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After Lucy had given every Narnian the drop of her healing liquid, it was time for the crowning ceremony. Mara stood in her bedchambers as she looked at her reflection in the mirror. She wore a red dress with golden trim on in and her hair was in a feather waterfall braid. She still wore her lion necklace, a reminder of her parents. The young girl turned when she heard her door opened and smiled when she saw it was her mother. Aria grinned at the sight and said, "I always thought that I wouldn't see the day you would be crowned the High Queen of Narnia. You look beautiful, my little cub." Mara smiled at her mother and turned when someone knocked on the door. They turned to see a faun, bowing to them. He said, "They're ready for you, Your Majesties."

Aria led her daughter to the throne room; where they were greeted by Aslan, the siblings, and the Narnians.' Aslan led the siblings to their thrones first, crowing Peter as High King. Aria watched from her place by Oreius with a proud smile on her face. Aslan said, turning to his daughter, "And finally, my daughter......Princess Amara." Mara then walked over to the throne on the left of Peter, singling that she was the High Queen of Narnia. He continued, as Tumnus placed a crown on Mara's head, "For a long time, Narnia has been without its heir but now, it has its heir. To the glistening sky, I give you High Queen Amara, the Jewel of Narnia!" Mara rose her head, with a big smile on her face. Aria had happy tears rolling down her fur. The siblings and Mara sat in their thrones, looking at each other with smiles on their faces.

After the crowning ceremony, there was a feast in honor of their battle victory and the crowning. Mara danced with Peter in the middle of the dance floor, in the middle of the circle. Unknown to her, her parents were leaving again. They knew that they had played their part and it was their time to go, for now. Lucy watched their departure with sadness in her eyes. She wondered how Mara was going to take her parents leaving. Tumnus said, startling the girl, "Don't worry, they'll be back." Lucy replied, "How can I not worry? I'm worried for Mara. She had just gotten her parents back and her throne." Tumnus said, "Well, I believe that they knew that they had played their part and it was time for them to go. We just have to have faith that they will return." Lucy smiled sadly then turned back at her friend who was now her brother's girlfriend, seeing her happiness. She then turned back to see Aslan and Aria's retreating figures. Mara danced with Peter happily among the Narnians. Peter then led Mara away from the ball and onto a balcony, where there was privacy. Mara said, looking at the sunset, "It's beautiful, isn't it?" Peter replied, smiling, "Not as beautiful as you." Mara giggled and said, nudging Peter with her shoulder, "You are cheeky, aren't you?" Peter replied, "Only around you, love."

Fifteen years later, things in Narnia had been peaceful ever since Mara and the siblings took over. Mara ruled as the High Queen, as it was her birthright, while Peter rules as the High King as her consort. Of course; Susan, Edmund, and Lucy ruled along with the couple. By this time, Peter and Mara were wed. Mara stood in the council room with the council members as they looked at the papers in front of them, discussing the matters of the kingdom. Peter walked into the room and went over to his wife's side. He said to her, kissing her temple, "How are things?" The council bowed to the High King. Mara replied, sighing, "A pain. You can have a look if you wish." Peter chuckled and said, "I am alright, thank you. The White Stag has been spotted. Care to come with me and the others to have a break?" Mara replied, smiling, "Would love to." The Queen turned back to the council and said to them, smiling, "We will get back to this later, my lords." The head of the council bowed to the Queen and said, "As you wish, Your Majesty."

The couple walked out of the room then ran down the hallway to the stables where Susan, Edmund, and Lucy were waiting. The group road through the forest, smiling and laughing. Edmund's horse started to slow down, breathing heavily. Edmund said to Philip, "You alright, Philip?" Philip replied, panting, "I'm not as young as I once was." Mara rode back to Edmund and said, concerned, "Everything okay, Ed?" Edmund replied, "Just catching my breath, Mar." Susan said, riding over to Mara, "That's all we'll catch at this rate." Lucy said to her sister, "What did he say, Susan?" Susan replied, mocking Edmund from earlier that day, "'You girls stay at the castle and I'll catch the stag myself.'" Everyone began to chuckle at Susan's sarcasm. Mara noticed something familiar and said, riding over to it, "What is this?" Peter replied, jumping off of his horse, "It's like a dream." He helped his wife off of her horse. Susan said, jumping off of her horse as Edmund and Lucy did the same, "Or a dream of a dream." Lucy whispered, "Spare 'Oom."

She then ran towards the path in front of them, causing her siblings and Mara to groan. Peter said, calling after Lucy, "Lucy!" Susan said, following after her brother and sister, "Not again." Mara said, as she and Edmund followed after the two, "Lu!" The group made it into the wardrobe, pushing through the fur coats. Mara said, feeling someone step on her toe, "Hey, that was my foot!!" Peter replied, guilty, "Sorry, love. That was me." The group made it out of the wardrobe, landing roughly on the ground. They noticed that they were young again. Mara and Peter looked down at their hands to see that their wedding rings were still there.

Mara's hand then went to her neck to see that her lion necklace was still there. The professor walked into the room and said, holding a cricket ball in his hand, "There you all are. What were you doing in the wardrobe?" Mara replied, "You knew about Narnia, didn't you, uncle?" The professor smiled and nodded. Susan said, "That's why you told us to believe Lucy. It all makes sense now." The professor said, "Why don't you tell me about it?" Peter replied, looking at Mara then back at the professor, "You wouldn't believe us if we told you, sir." The professor threw the cricket ball at the young boy, with Peter catching it, and said, smiling, "Try me." The siblings and Mara looked at each other then grinned. After telling the story of their adventure, the siblings and Mara began to wonder about Narnia and Mara's parents. However, little did they know, they would have another adventure soon.

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