14. Unpleasantville

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Allison had gotten home pretty late the other night. It wasn't the fact that she had gotten drunk, not true at all actually. She and Damon had been talking, playing pool, a game of darts, and then they began talking of ways to get Katherine back. Allison had agreed to allow Damon down to her house so that he could look through her family's journals. She didn't really see how that could help, but apparently it wouldn't hurt to check.

She was up in the attic looking through all the boxes for her family journals when she finally found them in a box filled with books, journals, and a few family heirlooms. Picking the box up she began to climb down the small ladder leading to the attic, but on her way down she lost her footing and slipped. She yelled in fright as she fell and braced herself for the pain that was to come, but it didn't. Instead she felt someone catch her.

Allison looked and saw that it was Damon who had caught her and prevented her fall. She sighed in relief. "You saved me. Thank you." She looked up at him and he smirked, but didn't say anything. He just stared at her. Allison was beginning to feel awkward with him staring at her and looked down at the box that she had managed to hold onto. Only a few books had fallen out. She cleared her throat, "yeah, so I found my family's journals and stuff."

Blinking and shaking his head, Damon set her down on the floor and picked up one of the books, "um, yeah great." She nodded, "c'mon." and led him into her bedroom. "Ooh, nice. Very artistic." Damon mused jokingly. It was clear, due to the vast amount of canvases, paint brushes and a guitar in the corner it fit her personality perfectly. Very Allison.

Allison placed the box on her bed and turned to him, "so, here's all the family stuff. Why do you wanna look through the journals anyway?" Damon walked over to her bed and began looking through the box and answered, "because that Logan Fell guy said that families passed down journals to their children. I wanna see if somebody wrote something about Emily in here." He told her.

Allison remembered something then that she hadn't done. "Um, yeah. I meant to thank you about the whole Logan kidnapping thing, so... Thank you." She said awkwardly. Damon stopped looking through the box for a second and looked at her, "no problem, Alliecat." She had to be the only person in this town who thanked him for anything. He stopped staring at her and went back to looking through the box until he found a load of journals at the bottom. He picked the box up and dumped it on her bed, "I'll do half and you do the other." He instructed her.

Allison snorted, "you're not the boss of me. You can't tell me what to do." Damon raised his eyebrows at her and smirked, "I just did, and actually if you didn't have that little necklace I could make you do whatever I wanted." Her hand stroked her necklace and she smirked back at him, "yeah, well you're never gonna know again because I'm never gonna take this off." Damon rolled his eyes and threw a book at her and she caught it easily and groaned, "but I hate reading." "Tough, kitten." He deadpanned and she huffed and sat on her window seat.

Damon picked up one of the books and plopped down onto her bed reading Mark Carter's journal. He remembered him from back in the day since he was best friends with his father. Damon didn't mind the guy, he never agreed with his fathers way of degrading him all the time, but Damon's father wasn't a fan of him as Damon was also friends with their son Max who was sent away after he had, had an illegitimate son with a woman that he was madly in love with. Max was never heard from again.

Damon and Allison read and read, but there was nothing in any of the journals about Emily's Grimoire. Sighing, Damon grabbed one of the last few journals that looked quite new. He doubted anything about Emily was in here, but it wouldn't hurt to try. He was starting to get annoyed when he had read all the way to April. He was in 1992 now and realized that this was Madison Carter's journal. Everything she wrote mainly consisted of normal boring things and the Founders Council, but when he was about to close the journal and give up he saw the date. It was a few days after Allison's birth in 1992 and he decided to read it.

April 20th, 1992

A baby girl. We have a baby girl. I couldn't be happier, and neither could David. Justin was excited to have a little sister to take care of. Lauren and Henry adore her as well, and she seems to have a way of making people love her. She didn't look like either one of us. She didn't have my eyes or hair and she didn't have David's nose or mouth.

It was earlier today when we had everyone around for baby Jessica's birthday when I heard a loud rapping on our door. Curious, I answered the door and saw nothing. I thought at first it was some kind of prank pulled by one of the kids on the street when I heard a muffled cry below me. I gasped at what was before me. A baby was lying there wrapped in a blanket and I immediately picked her up and called for David. Everyone surrounded me and awed and cooed at the baby. 

We all looked outside to see who would abandon a baby, but we found nothing. Only a note stating when and where she was born. Nothing else. She had stunning brown eyes and a tuft of dark hair. I named her Allison Marie Carter. David wasn't happy about it at first, but he came around. I wanted her to feel like a part of the family. I would be her mother from now on and nothing would change that.


Damon's eyes widened; Allison was adopted? Her real parents had just left her on the doorstep? Damon looked back up at Allison in shock. Allison felt his eyes on her and she looked up from the journal that she was reading and saw his expression. She raised her eyebrows, "are you okay Damon? Did you find anything?" Damon looked down at the journal and figured now wasn't the best time to tell her that she was adopted. Katherine was his main priority right now, Allison could wait, "um, no. It's nothing."

She nodded her head unconvincingly, "oh, okay. Well, there's nothing in this one. I don't think they knew anything about Emily and her spell book." Damon nodded and put the journals back, making sure to put Madison's at the bottom of the box when he heard her door open and someone say, "what were you doing in the attic?" Allison snapped, "none of your business." David glared at her and rose his voice, "it is my business to know why you're looking through the journals." He then noticed Damon sitting on her bed and he looked between Allison and him, "Hello Damon." He greeted calmly.

Damon put on a smile, "hi David. I was just helping Allison with her history project. It is my top subject." David laughed, "Allison and history, good luck with that." Allison glared daggers at him, "why did you come in here anyways? If it was just to insult me then you can leave." She demanded. He folded his arms, "you don't talk to me like that. This is my house." Allison stormed towards her door, "Well this is my room, so get out." He breathed heavily trying to calm down again and looked towards the box of books. "Put them back when you're done. I don't need you ruining them like you ruined everything else." He said before walking out. Allison slammed the door locking it and she groaned loudly as she fell against the door, "is that how he treats you?" Damon asked.

She looked back at him and nodded, "daily. He's a dick." She didn't like talking about this and immediately changed the subject, "look. I gotta meet Tyler at the Grill so..." Damon grimaced, "the jerk that cheated on you?" Allison stood in front of him, "yeah, we're friends now." Damon scoffed, "yeah right. After something like that happens you can never be the same again."

Allison folded her arms, "why do you care?" She questioned. Damon was about to say something, but he honestly didn't know why he was so bothered by her going off with her ex. It wasn't his problem, or business to get involved in so he shrugged, "I don't. It just seems stupid to me, but whatever. You know what, I'll drive you there."

Allison's brows came together as she followed him out of the house and to his car, "um, okay." Damon began driving to the Grill when Allison commented, "I love your car." Damon smirked, "thanks. Do you know what kind of car it is?" He doubted she did. Allison nodded as she looked out the window, "it's a 1969 Chevy Camaro. My uncle use to have one before I accidentally crashed it." She grimaced at the memory.

Damon laughed, "you crashed a car?" Allison looked at him incredulously, "I almost died!" She exclaimed, "I was in the hospital longer than Elena was when she had her car accident." Damon looked at her, "how did you end up crashing it?" Allison looked back out the window, "you know, I got upset and stuff. Anyway, you know Bonnie isn't going to help you, right?" Damon noted how she changed the subject and figured he would find out more another time. "I am very persuasive when I wanna be." He answered as he looked at her suggestively.

Allison scoffed and shook her head as they finally arrived at the Grill. Tyler and Matt were talking when something caught Matt's eye and he raised his eyebrows. He patted Tyler's shoulder and said, "looks like you've got some competition." Tyler turned around and his face fell when he saw Allison walking in with Damon. She smiled at something he said and pushed him away. Tyler shook his head, "no way in hell." Matt chuckled, "you're a bit late I think, Ty."

"Shut up." Tyler hissed and walked over to her, "Hey." He greeted and pulled her into a hug. Allison stiffened and stood there awkwardly, "um, hey Ty. What's up?" Tyler pulled away and smiled down at her and slung his arm over her shoulder. "Nothing much, just chatting to Matt, but now we can have some fun since you're here."

Allison nodded and Damon saw how uncomfortable she looked with his arm over her shoulder and he felt bad for the guy. He was clearly interested in a relationship with her and she didn't want one. Well, good. She didn't need to hook up with him again; she could get far better guys than this tool. 

Damon caught sight of Bonnie in the corner of his eye and said to Allison, "catch you later, Alliecat" and just to piss Tyler off, he winked at her and kissed her cheek. Tyler stiffened and said, "c'mon let's get something to drink and eat." "Sure." She said as she shrugged his arm off her shoulder and walked ahead of him. They sat down at the bar and ordered there food and drinks. "So, what's the deal with you and Salvatore?" He asked.

Allison stopped mid sip of her drink and looked up through her lashes, "Um, I don't know. Why?" Tyler tried to seem nonchalant, though it was tough, "you just seemed really pally with him is all." Allison sighed, "Tyler, I'm allowed to hang out with other guys, not just you." "I know, but Damon Salvatore? Really?"

Allison turned in her seat so that she was facing him fully now, "yeah so? I can talk and hang out with whoever I want to." He was really starting to annoy her. Tyler leaned back slightly, "I know-" Allison shook her head, "no, Tyler. Look, I don't want you to get the wrong idea now that we're hanging out again. You know what I mean?" She was trying her best to be sympathetic and placed a hand on his shoulder. Tyler smiled and nodded, "c'mon, let's play pool." He tried to make it seem like it didn't bother him, but he was hurting.

Allison was standing in front of the mirror brushing off her white/blue polka-dot dress for the 50s dance and smiled at herself in the mirror. It took her forever to find the dress and do her hair and she thought she had done a pretty good job. She was about to leave when something caught her attention out of the corner of her eye. Allison turned around so that she was facing the window and walked forward opening it and looking out, but nothing was there. She was sure she had seen someone.

Looking around outside again she shook her head, closed her window and left her house getting into her car and driving to school. Getting out she walked inside the school and looked around at all the students dancing to 1950s music. She spotted Elena, Bonnie and Caroline together at a table drinking punch. Allison made a move to go and talk to them when Tyler stood in her way. "Hey Ty. How's it going." She asked as she looked over his shoulder at her friends. Tyler smirked down at her and said, "Hey Allie. It's going good. Wow, you look great!"

Allison smiled and nodded, "yeah, thanks. So do you." "Why don't I go and get us some punch?" He asked. Allison nodded and forced a smile, "yeah." and he walked off to get the drinks. Allison walked over to her friends. Tyler was really annoying her lately, she was trying to be a friend to him, but he was making it awfully hard. She sighed when she reached them, "oh my gosh, Tyler is driving me crazy." She groaned. 

Bonnie laughed, "Why's that?" She asked as Allison Leaned against the table and told them, "I think that he thinks that now that we're hanging out again that we're gonna get back together soon. I don't want to give him the wrong idea." Caroline sighed, "at least someone wants to be with you." Bonnie turned to her friend, "it's gonna be okay. He'll see straight soon enough."

Allison looked between them and asked, "who Matt? Oh, don't worry Caroline. Like Bonnie said, that boy will see straight sooner or later." Allison reassured her and Caroline smiled gratefully. Recently, ever since Caroline had begun hanging around with Matt she had become less self centered and the two had managed to form a friendship. She was a far nicer person with Matt in her life.

Allison had noticed how unusually quiet Elena was being and turned to her mouthing, "are you okay?" Elena nodded her head in a direction showing her she wanted Allison to follow and she did. "What's going on?" She asked as soon as they were out of ear shot from everybody. Elena sighed, "there's a vampire that's been invited into my house." Allison raised her eyebrows in surprise. "What? When? How?"

"Last night. It's the same vampire from when I crashed my car and Jeremy invited him in, he posed as the pizza delivery guy." She explained. "We're gonna get him here, tonight." Allison looked around, "seriously? Are you for real? Is that smart with all these people?" Elena shrugged saying, "it was Damon's idea" before Stefan came over and Elena linked their arms together.

Stefan smiled at her, "hey, Allison. Nice Dress." He complimented. Allison grinned and twirled in a circle to show off her dress to him, "thanks, Stefan, but I knew that I already looked fabulous." She said jokingly and winked at them both. They laughed as they headed back to where Bonnie and Caroline were, but saw them walk away from Damon.

"Where did they go?" Elena asked him. Damon looked to where they walked off to and said, "I don't know." Stefan and Allison held back a laugh, "What'd you say to them?" Damon sighed, "I was perfectly polite." He turned to Elena, "Elena, would you like to dance?" "I would love to." Elena said surprising Allison and Damon until she said, "Stefan, may I have this dance?"

Allison burst out laughing as they walked onto the dance floor. "Damn. You just got rejected my friend." Damon looked at her, "friend?" Allison shrugged her shoulders and told him, "just a figure of speech." Damon smirked down at her, "I guess this is my last chance, so, would you like to dance, Alliecat?" Allison scoffed, "yeah right. Not in a million-" She stopped mid sentence when she saw Tyler looking for her and she looked back at Damon and smiled. "You know what? I've changed my mind. Let's dance." 

Damon raised his eyebrows at her until he noticed Tyler as well and he smirked. He was about to make a sarcastic comment when she grabbed his hand and pulled him to the dance floor. Damon placed his hands on her hips and she wrapped her arms around his neck as they danced to the music. "You know, I hate to say it, but I told you so." Allison looked up at him and asked, "what? What are you talking about?"

Damon smirked, "the jerk, your so called friend. I told you it would never be the same, and I was right." Allison laughed lightly, "okay, so you were right. He want's something more, and I don't think I do." Damon's brows came together, "you don't think? You must know what you want." Allison shook her head, "not with Tyler. It was very stop and go with him. It was fun before, but I don't think I want that now." "Aah." Damon began, "you want a serious relationship."

Allison looked insulted, "Tyler was my serious relationship. I was with him for a year." Damon snorted, "well, I'd love to see your playful relationship." "You're a jerk." She told him. He rolled his eyes, "like I haven't heard that one before." He said and spun her around.

'Great Balls of Fire by The Misfits' began to play and Allison grabbed Damon's hands from her waist and shook them by her sides making Damon laugh. "C'mon. Show me how they danced back in the 50s." She insisted. "Why would I do that?" He smiled down at her, she was so funny. Allison shrugged, "A) You're Damon and I can see you doing it. B) Why not? and C) To show up Stefan." "No." Damon told her.

Allison pouted and looked up at him with those huge brown eyes and Damon made the mistake of looking into them as she pleaded, "please, for me?" Damon groaned, "fine, but just to show up my brother." Damon twirled her outwards and then back into his chest. He then picked her up and swung her downwards and then back up and then dipped her back down and smirked at her amazed expression.

Allison laughed as he pulled her back up, "that was awesome." She laughed and Damon found himself laughing with her. Her laughter made him laugh. He was still holding her pressed against his chest when they heard someone clear their throat. Damon looked up and Allison looked behind her and saw that it was Tyler. Damon let go of her and told her, "I'm gonna scope out the place." Allison nodded and smiled at him.

Tyler handed her the drink and didn't look at her. Allison stared at him as she said, "hey, don't be like that, okay?" Tyler glared down at her, "how can I not when your dancing with that douche-bag?" Allison shook her head in annoyance, "first of all, it's my life and I can dance with whoever I want to and second, I don't know why your so upset for."

Tyler shook his head as he saw Damon out of the corner of his eye finish his conversation with Mr. Saltzman and he looked at the two of them glaring at Tyler. He appeared to be listening as Tyler spat at Allison, "you know what, I thought you were different Allie." "What is that supposed to mean?" She demanded. "That you're just like every slut in this school." He insulted.

Shock hit Allison's face before anger fell over it. Allison chucked the drink in Tyler's face and threw the cup at him. "Screw you Tyler! Don't waste your breath talking to me because I wont care enough to listen!" She yelled as she stormed off. Damon walked up to him chuckling to himself, "you deserved that, you know." He said as he patted him on the shoulder and walked off

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