24. Dating

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~normal pov~

You started to cough and sit up coughing up blood.

"Your ok!" kid said then hugged you. "Im so glad" he says.

"Its going to take a lot more then a small hit of a wave length to kill me. You should now that. And just to let you now. I did here what you just said" you smiled at him. He blushes deeply. You grab his collar and pull him into a deep kiss. His blush deepens.

~lord deaths pov~

"Well this is sertanlly unexpected" I said.

"So what now!?! There going out now!? Im going to kill that little pest! Im going to cut him open and try and find what makes him think hes good enough for my child!" stien growls.

"Hold on Professor. Lets keep watching" I said stoping him.

~normal pov~

You pulled away.

"And I love you to" you said.

"Y/N" kid mumbled.

"Yes kid?" you asked.

"Do you want to go out with me, if its not the wrong time" he blushes.

"Of course" you smiled.

"Oh isnt this sweet?" asks a male voice. You both look over to see Griko. "Well, time to kill your new little boyfriend" he smirks. You stand up and lightening sparks from your hands.

"Soul residence" kid mumbled. You turned into the gun you just were and kid and you smirk.

"Lets go soul resident!" you both said. You turned into two bigger guns and the chain became two stands, and they were conected by a platform you made yourself. He points the gun at him.

"Noise, 0.0%...get ready to fire, in, 3...2...1..Ready when you are!" you said. Then he froze. Griko sprints at you two and he gets a few feet away.

"DEATH CANNON!!!" kid growled and shot Griko. And girko poffed to nothing but a soul. You turned back and grabed his soul then realized mosquito was aslo dead. You eat both of there souls and smirked then looked over at kid.

"You did a good job kid" you smiled at him. He hugs you.

"Dont ever play dead, no mater what happens, if its a sick joke, or something, dont" he sayd. You nod.

"Of course kid" you hug him back. You both let each other go and sprint off to find liz patty and crona. When you get to them they were outside with crona standing but liz and patty had his arms lightly wraped around there necks/sholders. "Lets go back to death city" you said. They nodded. They walked infront of you while you and kid didnt make eye contact while holding hands and blushing lightly.

"Hey so what even happened in there?" liz asks.

"Arcne got away but we killed mosquito and girko" you said.

"Nothing else happened" kid said.

"Then why are you two holding hands?" liz asks. You both gasp softly leting eachothers hands go and blushing.

"Y/N and kid sitting in a tree!" patty giggles.

"Shut it!" you growled. Kid smirked and got closer to you wrapping his arm around your waist.

"We shouldnt hide the fact were together now, lightening bolt" kid smirks. You blush softly looking away from kid.

"Your right but, what if my dad finds out?" you asked looking at him wraping your arm lightly around his neck/shoulders.

"Let him figure it out. He wont hurt me. My dad would make sure of it" he smiles.

"Good" you smiled.

~time skip~

You all got to the death room back at the academy and you froze seeing your dad. He stood by the mirror, a shadow over his face.

"Im not leting my baby girl go that easily kid" he says and starts to focus his soul wave length in one of his hands as he glared at kid.

"Wait! Dad! You want me to be happy right? Well Im happy with kid! Dont hurt him!" you say walking up to him. He glares at you. You grab his hand. "Please" you say. The shadow disappeared.

"Fine. That little pest gets you mad and Ill help you get revenge my lightning bolt" he smiles. Relief slaped kid in the face as he sighed shakily.

"Ok. Well, school is alomst over! So you and kid go hang out! Go! Go!" lord death said pushing you and kid out of the death room with his large hands. You both smiled a blushed softly then left the academy.

"So when should we have our first date?" you asked.

"Next weekend?" kid asks.

"Ok" you smiled. He stops when you to had to split to go home.

"Want me to walk you home?" he asks.

"Ill be fine" you smiled. You lightly kissed his cheek and walked twords your dads lab...

(Sorry it was shorter then normal! I hope all of you still enjoyed it!)

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