14. temple

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~kids pov~

I got back and found the girls. They were tied up. Now liz and patty I could handle all wraped up the way they were. But when I saw how they were on Y/N I got a nose bleed.

You cant blame me! The light hit her perfectly. The bandges wraped around her tight enough to push her chest forward. Her shirt showing her stomic, and her small groans and grunts while the bandges tightened around her perfect body.

"Your pervert! Help us!" Y/N growled struggling makeing her breats move along with her movements. I noticed this from the corner of my eye.

"O-one second!" I reply trying to stop my nose bleed.

"Ahhhh!! Please kid! I cant take the presser! It hurts!" Y/N yelled. Then it hit me.

'There hurting her' I turned to him. Perfectly symmetrical like the last one. I dont care. I jumped and landed on a bandge that held Y/N. I got her free. She turned into one death scyth. Great. As long as I keep both my hands on her Ill be fine! I sliced open the statue at a 60° angle so he wasnt symmetrical and it whould be easier to kill him. Then came out the thing that came out last time. Just different. This time its face was the opposite. Still asymmetrical. I sprinted at the thing and started sliceing at him. He hit Y/N from my hands and she hit the wall and turned back into her human form. I glared at the monster befor me. I kicked him back into the wall. We faought while Y/N freed liz and patty. She looked over at me and smiled. Then the thing through me. I hit the wall then herd a poff. I looked up and saw Y/N standing there panting softly. She walked to me and offered a hand down to me. I looked up and she rolled her eyes. She offired the other. Symmetrical.

I grabed her hands and she pulled me to my feet.

"Lets get going befor this place calposes" Y/N said then. A small peace of sandstone droped on her head. She grabed my wrist and turned. I grabbed the soul that got droped befor she started running out. The girls where alrightly gone. She rolled her eyes scoffing and pulling me off. It started to colasps behind us and we barley made it. We panted softly looking back as the whole temple fell.

"Lets leave" patty said. We started to walk back.

After the same amout of time we got back to death city and walked back to DWMA.

~normal pov~

You all got back to the DWMA. You smiled seeing your dad walking in circles while your other friends stood there talking.

"Hey guys!" you smiled at them. They smiled back.

"Hey. How did the mission go?" soul asked.

"It was around an hour long walk going from and to the temple, and it was hot out there" you said.

"So not cool" he sighs.

"We must bring the soul to father. Y/N will you accompany me?" kid says.

"No" you reply.

"Ok. Liz, patty, come on" kid said as they all started walking into the academy.

"Witch ever can reach the top of the academy in the most badass way is to be crowned badass royalty" you said looking at black star.

"Hell yeah! Soul you going to join?" he asks.

"Nah" soul shoke his head..

"Suit yourself. Ready se-go!" you both said at the same time and started jumping up. You of course were more agile and though of your next moves. You got to the top of the acadmey with a smile. Black then just got up there. "Who ever can get down the coolest for fun?" you both asked. Then nodded. He jumped off and did back flips and such while jumping off other things. You shake your head. He looks up.

"WATCH THIS!!!" you yell from the top. You just leave forward and tucked your wings in and made them wrap around you befor getting close enough to the ground that you swoard about a foot off the ground and you glided upwords and did a backflip kicking off the acadmey befor landing. "Who won?" you asked.

"You did" soul, maka, crona, sid, stain, and spirit said.

"Black star" sighed softly tsubaki.

"Its ok Tsubaki. If you honestly thing she was better then say it" he sighs.

"Yeah she was way better" she nods.

"Wow thanks" he said agitated.

"I am just kidding star. You were only beat because she could fly and do tricks" she rolled her eyes.

"Yes I can~" you smirked down at star. "And if that counts as cheating then I will re-do it in my human form" you said.

"Yes re-do it in your human dorm so you cant fly!" star says. You shurg. You get up there the same way you did last time. You jumped off and did a back flip mid air, then pushed off of the acadmey doing a 360° spin befor doing a backflip then landing.

"Yup I won~" you smirked.

"Who won?" star asked.

"Y/N" said everyone but star and tsubaki.

"I still think you won that star" she smiled.

"Ahhh thanks tsubaki" he smiled up at her.

"Awwww~ is a mister and weapon in love?~" you teased.

"Im going to kill you!" star growled. You turned twords the stars and ran with him chasing you. "Get back here!!" he yelled chassing after you.

"You have to get me to hurt me shorty!~" you teased. It took quite a while befor star gave into his own tiredness.

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