The Man at the Cafe

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We decided to go to a huge Cafe for lunch. We got seated and looked at the menues. When the waitress came, we were all ready to order.

We placed our orders and the waitress was gone. She's fast, I can tell you.

Then, a man walked up to us and slapped his hands on the table like he was the head of the table.

"Hello, ladies. I've been expecting you. Now which one of you is Claire?" he said, his voice cracking.

"I . . I am." I said.

"You and your group shall be given a power of your choice. Your power will be held in your gemstone necklaces you are all wearing. Use them wisely. What power do you want? Spit it out, lady!"

"I've always wanted shape shifting."

With the touch of his finger, a mysterious vortex swireled around his finger into the gemstone. A crinkling noise came from inside me, and made me bend down holding my stomach. My friends came over.

"Claire, are you okay?" Victoria asked.

"I . . I . . think so." I said. "I fell different, though."

"Try turning into something." the man said.

I got up, and in my head, I wanted to be a mosquito. And then all of the sudden, I was a mosquito.

"Oh, my god! I have the power of shape shifting!" I turned back into a human and danced.

Victoria got the power of telekinesis and Marie got super speed. It was awesome. I don't get it though. Why would someone keep a secret from us about our families?

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