19. the beach (part 1)

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~a week later~

You where with your friends hangging out at the court while stien, blare, and spirit watched you all talk.

"Ok. So, tomorrow we are all free right? So, we should all go to the beach or something? Have a day off?" you suggested. Then kid got a nose bleed. "Shit, kid are you ok?" you asked.

"Y-yup just though of something hot sorry" he said.

"Ok. Well, Im going to discuss it more with the girls and I want you guys to not fight" you said tugging maka and tusbaki to the other side of the court. Liz and patty following.

"So what were you thinking about?" soul asks.

"Y/N in a bathing suit" kid said.

"Oh my gosh" soul got a major nose bleed. So did black star. Crona getting a small nose bleed but still a nose bleed.

"And what are you boys thinking about?" stein askes them. They jump surprised.

"Nothing!" they all said.

"You saying that just shows you said something about my little lightening bolt" he hisses.

"Hey dad! I have a question!" you got your dads attention.

"One sec! When I come back you better fucking tell me why you all got a nose bleed. Little fucking perverts" stein growls then goes to you.

"So we need a, like someone to watch us most of the time and we are going to the beach tomorrow so, we whanted you and Blair to watch us. Because spirit is...spirit. And also its funny to watch soul die of blood lose from a nose bleed sometimes" you chukled.

"Fine. And blair has to come why?" stein asks.

"Well, we dont trust her alone or with spirit, alone. Or watching us" you said.

"Yeah I get that. Fine. Whatever. As long as I get to pick your bathing suit" stein smirked.

"Well lets go get spirit to agree" you say.

"Oh come on. Thats all I want" stien says.

"Fine! But you also have to do the same with them!" you said.

"Oh come on!" whined maka. You stuck your toung out at her.

"Ok you guys arnt three. Lightning bolt put your toung back in your mouth. And maka deal with it. Or whould you rather whant your father to watch?" stien says.

"Fine" maka rolled her eyes. You put your toung back in your mouth.

"Ok thanks dad" you smiled up at him. He ruffled your hair and went back to the boys.

"Guess who will be chaperoning you little shitheads at the beach? Me and Blair" stein smirked.

"Oh my god were going to die" gasped kid.

"Also I am picking all the girls bathing suites" he smirked.

"At least spirit isnt" huffed a relifed soul.

"True" kid nodded.

You and the girls came back over. For the rest of the time you all talked about the details. And spirit begged to join and you got so annoyed you just agreed and alomst killed him for being so annoying.

(Dont worry the kishin isnt working with Arcane just yet so his madness didnt spread like it did in the 4th {3ed??} part of the anime)

~the next day and a hour befor the time it was to go to the beach~

You, maka, blair, tusbaki, patty, and liz all came out. Makas and tusbakis bathing suites were two peace, and were matching. Blair was the slutiest thing we could find so that spirit didnt flirt with you or any of the other girls. Patty and liz wore the same color two peace as well, and they were red and light blue. And yours, was kind of like stein and yours under sweater/shirt under your coats, just cut, and it was a two peace as well.

"Why?" you asked seeing your dad just in swim trunks and his normal shirt/under sweater thing.

"Because, you should show your stiches off" he smirks.

"Thanks" you growled softly.

"Ok now go cover up. Blair, I dont care if you do or not" your dad says. You and the others other then Blair go and put something to least cover your bottoms. You just put on an over sized jacket.

~with the boys~

They were all ready and walking to the beach talking. It didn't take long for it. They wanted to set up and when you and the other girls were ready you could head down.

"So what do you think blairs going to wear?" spirit asks.

"Something skippy and sluty" soul says.

"Oh! What about tusbaki?" star asks.

"Something flashy but not sluty, and still fashionable" kid says.

"And maka?" soul coughed.

"Probly the same as tusbaki, just smaller chest" kid said.

"And patty and liz?" crona asked.

"Hmmm. Mabey, he made them wear the same type of bathing suit, so if one has it on the other has a duplicate" kid shurggs.

"What about Y/N?" they all asked.

"Most likly the opposite of blairs. I mean, you know Dr.Stein, dosent want anyone looking at 'his little lightning bolt' in the wrong way" kid said.

"True" soul nodded.

"Hey boys!" called blair. They all looked over.

"He-" spirit stoped mid word and starred at the sluty suit blair had on. Stein, the biggest smirk on his face ever.

"Hey boys!" you greated and started to unzip your jacket. The others started to show there full bathing suites and kid couldnt keep his eyes off you while you took your jacket off. He fainted from a nose bleed. And so did star and soul. "Whats wrong with them?" you asked sitting on your knees and shakeing the boys awake.

"I just had the weirdest dream. Stein actually let Y/N were something that reviling" kid said and his eyes whidned shoting up. "That wasnt a dream!" he said and covered his bleeding nose. You giggled.

"Calm down kid" you smiled. You stood up and offered him. A hand. "Come on! Lets go play in the water" you smiled widely. He nods and grabs your hand. You pulled him to his feet and pulled him off to the sea. You both got in the water and he splashed you. You tried to keep your head dry. Because you know that if you dont you could kill anything in a 100 mile radius in the water. Meaning your friends. "Wait wait wait! Befor you splash me again can you like, help with my bolts. Just tighten them so if they get wet then I dont shock anyone" you said. You nods.

"Witch way?" he asks. He lightly grabs your bolts.

"This way" you said turning his hand and while you did he turned your bolts. He nods and started to tighten your bolts. "And...thats perfect!" you smiled pulling your head from his grasp.

"Good" he smiles then splashes you again.

"Kid I swear!" you growl at him and he gose deeper in the water. You go after him and now the water was around waist level. He started to splash you and you doged and the water hit black star. Then you all stated splashing eachother. You all laughed. At some point Blair joined in. They all started splashing you insted of eachother. "Ahhh!!! Guys this isnt fair!!!" you shriek. "Its you guys agenst just me! Ah! Stop its cold on my dry skin!" you shrieked.

"Get use to it!" laughed kid.

"Kid screw you stop! All of you stop!" you shrieked.

"Ok guys thats enough!" stein called. They all stoped. Blair was the last one that spalshed you. "Y/N, one splash for all of them make it count!" stein called.

"K!" you smirked. You spread your wings and got deeper in the water and spun splashing all of them with a huge wave of water. "I win I win I win!" you smirked, rubbing it in there faces.

"You only won because your wings splashed all of us with a freaken wave!" hissed kid.

"I still won!" you said and flicked water at him. Then blair pushed you forward and onto kid. You opened your eyes and looked up at kid. You blushed meagerly. "I-I-I-b-Blair-b-blair" you studdered.

"I know that blair pushed you" kid said.

"Off!" your father said then pealed you two apart. "Kid we need to talk. Now" he growled and pulling kid away from everyone...

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