Chapter 19) Crash and Scatter

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A/N) Sorry it's probably been about three years since this has been updated! I'm posting all the prewritten chapters we wrote for this three years ago since people keep shouting at me in the comments :) enjoy!


Barnacles' POV: I pondered this dilemma, looking as I did so into my new co-captain's thoughtful chestnut eyes and knowing that she was thinking of Derek, gurgling quietly in her arms. The last time we had pulled him into this kind of situation, he had been taken by Lupo and nearly lost to us forever. I wasn't willing to let that happen again.

"I don't know," I admitted. "It's dangerous to take them in, but leaving them out here on their own is too risky. We could leave one of the Octonauts outside to look after them, but splitting up is too risky. Everything seems just too risky."

"I could take Brendan, Olivia and Derek back to my house," Elena offered. But she didn't sound too enthusiastic, and I dismissed this idea.

"No. We need you with us as much as anyone, and you need to help find your husband." Elena looked grateful.

While I was thinking, I remembered I had something else to tell my crew. "While we're all here, I have something to inform you. Selene and I are now co-captains. I know you all see her as so anyway, and it seemed the logical thing to do, so you have two people to go to if you need anything."

All the crew looked happy at this, and some clapped. Kate came up to Selene and hugged her. "Now you've got no excuse to leave."

Selene laughed lightly.

"I think we should take them in," Tweak said. "As you said, Cap, it's too dangerous to leave anyone out here where the virus is definitely stronger. And we're all here to protect them if need be."

I looked to Selene for joint approval, who nodded. It took a large load off my shoulders, not having to make all the decisions on my own any more. "Right then. We're all going in."

"Are we going to save Dada?" Olivia piped up in her soft lisp, which made everyone chuckle.

Elena nodded, kissing her forehead tenderly. "We are, Livvy. You're going to see Dada again very soon."


Shellington's POV: When I walked through the door and entered the lobby of the hotel, I was greeted by what appeared to once be a luxury hotel, but was now in ruins, perhaps would have been in the process of refurnishing.

Fancy sofas covered in dust took up the center of the room, surrounding a large stained glass coffee table. Toward the back of the room, there was a baby grand piano that looked as though it hadn't been used in quite some time. A crystal chandelier that seemed ready to fall at any second dangled precariously over the table.

I went around all of the stuff, automatically making my way to the reservation desk, where I studied the map of the place.

It was a massive hotel, with three stories, and fifty rooms on each floor, not to mention the staff areas, gym, pool, spa, and other luxuries.

Why would they take Dani and Christian here? It didn't make sense to me. But who knows how they thought? I sure didn't.

Nevertheless, I couldn't afford to waste time, even though I desperately wanted to sit down on one of the soft looking couches and lie down for a few good hours.

I took out my notebook and made a tracing of the map. When in doubt, start at the top. I climbed up the stairwell and began my search.


Tunip's POV: As soon as I touched the large door of the hotel a tingle ran through my small body. Shellington was here. He had touched this door. And recently, too. About... half an hour ago.

Eelean nudged my shoulder with her own. "Is he here?"

"Oh yes. He's here," I replied, not really knowing whether to be excited or terrified. Would Shellington want to see me again, after he had been deliberately blocking me for this whole time?

Kate was the first to go through the door, with Eelean following her closely behind. Kwazii followed her with wide eyes, and Selene gestured to me to go with her, which I was grateful for.

Inside it was very grand, yet evidently abandoned. The whole place was covered in dust, with the archaic velvet sofas looking more silvery grey than the purple they were meant to be. Kwazii immediately ran forward and with a laugh flung himself onto one, covering himself with dust in the process. Kate laughed too in amusement and exasperation. "Perlease, Kwazii!"

Selene was fingering the keys of an old grand piano that had stain marks covering the lid. I wasn't sure whether she played or not.

"Look, guys," Elena called from the main desk. She was holding up a map of the place. This hotel was much, much bigger than it looked from the outside.

"Three stories," Barnacles noted. "That's a lot of searching to do."

"Is there a basement of any kind?" Kate wanted to know. "Because I'm going to bet, if the villains are here, they're going to want to use a dungeon. And their style rather seems to be dark and underground."

"Good thinking," Barnacles told Kate. "We'll have to have a look, it doesn't show a basement on here."

"So where first?" I asked. "Where would Shellington have gone?"


Tweak's POV: I couldn't help but laugh as Kwazii flopped on the old, dusty couch. It was just like him, and it was good to have a slight distraction. However, I knew we had to be quiet. Too much noise could lead the villains right to us, and we didn't want that.

When Tunip asked where Shellington would have gone, I considered the possibilities, as well as what I knew about Shellington.

My friend Shellington wouldn't have gone without getting a good layout of the place and perhaps obtaining some clues. My friend Shellington would also take a safe and logical route. At least, that's what he would've done before everything went spiraling out of proportions. Now, who really knew?

"He's changed a lot in the last few months. There's really no way to tell if he's searching in a logical manner or a instinctual manner." I said sadly. I was truly worried for my friend. He had taken Dashi changing hardest of all of us.

Suddenly, we all heard a faint thumping. The chandelier began swaying precariously, creaking on its chains. It was both horrifying and hypnotizing. My engineering knowledge told me that it would break any second.

Sure enough, the crystal chandelier broke from its chain and fell to the ground with a loud shatter that one could probably hear from the other side of the island. Kwazii had leaped out of the way of the impact just in time.

Selene's eyes widened. "Hide!" She ordered, and there was no need to tell us twice. Whoever was on the second floor was most likely not friendly, and the crash would have alerted the psychos as well.

Everyone grabbed someone else and darted into one of the hotel rooms. Kwazii and I entered Room 126, and closed the door behind us, panting.

"You okay?" I asked silently, breathlessly.

Kwazii smiled. "Sure. I'm fine." He replied.

Together we waited for the hallways to be clear.


Kate's POV: Breathing heavily, I realised who I had instinctively darted into a room with: Eelean. We had both run for this door, and now it wad closed behind us. I wasn't sure where everyone else had gone, but the important thing was to make as little noise as possible for now, to make sure we weren't heard.

Eelean was looking worried as she watched the door with suspicion, her tiny body tense. For some reason, I could imagine exactly what she was feeling, sense it even. It was like we were ...

"Connected," I breathed as exactly the same time as Eelean. Our eyes met, her piercing green eyes seeming to see into my soul.

"Are we ..." I began, then heard a second resounding crash from outside and shut up, sharpish. I had no wish to be discovered in Room 123, with nowhere to run if the villains found us.

"Are you okay?" Eelean whispered in English, and I realised we were crouching next to each other behind a regal-looking bed.

"Yup," I said. "You?"

"Good," she replied softly, shaking her head when I opened my mouth to say more. She was right. We had to keep quiet, at least for the moment, even if I desperately wanted to question what had just happened between us.

On my radio I quickly checked with Peso, keeping our conversation short and to the point in case they were monitoring our radio usage. He had run into the room next to us, and was fine. I signed off with a tender 'love ya' and found that Eelean was staring at me somewhat wistfully, abruptly looking at the floor when she noticed I had seen her. My hand found her tiny one, and I squeezed it softly in reassurance. It shouldn't be too long now.


Cera's POV: There was a loud crash from the lobby. I stopped halfway in my tracks as I was heading to the gym on the second floor to lift weights in order to strengthen myself before I had to beat those Octonauts senseless. It would be fun to beat one of the Cats, though I would have to ask Damien. But I was getting ahead of myself.

I ran down the stairs to the lobby, and found a mess of broken glass, wooden splinters, pieces of ceiling, and crystal shards. It wouldn't take a genius to figure out that the chandelier had fallen. It didn't look like anyone had gotten hurt. Darn it.

Well, if anyone "unauthorized" had been in the vicinity when this occurred, they would probably still be here. I went down one of the halls, the one that looked like it had been recently traveled through. So many doors... so many hiding spots...

"Come out, come out... this isn't hide and seek... are you brave, or are you afraid?" I taunted softly, before chuckling. Silly Octonauts. Trying to act like they were big and brave and mighty, when really, they just kept hiding from us. Like a bunch of cowards.

I was certain that they were all here, and maybe a few extra guests came to our little party to have some fun. In that case, I had to alert the host.

I hit the radio on my collar, and began talking. "I have reason to believe that all of our little "friends" are here, Damien." I reported. I could almost hear his cruel smile.

"Excellent. I'll lock all the possible escapes. We don't want them leaving too early." He told me.

I smiled as the radio cut off. Let the games begin.

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