Kate's POV: I felt very peaceful as Peso and I walked up the hill, up to the small cottage. But at the back of my mind, I knew something was off. I just couldn't figure out what it was.
We walked in a comfortable yet awkward silence up the hill. I could tell we were just waiting for something strange to happen. I felt a chill run along my spine, and I gripped Peso's hand tightly.
"Kate, are you sure you're alright? We can go now if you need to...." Peso asked hesitantly. I forced a smile and kissed his cheek.
"Don't worry about me, Peso." I replied when we reached the top of the hill. "I'm fine."
Isn't it strange that so much can be hidden behind the two words "I'm fine"?
We were still gripping each others hands tightly as I peered into the window of what I remembered to be the bedroom of Kwazii and I.
Clothes, books, and miscellanious items scattered the floor between two twin-sized beds. I saw many a paint splatter and toy sword on untucked sheets.
"This place hasn't changed a bit." I muttered. And it was true. Every memory of this place was exactly the same as the current reality. No signs of movement. No signs of dust or anything.
Peso shifted uncomfortably. "Are you sure, Kate? That... that shouldn't be the case." He replied nervously.
I nodded slowly. "It's almost as though someone recently fixed this place up. But who? And why?" I asked. I wasn't going to lie. I was thoroughly creeped out now.
Barnacles' POV: I felt a chill in the room that hadn't been present before, as Shellington bent over the monitor typing furiously at the keys. Selene and I stood back waiting for the process to be complete; I had my arm around Selene's shoulders and she snuggled into me slightly.
"What are we going to do if we find out where Dani and the psychos are?" Selene worried. "We can't go up against them alone."
"We'll have to worry about that later," I reassured her. "Maybe get the police involved or something."
Selene laughed drily. "Might have to go looking for them first. There's no police on Windfell Island, it seems."
"We might have to go back to the Octopod to formulate a plan. Whatever we do, we do together as a crew," I said decisively. "We're not splitting up again. Ever."
"That's a good idea," Selene murmured into my shoulder.
I suddenly felt a rushing urge to ask my girlfriend something that had been niggling in the back of my mind since we escaped the Island. "Selene... how did you know how to do all that stuff back at the Island? Picking locks, and that high kick at the door, and the way you seemed so confident and sure?"
Selene looked uncomfortable and opened her mouth to say something else. Just then Shellington called us. "It's done. The file is loading." And Selene never had time to speak as we leant forward over the dimly lit monitor, curious yet apprehensive as to what spooked Dani so much.
Kwazii's POV: I guess I was a bit upset that I was missing out on the mission. But Tweak was worth it. I loved her more than I loved adventure, and that said a lot.
I made a call to Kate, worried about the crew. We had grown closer ever since we ended up on that island, but now, we didn't like being separate.And could you blame us?
It took a while, but eventually, I got a response. "Kwazii? Is something wrong?" My sister asked on the other end.
I gave a weak smile. Of course Kate would worry if I called her looking for a status update. My smile turned into a frown, though. "Nothing's wrong over here. Anything that I should be worried about?"
Kate sighed, sounding wistful. "Well, Peso and I just saw the cottage where Mom and Dad lived. It's in good condition. But Kwazii... it's been over twenty years since we've last seen the cottage, but... it's exactly the same."
My mind raced. "Nothing about it's changed in over twenty years?" I echoed. "No overgrown plants, no dust. No change at all, except for the time. But that's not the only thing that's bothering me." Kate replied.
I could picture her gripping Peso's flipper as she spoke. She sounded freaked out. Words tried to stick in my throat, but I forced the question out. "What did you see?"
There was a brief hesitation. "It's more of what I didn't see. Besides me, Peso, Captain Barnacles, Selene, and Shellington, I have yet to see a single soul here. Windfell is deserted."
I wasn't quite sure I comprehended that claim. "Deserted. As in, there's no one there?" I asked, just to be sure I had heard correctly.
"Exactly. But it's not like we're in danger or anything. You should probably check in with the others. They headed downtown. They might've found more." Kate responded.
I nodded numbly. "Right. See you in a bit, Kate." I replied. The call cut, and I saw Tweak looking at me, questions in her eyes.
I didn't respond. I didn't want her to worry, and yet... I couldn't shake the feeling that something was very, very wrong.
Eelean's POV: Tomminow scuttled up to me, smiling cheerfully and holding a tray of fish biscuits in both her hands. I smiled wearily and took one, thanking her with a nod. Tunip took another and Tominnow scurried out again, probably to offer some around to Tweak and Kwazii. I didn't know what it was, but the presence of the other Vegimals always seemed to calm me down, like a family. No matter how awful or depressed I was feeling from the random outbursts of emotion Christian sent me, the kind innocent gestures of the youthful happy Tomminow or the antics of Barrot and Grouber could always help me out. Not to mention the sunny disposition of my boyfriend, Tunip.
"Eel - ean," I heard in my mind, and pressed my hands to my head. Tunip looked at me in concern.
"No," I said in English, too tired to think in Vegimalese. I think it was because I was tuned into Christian's mostly English brainwaves. "Well, yes. When Christian's awake and sending me emotions it always affects my mood."
"It is okay today?" he asked, also in English. Tunip always knew what to do to help my tired mind out, ever since I explained to him the full aspects of our psychic link. Tunip wasn't amazing yet at English, but he tried. And I knew occasionally he felt the same emotion transfers as me, but weaker and only when Shellington was very close or having a very big emotion burst.
"Loneliness," I answered simply. "Christian's alone."
"I know what you mean," Tunip answered unexpectedly. I looked at him and realised instantly that he was distracted; his eyes were focused on a point in the ceiling and he was tensed, a sure sign that he was thinking about something.
"What is it, Tuni?"
Tunip shook his head. "Do you know if it's possible - to be linked to more than one person?"
"I don't know," I replied honestly. "Maybe."
Tunip met my eyes, his own suddenly wide and confused. "I... think I'm getting emotion transfers as well. But mine are from Selene!"
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