2. training

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~normal pov~

The shocking felling surpassed and you looked up see kid getting up from the floor. You realized something...you just hurt Deaths son!

"Oh shit! Kid are you ok!? Im so sorry!" you said. Your eyes shut tightly and looking away from were you saw him. You herd foot steps getting closer. You gasp ever so slightly and look up seeing him with his hand down and his other hand in his pocket.

"Come on just get up" he says.  You grabed his hand and you get up. You both look into eachothers eyes. You here a cough and you turn to see Spirit.

"You two should be in class now" he smirks. You both nod and leave. (You met everyone important to the anime dont worry)

~time skip~

You and kid were traning, everyone was watching. Even the professors. You watched as the girls next to him turn into guns. You smirk and turn your arm into a blade.

"You think you were the only one with a weapon?" you asked. He started to shoot at you. You dogged and made coments as you battled. You laughed as you doged him. "This is childs play, really" then you got shot and fell onto your knees while blood stained your shirt.

"If it was childs play, you wouldnt have gotten hit" he said walking twords you. You started to chuckle darkly then went into a loud insane laugh.

"Childs play! Right. I get harmed all the time during childs play. Its nothing but a game. You idiot" you said sounding slightly insane, you smirked standing up. You showded him the wound stiching itself up. Now it was a closed scar. "Have fun~" you smirked and ran twords him quickly like if blackstar used speed star. You got him.

It took a while but kid finally got a good hit on you, throwing you to the side, hitting the wall and breaking the wall on impact. At this point you where both covered in blood. You rolled onto your hands and knees coughing up blood. You looked up to see kid walking twords you. You flinched your head away from him looking at the ground, like you did when you hurt him earlier that day.

You looked twords him slightly then switched into a sitting postion triping kid. You whanted him to fall backwards but he fell forwards and onto you. He looked down. His legs where crabling your waist and his arms where on either side of your torso. And your faces where really close. You pushed him off you both blushing softly. You made your arms into swords and pointed them at his neck.

"I yield" he says. You press the swords on his neck.

"Your powerful, young Shinigami, but not powerful enough to win, or trick this mix" you chukled darkly changing your arms back and throwing him up. He fell twords the ground and you pointed your arm up and turned your hand into a knife.

"You won. Now dont hurt him anymore!" death whinded running twords you. You turned your hand back just in time to not hurt kid any more and caught him. He looked up and blushed softly seeing your huge smirk.

"your face dosent look symmetrical when you blush" you whispered. He breathed in sharply and faninted into your arms. You started laughing.

"I win, I win!!~" you laughed.

"What did you tell him exactly?" asked liz after her and patty turn back.

"Well, I told him that when he blushes his face isnt symmetrical" you said biting back a laugh.

"She was lieing wake up, kid" liz rolled her eyes. Kids eyes shot open and he struggled makeing you drop him.

"Owwww" he groaned and got up rubbing the small mark on his forehead.

"Im not sorry kid" you laughed and started to walk away. You, soul eater, maka, black star and Tsubaki all talked walking away slightly. You found out that the founders party.

You then got wraped in some type of thick black string. You gasped as it wraped around your limbs and torso. They tighten around you.

"Not sorry about that. You only won cause you lied. And caught me off gaurd. And my father gave up for me" kid glared at his dad.

"Well why dont you both come with me!" death smiled and pulled you and kid away. You both stood infront of death. "Kid, Y/N, because of the small fight you two had upon meeting, I want you two to hang out for the rest of the day. Or intell midnight tonight" Death says.

"What!?!" kid growls.

"Kid. Its just for tonight" death says.

"...oh" kid nods.

"Well that is all. Dismissed" death says. You both go and leave the academy with liz and patty. You both get to the death mansion. After a while of him showing you around you two sat at the dinging table. You stood up excising yourself and starting to leave.

"Were are you heading?" kid asks.

"Just out" you said leaving...

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