever, let's get you down." "There's vervain on the ropes." Stefan croaked. Damon pointed to the ropes, "Allison, Elena, pull that."

They pulled the two sides of the rope that were holding him up and he fell forward, but Damon caught him before he could hit the floor and he untied the ropes from his hands. "Alright, let's go. Clothes on." He took Allison's hand and began to lead her out. 'Wait." Stefan called. Allison groaned, "people, we've got a house full of vampires upstairs that will rip our heads off, let's go." Damon agreed as he hissed quietly, "come on, we gotta go."

After they finally helped the other vampire they left the room. Damon turned to them, "can you two get him in the car?" Elena nodded as she helped Stefan walk, "yeah." Allison put Stefan's other arm over her shoulder, "what about you?" He looked around, "you rescue, I'll distract. Go." And they left carrying a very weak Stefan. As they finally escaped the house and got into the woods, Elena stumbled which caused a sort of domino effect as Stefan fell and then Allison. "You okay?" Stefan grumbled.

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