Crossfires and Explosions

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Recap: After Su accidentally drops a few perfume bottles, Jungkook reassures her that it is not a big deal. He tells her to be not afraid which means a lot to her. But minutes later, she overhears him and Lauren talking about her in a light tone, and she is hurt and disappointed. She thinks Jungkook and Lauren are dating and flees from the scene, not before Lauren spots her leaving but the latter chooses to not tell it to Jungkook.


It was quite early in the morning and me and Jay sat in the canteen, drinking coffee. For once, I didnt feel jumpy because I knew BTS would be away for the shoot of Fake Love MV. And everyone knew they wouldn't return for the rest of the day. AND it was a week long shoot.

So maybe in this week, I could detox myself from thinking anything funny about Jungkook.

I huffed out, trying to distract myself from the dull pain in my heart. Why couldn't I stop replaying yesterday's scene??? All I could think and see was Lauren and him, laughing. What did they do after I left? Did Lauren tell him that she had seen me? Had RM interrupted them?? Countless questions arose in my mind every now and then.


As usual, Jay was blabbering information that I didn't need. And today I wasn't even in the mood of playing along.

"And so I told Jhope that he simply HAS to try long hair-" 

"Jay. This is the 3rd time you've told me that." I interrupted him and did not hide the irritation in my voice.

"Okay okay I'm sorry" he said, which surprised.

Jay stayed silent for exactly 7 seconds before speaking again.🤦🏻‍♀️ "You know Jungkook is the only one who understands his hair type." he said and I stiffened at that name and my breathing hardened. "Jungkook knows that long hair wont suit him-"

"Jay. That's enough about BTS" I snapped rudely and felt bad immediately. "I mean, we have to eventually work with TXT, right.?" I added in haste to lessen the harshness.

Jay winked evilly "Yeah....but who knows, if we impress the boys, they themselves can request us to be in their team." 

I looked up at Jay. "What?"

"Yes! Commm onn, you didn't know that? BigHit is very accomodative of the idols. If the boys like the work of some artist, dancer etc, they can very well rope in them to the team."

I tried to ignore this new info. Neither had I impressed anyone, nor was I interested in joining BTS's stylist team. I was just fine with TXT or Meta4 or whoever.

Jay raised an eyebrow. "Girl, you've already scored high with that Red coat. If you try a little more harder, Jungkook might refer you-" 

"I didn't chose the Red coat to impress anyone, Jay" I said curtly.

 "Yeah-yeah...everyone says that" he beamed widely. I rolled my eyes, getting more and more restless.

I finally got up. "Aren't you supposed to leave with the second bus?"

Jay looked at me funnily. His name was among the crew to be travelling for the Fake Love MV shoot.

"Are you joking?" he asked

"What?" I frowned. Jay glared at me as if I wasn't seeing something obvious. 


"Sweetheart, your names on the list too. We BOTH leave in another 15 mins." he declared.

I had to grab the chair for support. Whatt the fake?????

"You're kidding me right?" I heaved.

"YOU'RE kidding ME, right? Su. They sent the mail yesterday. Didn't you check the list of names and the schedule table? The hell, I thought you have come early because you knew!"

I was breathing through my mouth. I couldn't exactly tell him that the reason I came here at 5 in the morning was because Ray had come home drunk and had started forcing himself on me. I had no option but to get out of the home.

This couldn't be happening. Was it so hard to stay away from one person? Why were all circumstances deliberately leading me to him? 

"Didn't you check the list-"

"No Jay, of course I didn't check the list. It's because I knew that there was no way they'd pick us for a BTS MV shoot. I thought we were assigned to TXT permanently! Why are we being summoned to BTS duty every time, when we are just interns?!" I let out in frustration.

Jay smiled slowly after a pause. "You're're freaking right! Maybe someone referred us????? Maybe Jhope referred me and Jungkook referred you-" he started his excited chirps and I'd had enough of it.

"Okay stop it, Jay! I can't do this. Where is Seoyun, I have to talk to her." I said strongly, ready to go ask this question to the head stylist personally.

With that, I left the canteen, determined to get out of this mess.

I asked around and finally found her near the big busses that were all set on leaving for the shoot location. She looked busy with papers in hand.

"Unnie I need to talk to you."

Seoyun started walking towards one of the buildings and I followed her "Su, the schedule notice has all details. I believe you are on Bus 2, just check once, I'm busy." 

"No Unnie....actually....I can't the shoot." I said, mustering the courage.

Seoyun stopped walking and glared at me. "What? Are you serious?" she said, sounding pissed.

"Unnie actually you know I can't stay till late-"

"Su. The shoot will wrap by evening. And why do you have a problem with every single thing? I'm really growing tired of it now. Can you give me a logical reason?" she asked, starting to walk again.

"But Unnie, won't TXT need staff?"

"TXT only has practise scheduled this week. Don't be ridiculous, Su."

Seoyun was walking towards the waiting rooms in the reception and I followed her, praying she'd agree.

"If you don't have a sensible reason, don't disturb me, and get in the bus ASAP." she said, not ready to budge.

I was already so agitated. I couldn't believe because of this guy, I was having to make so many changes in my plans.

"Okay fine! I'll come, but I'll work with ANYONE but Jungkook!" I finally said, loudly.

Seoyun turned to me with an angry scowl. "What? Why??"

Before I could answer, I froze completely and totally.

Right in front of me, behind Seoyun, on one of the chairs, sat a person in a bucket hat, oversized hoodie, track pants. Even before he looked up, I knew who it was.

My blood went cold.

Fuck fuck fuck fuck. FUCK!!!! What the fuck!

When Jungkook looked up, his expression was unreadable. But there was no doubt he had heard me. He had literally heard me say I don't want to work with him. Wow well done Su, well done. 

Just when I thought it couldn't get more disastrous, an oblivious Seoyun spoke.

Seoyun(not seeing Jungkook):"So you walk here, telling me you don't want to come to the shoot because you'll have to work with Jungkook. You're not even making sense, Su just-"

She stopped when she saw him.

There was the most awkward silence in the history of awkward silences between the three of us.

I could clearly sense confusion, hurt and disappointment even through his pokerface. It saw him self-doubt. In those 3.25 seconds, it hurt like hell to see someone as perfect as him delve into himself, trying to wonder what wrong had he done that had made me say something like that.

His eyes were looking at Seoyun, but I knew he was only looking into himself, analyzing his actions.

I wanted to kick myself for saying something that wasn't even true. Truth was that, being close to him made me forget reality. My heart loved it so much, that it dared to expect things that I could never have. Ever. Yes, I was attracted to Jungkook. And it was fucking dangerous. And impossible. And forbidden! The only solution to stop this was to stay away from him till I could make it clear to my heart. That was the only reason I said that and nothing else! 

I wanted to desperately tell this to him. Because I couldn't just stand here and let him doubt himself.

I had to say something before he thinks he did something wrong.

"I meant-"

"Uhh...Noona...we are leaving. I just came here to tell you that theres some space in the trunk. If you have any prep stuff, then..." he interrupted me.

"No dear. There's nothing. You guys can proceed..." Seoyun smiled.

"Alright then...See you" he said and stormed past a frozen me. Even the air around him was cold and I knew I had fucked up.

When he was out of earshot, Seoyun turned to me, glaring.

"You know he can get you fired right? All he has to do it say one word to the management and you're out of here." she snapped. I was surprised that right now, I didn't care about the job.

Seoyun left and I made my way to Bus number 2, a big turmoil brewing in my mind.



"I clearly remember, I had saved more than half of that packet of M&Ms. So the person who finished that without asking better show themselves." RM hyung said.

"I did take some of them. But I swear I only took 4. Not more" V hyung quipped in.

"Ohhhhh It's him. Tae is the M&M thief!" Hobi hyung laughed loudly and Jin hyung joined him.

"I said I only took 4!" 

"Yeah you put your hand in 4 times. But every time, you take fistful of them, everyone knows that." RM hyung said, unhappy.

They all played along loudly in the car but I kept looking outside the window, at the passing trees, fist in front of my mouth.

"Jungkook-ah , want some?" RM hyung shoved a packet of chips near my face.

"No, thanks. I'm not hungry" I said curtly and resumed looking out. 

I felt some of them notice my mood and they fell silent. The last thing I wanted was my mood too rub off on them.....but I couldn't help it.

"What's up with you?" Jin hyung, who sat next to me, asked. I simply shrugged and shook my head. But the bitter taste in my mouth wasn't leaving.

"You have your solo shot today, Kook. You need to be in the right frame of mind for that" RM hyung reminded.

I didn't answer. I knew he was right. But how can one be in the 'right frame of mind' after experiencing what I did? I was still shaken about all of it. She didn't want to work with me??? Never once in my career have I heard anyone say or think that. Everyone I knew liked my company. I was well-spoken with each and every staff member, never disrespected or misbehaved in any way . None of us were like that. So it left me baffled that she would feel like that about me! I replayed yesterday's events at GMA's backstage. 

I had tried my best to make her feel alright after she looked so upset about those bunch of perfumes. She was literally crying. I was the one who told her it would be alright. I was the one to stop her from picking up the glass pieces all by herself! And what do I get in return?? Why would she-  I suddenly remembered how I had held her hand after she was done with fixing my bow tie. I had told her to not be afraid. Was holding her hand a little too much? Was it an inappropriate move? Is there a chance she felt I was crossing some line?? Ugh!  

"I have never seen him so silent. He had gone to talk to Seoyun noona about the prep-" Jin hyung was saying and suddenly I couldn't take it.

"I heard her telling Seoyun noona that she doesn't want to work with me!" I blurted out pointedly, in disbelief. 

There was confused silence.

"Heard who telling?" Jimin hyung asked.

"That girl." I said, through gritted teeth. That's right. I was angry at her. She had no business making me feel this shitty. What does she think of herself? How dare she walk in and say-

"Which girl?" Jimin hyung asked.

"The girl who has been in our discussions strangely more number of times since the past few days." RM hyung said, not helping the situation.

"Who? That intern? What was her name- " V hyung asked.

"Park Su- Suseonhwa. right? Daffodil." Jimin added. I knew her name meant daffodil but I couldn't care less right now.

"I thought this name had become obsolete. It's a nice rare name-"

"She said she doesn't want to work with me." I said bitterly, reminding my brothers the real issue.

There was silence. Good, even they were probably shocked.

 "I told you , you were rude. That's probably why she doesn't want to-" RM hyung started to say quietly and I swirled around, eyes wide in shock.

"I was rude??? Can you please explain howww, hyung? " I asked, incredulously.

Hyung sighed. "We were all taking a walk that day in the campus. And she was walking to the Main building with that guy....Jay. I personally felt it was rude of Kook to not acknowledge her. She chose his MV outfit after all-"

"Yeah so she didn't do me any favour! It was her job!" I snapped but got slapped in the arm by Jin hyung. Probably for sounding like an ass.

"Yes Kook, no-one is doing anybody any favours, we are ALL doing our jobs but it was a little odd you walked ahead like a blind bulldozer treating her like she was invisible."

"Come on hyung, it wasn't that rude that it makes her tell her boss that she doesn't want to work with me! And I literally drove her home! I  was one who heard her whining to Seoyun noona that she had to get home asap. She was on her way to hitchhike a ride with some stranger! I was the one said she could come with us! She started to cry about those perfumes so I was the one who told her it was alright and reassured her!"

"Oh how kind of you." Yoongi hyung said, the sarcasm unmistakable. I knew I was sounding highly entitled but what can you expect? I was feeling so shitty right now, because of her.

"Wait, are you upset that she won't work with you?" V hyung asked innocently. Oh god, V hyung was impossible.

"Yeah I was about to ask the same thing. Are you worried about the idea of her not working with you anymore?" Jimin asked and both VMin burst into snickers.

"I don't care who she works with, hyung. I just want to know what I did, to make her say that!"

"'re right in your place, okay." RM hyung sighed. " But they are girls, man. I mean, who knows what ticks them off. It might not be rude for us, but it could be for them. Why don't you go and talk to her about this? Apologize maybe-"

"Apologize??? For what, exactly?" I asked, incredulously at his suggestion. No way did I owe her any kind of apology. 

"Just go talk to her-"

"No" I declared. "I'll just tell this to the management. Let them ask her what problem she has working with the guy everyone loves to work  with." I declared, sounding evil. 

"Jungkook-ah" RM hyung said, in a warning tone. "You'll do no such thing like that. She could lose her job."

"Well she should have thought about that before saying stuff like that." I said bitterly.

"Calm down, Jungkook-ah we don't know the whole story. It probably has nothing to do with you..." RM hyung said and I felt taken aback.

Nothing to do with me? It was so unsettling.
I simply looked out of the window, thinking.

"Maybe she just wants to stay away from you to be safe." Jimin hyung said quietly and I turned around, shocked. SAFE??

"Hyung, I am not into workplace harassment!"

"No I meant, she must have wanted to maintain a safe distance from an idol. You dropped her home, dude. People get intimidated by us...."

"What do you think of her?" Jin hyung asked and my eyes widenend.

"What do you mean?" I asked, feeling a little hot in the face.

"It is cute, I mean..." Jin hyung was chuckling. "You ignore her on multiple occasions, and now you're mad when she ignores you back."

I looked away, miffed. But it didn't stop there.

"She looks like your type though" Jin hyung was laughing now along with a few others.

"Yeah she is pretty. Like your level pretty....and she doesn't want to work with you. It's kinda perfect." Jimin hyung added, having all the fun at my expense. Now this was turning into their favorite topic of teasing me.

"But Jungkook prefers older girls. Doesn't he?" Jin hyung laughed.

"Yeah she's probably barely 20. Interns are usually young." RM hyung said analytically.

I kept quiet, holding myself from commenting that I felt she was older than me. It was just a gut feeling. But if I say that aloud, hyungs will eat me alive and probably start preparing for my marriage.

I did find her pretty and I had thought she was nice to have around. But that was before she bad mouthed about me so blantantly.. Now I was just pissed.

"It's surprising that with each passing day, the amount of time we are spending discussing about that particular girl, is increasing exponentially." I heard Yoongi hyung say quietly.

I just stared outside the window,  my breath feeling hot. I prayed to my inner strength to put this event behind me and help me concentrate on today's shoot.



When we reached the venue, I was overwhelmed. So many workers, so many different cameras, boom operators, lightmen, spot boys and girls.. And the sets alone were magnificent. I will be honest, the sets were amazing enough to life my mind off the Jungkook incident for a moment.

Jay explained to me the theme of the MV.

"So there's this Magic Shop where each of the members will exchange their fears for something positive....but the fear overcomes them anyway because they all chose to run away from it instead of facing it.... While the fears overpowers the rest, Jungkook is the only one who faces it head on."

The word 'fear' resonated well with me. It made me think of my own.... Was I facing them? Or was I running away? Could I ever stand up to Ray and be free from his clutches? Did I have the strength in me to do it? I don't know.... And I don't know how much longer would I have to live in his shadow.

We walked around the sets. Today they would shoot the Magic Shop scene and the individual scenes, Jay told me.

"It's going to be like a maze, where each member is going to be trapped in his own fears and demons...whereas Jungkook will be the only one observing them all, witnessing their downfall, but helpless."

As we walked, we came across a

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