The Test

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Martha kisses her goodbye then walks out leaving the house door unlocked to test Hailey.

Hailey lays there for a few minutes and decides to  get up and clean the house.  She strips the bedding and puts it in the wash.  She goes around dusting then vacuuming.  Last she mops and moves the bedding to the dryer.  Once the dryer finishes, she freshly makes the bed.  She washes Martha's laundry next.

Martha drives to her office.  She starts talking to her team and getting their ideas.  She agrees with some and tells them what she found and also what they need to research.

Hailey finishes every last bit of laundry, folds it or hangs it up, and puts it away.  She even washes Martha's alcohol cup.  Then she passes out on the couch.

Martha finishes her work after a few hours and drives to a fancy restaurant to get some dinner.  She takes it and drives to her house.  She enters the house.  It smells nice and looks so clean.  She walks in the kitchen placing the food on the counter and sees Hailey asleep on the couch.  She smiles, walking over to her and kisses her cheeks then lips.  “I’m back.   Wanna have dinner?”

Hailey smiles brightly and hugs Martha.  "Welcome home, Miss!  I'm sorry I wasn't awake and kneeling by the door to greet you. I'd love to eat dinner with you. Thank you so much."

Martha kisses Hailey again.  “That’s fine.   You did enough for today cleaning.  Let me get changed and get you changed.  Then I’ll reheat the food."  Martha smiles and picks Hailey up, walking to her bedroom.  She gives Hailey some comfortable clothing and then she takes off her clothes and bra.  She puts on her pajamas.

Hailey smiles feeling nice.  Her Miss appreciated her hard work.  She feels so happy.  "The food smells good, Miss. Thank you so much."  She never even realized that Martha left the door unlocked, but it wouldn't matter.  She wouldn't go anywhere.  She's exactly where she's meant to be.  She feels at home.

Martha kisses Hailey again.  “I’m sure you need to eat a lot since you haven’t eaten that well these days, so I brought a lot of food since I’m hungry myself."  She smiles and takes a hold of Hailey’s hand walking to the kitchen,  reheating the food and plating it.

"I'm honored and happy to eat whatever you allow, Miss!"  She smiles at Martha and waits for permission to sit.  She kneels while Martha prepares their food.

Martha loves how Hailey is.  It feels like she’s not a sub but a slave.  She could legit collar her on the spot, but Martha knows she needs to train her first.  “You may sit and start."  Martha carries the plates  of food and to the table.

"Thank you, Miss," she says as she gets up and walks to the table.  She takes the seat beside Martha's and begins eating.  "Miss, how was work?"

“It was meh.  A couple got divorced.  The father is paying money to keep the child, but the mother really wants the child. She claims he’s abused by her husband, the child's father, so I need to see if the mother is telling the truth.  He will be watched with the child for a week.” Martha looks at Hailey and feeds her more feeling so glad that she got home and got to see Hailey’s angelic face.

Hailey smiles. "It's good you're on the case. The child will grow up safe thanks to you."  She beams and continues eating.
This is delicious!
"I hope it's okay that I washed the bedding and your laundry, Miss.  I wanted to do everything I could to help you.  I'd kneel on the floor to let you rest your feet if you needed or wanted.  I'd do anything for you, Miss.  Um, may I ask you something?"

Martha smiles then looks at Hailey while she talks.  “And you passed the test.  The door was unlocked, and you did nothing which is amazing.  Yes, go ahead and ask baby.”

Hailey blushes and feels great.  "Miss, will you train me?  I feel like I'm nowhere near the level of your subs, and I want to make you happy."

Martha nods.  “I was thinkcing of that, baby."  Martha smiles and feeds Hailey another bite.  “So c’mon  eat up.”

Hailey eats a lot of food and gets full.  "Miss, I couldn't possibly eat another  bite.  I'm so full. Thank you so much."  She looks to see if Martha is finished as well.  She offers to clean up.

Martha eats up everything that’s left.   She then drinks some soda to wash it down and offers some to Hailey.  She gets up and leaves washing the dishes and cleaning up for Hailey.

Hailey smiles and carries the dishes to the kitchen. She wipes down the surfaces and washes the dishes.  She dries and puts them away and then searches for Martha.  She lets out a yawn and stretches while she walks to the living room.

Martha smiles and starts reading her book.  “Tired?”  She looks at Hailey and pats the spot next to her.  “Movie and cuddles."

Hailey joins Martha cuddling up on her lap.  She lays her head against Martha's chest and quietly looks up at her face. She smiles softly and whispers, "I love you."  She doubts Martha could hear her, but her heart has been screaming at her to do it.  She just  finally gave in and said it.

Martha chooses a movie while playing with Hailey’s hair.  She smiles and looks at Hailey.  “What did you say, hm?”  She blinks trying to understand.

Hailey’s face turns bright red.  She sits up looking into Martha's eyes. She clenches her hands into fists and repeats herself, "I love you."

Martha looks at Hailey listening to her words.  She just stays there in shock and gulps not knowing how to respond to her.  “When did this start developing?”

"A while now, Miss.  I would do anything for you because I truly love you, and I have such respect for you.  I just hope one day that you'll love me too.  If you don't, it's okay.  I want to please you and be owned by you.  I'd love to be collared by you one day."

Martha stays there, still in shock.  “Let me think about it."  She  looks back at the TV screen.  Her face is so red, so she just focuses her attention on watching the show.

Hailey’s heart feels like it drops in her chest.  She lays against Martha and acts like she's watching the movie.   Instead, she's in her head and crying silently until she falls asleep.

Martha looks at Hailey, seeing that she's asleep.  She turns off the TV and picks her up, walking to her bed.  She puts Hailey down and lays down next to her,  pulling her closer.  “And I like you a lot,"  she whispers in her  ear and kisses her cheeks.

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