Ch 13

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*few months later*
I was helping gothie out. I had become her apprentice soon after my arrival. Apparently I was good with my plants. I had decided to remain on berk with my father even though Snotlout begged me to join the riders. I think it was Gothie who finally put her foot down as she claimed me as she apprentice. I didn't mind and I did like Snotlout who actually wrote to me quite often. I wrote first after a smaller red dragon started following me around. I named her sunset. Today I was helping Gothie organize when dad and hiccup stormed in. Stoic was throwing all the supplies into the water. "Dad stop what is going on?" I exclaimed. "Yohan betrayed us. He is leading Viggo and Kalhu and the dragon hunters. "No. He was my favorite trader besides the ones from bleln." I exclaimed even as stoic grabbed a box of supplies and tossed them. "Yes so we are getting rid of everything. Just in case." Stoic said causing hiccup to start trying to talk. "Dad! Wait that... was the supply of willow bark." I said watching as it was tossed over. "We will take no chances." Stoic said before storming off again. "I have already contacted the next three best traders. We will need supplies and fast." Hiccup said.

The next day the traders had arrived but stoic wasn't impressed. "No willow bark." He told me when I asked quietly why they were turned away. I nodded understanding that if a trader would not bring basic healing ingredients then what use were they. "Dad may I send sunset to bleln? I know a few traders loyal to the island. I'm sure they will help. I can write to uncle ingfred he knows the ones I'm talking about." I asked quietly even as Hiccup was protesting. "If you think they will help certainly. In the mean time I shall go out and try to find some willow bark." Stoic said to me as he got onto skullcrusher. "Be safe!" I called. "Where is he going?" Hiccup asked. "He's on his way to find willow bark as none of the traders had any. I'm writing to uncle ingfred to contact a family friend on bleln who is a good merchant. Maybe not near those threes caliber but he would remember willow bark." I said going up to Gothie's place to write my letter.

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