Chapter 7

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The next morning I sleep late just because I can. I have no training, no school, nothing. Everyone else has already left for their job or school, except Mom. I come down still in my nightgown to see her swiping through articles on her phone, at the table. I sit to the right of her at my normal spot. The buffet of food sits in front of me, and I take it in, just enjoy it, enjoy everything today, I say to myself. I grab a chocolate croissant, a cinnamon bun and fruit.

"You've got quite an appetite today, did you have a good sleep?" she says putting down the articles. I nod as I take a bite of the fruit. I note how fresh it is, and how sweet.

"I guess I just want to enjoy my last day before the tournament, after all the tournament will change my life in some way or another," I say, not even realizing what I was saying. Once I've said it I start thinking about it. After the tournament, my life will be different, whether I'm president, or I've become a nobody who is in the paper once every few months and ruined our family name. I take a deep breath realizing how much winning this tournament means for my family.

We eat mostly in silence exchanging a few words every once in a while. When I finish eating, a brown maid comes to take my plate and I leave to go upstairs.

"Make sure you train today like you said the tournament is tomorrow," she says, but it sounds more like a command. I change into a training outfit and run a few drills, but not for long because, I know where I have to be, and I was already late because of training. I change into a silver dress, with gold, white and black streaks on it. I put a jewel-encrusted belt on, and a name necklace with Brooklynn in cursive gold to finish it off. I slip on sandals at the door before jumping into my limo in the driveway. My parents gave Logan and I our own limo and private driver when we turned 13, and I rarely use it. I know that Hazel's family loved riding in it though, and they needed some cheering up. As I sit in the limo I remember the first time I took Hazel in it right after our 13th birthday. When she came in it she marveled over the free candy and food. She ate so much she didn't even eat lunch when we arrived at the restaurant. She opened the top and poked her head out and screamed, she was so happy that day.

I snap out of my flashback when the driver announces we are here. He was a brown, just like Hazel, and so many others. I've tried talking to him and making friends, but he always refuses to talk about anything other than where we are going or if I need anything. I hop out and tell him to wait there. I run into the house to see everyone sitting eating breakfast having fun, but you can still feel the sadness behind their smiling faces.

"Hey Brooke, your late," Hazel complains as she ushers me over to the table. I sit, but only for a second,

"I have a surprise for all of you," I say standing up, Chloe, Paige, Daniel, and Jacob all stand up with me knowing every time I have a surprise it is something over the top and fun. Hazel sighs and gets up to follow me. Her parents following close behind. When they all see the limo Chloe runs up to it, never having been in anything like it, and Paige following close behind, though I took her once. Jacob only 6 is confused on what it is and just stands there before Daniel picks him up and brings him inside. Inside the limo, they all immediately start snacking on the treats, and blasting music. I sit next to Hazel and tell the driver to just drive around for a while. They thank me repeatedly, and I could feel the sadness that has been all around them for the past few days lift, as they have the time of their lives. I feel like it is the time when I first got my limo again, and I took Hazel for a ride. There were no cares in the world, we were free from all the troubles for that sliver of time.

As we drive around, I savor these moments not knowing when something like this will happen again. When we eventually pull back up at their house they beg for more time, but they know they have to go home now. Right before they leave I call for Hazel to stay. I run to the front of the limo and retrieve the little bag. I hand it to Hazel,

"Happy late 16th birthday," I say hugging her. She pulls out the necklace laced with garnetts, our birthstone. I take an identical one out of my pocket.

"So we will always be with each other even if we're miles apart," I start giving her one last hug, "come to my house and visit before you leave this time okay," She nods and clips the necklace on. In the limo, I put mine on top of the name necklace.

January 14th, 4714, 2 girls were born.

One a brown, one a blue.

Destined to be friends,

Til the very end.

The 2 won't be parted by the world's end.

I repeat the poem Hazel and I made in the first grade over and over in my head on the car ride home. When I get home it's around lunch. I am meeting up with Hunter and Logan at Le Jardin Parfait, one of the families close connections. The limo driver stops at my house,

"Would you like me to drive you to the restaurant miss," he asks.

"No thank you I can walk," I say jumping out of the car. I go into the house to grab a white handheld bag to carry my phone, house keys and money in, then I start walking through the streets of blue houses, and then through the village. The village was filled with buzz, and everyone off to do something. Almost every company does something for the tournament and is preparing for tomorrow. By now the news has come out with exactly who's competing in the tournament and several bets on who will win. Everyone whispers as I pass, or another competitor passes. I ignore them and find Hunter and Logan already sitting outside of the restaurant.

"Really you have to sit outside," I sigh as I sit down.

"The restaurant offered a free meal if we ate outside," Logan shrugs. He knows very well we can afford the meal, but he doesn't care, he's not the one who will be asked questions, and be whispered about.

The waiter brings over garlic bread,

"An appetizer complimentary of the chef!" he explains in a French accent. We thank him, before starting our own conversations.

"Tonight should be fun," Hunter chuckles.

"Yes, 2 of the richest families coming together for a dinner," Logan says majestically. Tonight Hunter's family was coming over to our house for dinner, and both sets of parents were eagerly awaiting it. I knew that none of the kids were too happy about it. It'll be a proper fancy dinner in ball gowns and suits.

"Your sister has quite an attitude from when I met her last time," I exclaim to Hunter. He nods and smiles,

"Maddie has always thought she was the best at everything, and the prettiest, and is very full of herself most of the time," Hunter answers almost laughing.

"That sounds like most blue girls!" Logan jokes as I shove him. He was right though. Lots of blues were very full of themselves, our parents included sometimes. There have even been occasions where Logan and I use our family name to get something we want, but for some reason, I don't think Logan and I are as bratty as some of the others we've met, but I might just be bias.

As we finish up our lunch we debate over the laws of Rayfield and which are fair and which aren't. I know that Logan and Hunter don't really want to be doing this, but they are just helping me train in a fun way.

"Hey, at least when your president you can change whatever you want to change, if the council doesn't mind," Hunter jokes teasingly as I argue over the way they decide the council. I laugh, but in the back of my mind, I go over all the possibilities of after the tournament.

As we walk back I can feel the flash of the camera on my face, but ignore it and keep talking with Hunter and Logan. When we are outside of my house I whisper in Hunter and Logan's ears before we halt and turn around. We hold hands and bow and laugh as we come up. The press is shocked for a second, but with my sudden interest they start asking questions,

"Miss Kindler, are you confident you can win this?" one asks,

"Brooklynn, are you ready for the tournament tomorrow?" another asks. I go inside the house, but the questions loom in my mind. Am I ready? Can I win this?

"B, you okay?" Logan asks. I nod and put the smile back on my face,

"Yup, I better go get ready for dinner," I say going up the staircase. Even though dinner wasn't for another few hours neither of them questions me. I've explained many times how a girl needs hours to get ready. Upstairs I call for a few brown maids to help pick out what to wear, but as I expected Mom already chose what I am wearing. It is a floor length mermaid dress, in a light greeny blue. It had silver jewels lacing the neckline and the cuffs, and royal blue lace around the bottom. One of them hands me 3-inch silver heels, with an open toe. They painted my toes and nails a light greeny blue to match with the dress. They go to take off the garnet necklace that Hazel has a matching one of, but I push their hands away,

"No, leave that one!" I exclaim. They pull away respectfully and apologize as they put in new earrings, and do my hair. When they finish my hair I look in the mirror. They've done a fishtail braid that is then pinned up onto my head. I smile at the amazing job they've done. Next, they sit me down to do makeup, which is the worst. They brush a million different things onto my face, do a thousand coats of mascara, and lip gloss, and I don't even know how much blush they put on my face. It's not that I don't look pretty in the end, I look better than normal, but it's just how much makeup I'm wearing, and how much it hides my true face. After they leave I grab a wipe from my bathroom drawer and wipe it all off. I feel a little bad because of all the hard work they'd done, but it just wasn't me. I re-apply mascara, and a little bit of blush, and eyeshadow, before using a pinky shade of lip gloss. I look in the mirror and smile, I look more like myself now.

I look at the clock a little while later to see 6:30 beeping at me. A knock then sounds at the door, right on time. I come from my closet to see Hunter waiting in my room dressed in a navy blue suit with a rose petal pink tie. When he sees me he smiles,

"You look very pretty," he says and offers me his hand. I take it and flutter my long eyelashes.

"I hope your parents like my family," I say sweetly, putting on my proper lady act. He laughs as we descend the grand staircase to the door where his family waits with my parents and Logan. They all stare up at me and Hunter as we come to meet them at the door. I can see my mother looking at my makeup and sighing in the back of her mind about how I changed it.

"Nice to see you again Mrs. Samuels, Mr. Samuels, Madison. I say extending my hand to greet them. They all take it except Madison who just stands there head held high, like the most important 9 year old in the world.

My father invites us all to sit and have drinks in the living room. I was 16 now, and I could legally drink along with all the parents. Madison sits drinking her Shirley temple, complaining about how she wants the bubbly white drink instead. I try to ignore the little brat and talk to Hunter's parents.

"It's really nice of you to make time and come over before the tournament," I say politely.

"Thank you for having us," Hunter's father adds, my parents nod in respect, but I see Madison sticking out her tongue in disgust in the corner. I swallow down the urge to call her out about it and focus on making sure my family is getting along with his.

"We will be cheering for you tomorrow!" Hunter's mom adds. Madison scoffs and all attention goes to her.
"Madison Sara Samuels!" her mother tries to whisper.

"What? It's not like she has a chance, she's a little girl who just is hoping that her family's reputation will help her win. Oh and how everyone rumors about her good looks! She has stupid brown hair, just like browns! Everyone tells her, and Hunter that they're unique, but they are just like browns, powerless, nobodies!" she exclaims standing up her water glass spilling all over the carpet. Her mother grabs at her dress pulling her back down, but she brushes her off. Everyone stares at her shocked, except her parents who looked ashamed. Logan eyes the water sparkling at my fingertips, as it glimmers just like an icicle.

"I'm sorry, I think it's time for you to leave Madison, and your parents are welcome to go with you!" my father says in a dangerously calm voice. Madison stands up and stomps out, her father straight behind her.

"I'm so sorry she's just jealous, of her strength and beauty," Hunter's mom says sucking up to make up for it. Madison was right. We are the most powerful family at the moment, and still will be if I win. If. What a word. Could lead to so many thoughts, What if I don't win, or, what if I could've done something to help save Aquarius. Too many possibilities. I shove that thought down and just go to the door where Madison waits for her parents, red-faced, and anger flying in a buzz around her.
"Watch your tongue young lady," I say warningly. She looks at me like I was a pig, not an upperclassman, higher than her.

"You'll see, one day people like you won't be considered anything. You'll be hunted and killed for your insanity!" she snarks. I bite my tongue before exposing someone so young to words that were on the tip of my tongue, as I start to wonder about her sanity. I open the door and hold my hand out for her. She walks through the door in a huff muttering words someone that young shouldn't be using.

I go back into the room where Hunter's parents are still apologizing. My parents keep saying that it isn't their fault, they can't control what their daughter said. They know that from experience when I was little I was always talking about browns and how they deserved equality, but my parents hated it. I brush off the memory, and focus, on my parents, brother, and Hunter, still all shocked.

"I'm so sorry, she's never held her tongue, and she's always hated that I have brown hair," Hunter explains, but my parents cut him off,

"No need to explain Hunter, tell your parents that we should like to meet with them again, just the 4 of us," my father says before retreating to his chambers. My mother follows.
"What did she mean, that people like me will be hunted, and killed one day?" I ask Hunter, the words still replaying in my head. He shrugs, but I can see the look on his face. The gears in his mind are moving trying to figure something out.

"How about we grab dinner in the village," Logan offers. I nod and grab a sweater. I cover my shoulders and call for my limo. I didn't feel like walking tonight.

We all hop into the limo, but the ride is quick and we arrive at the fast food place within minutes. Logan orders us all burritos as Hunter and I wait at the counter staring out the window. I watch the families of the tournament participants share a nice meal together, laughing and talking, whereas I just got dissed by a 9 year old, and my family is torn apart. I think of how badly I want to be with the Penleys again. I debate calling her to come over, but I know that she wouldn't pick up her phone.

"One yam burrito with rice, noodles, and cheese," Logan says placing it down in front of me. I thank him still half engulfed in my own thoughts. We all sit there silent going over the night, or at least that's what I was doing. Madison's words still loom in my mind and I wonder if they'll ever leave.
"B, you done?" Logan asks breaking me from my thoughts,

"Yeah," I say throwing the wrapper away and following Hunter to the car. On the way back Hunter and Logan chat a lot about the Greaters, Falltree's baseball team. Falltree, the capital of Rayfield, is the only place I've ever lived. If I lose we might have to move. Our family will fall from the disappointment of me losing.

"Brooke, we're home," Hunter says holding a hand out to help me get down from the limo. I take it and shake off the thoughts. I couldn't think about these kinds of things tonight, or I wouldn't get a wink of sleep.

As soon as I get home, I go up to my room and ask Hunter if I can have some privacy. He listens knowing everything that must be swirling around my mind. I pull out a little notebook covered in flowers carved into the purple cover, each flower more unique than the next. It was my diary for years. Logan gave it to me for my 10th birthday, and I wrote in it for 2 years. When I reached the last page I tucked it in behind a few of my dresses hoping no one would find it. I read through it once, years ago, I think I was 13, or 14. I open to page 1.

January 14, 4724

I am Brooklynn Ella Kindler, but I prefer the name Brooke. Some of Hazel's family, the Penleys calls me Brookie. My brother Logan just gave this to me today, along with all the other presents I got from my friends, he calls me B sometimes. I wish Hazel could've come today, but Mommy and Daddy said she was busy with something. She would've loved the big bouncy castle and my birthday cake which Mommy accidentally put 11 candles on! She forgot I was only 10! I don't understand why Hazel never comes to my house, every time I ask Mommy to ask Hazel's mom if Hazel can come over she says Hazel is busy. I don't think that she's always busy though. Anyhoo I'm getting called down for dinner right now, so I'll write more another day,



I let out a laugh as I read through my first entry and think about the kind of person I was 6 years ago. Not a care in the world. I read through the first few entries, but it's just a little girl talking about stuff. I hadn't realized yet that my parents didn't approve of Hazel, I still thought browns and blues were equal.

"Hey, just thought maybe we should get into bed soon, you have an important and early day tomorrow," Hunter says. I nod and shove the book behind my back as I go to the closet. I put it back behind some of my dresses, and change quickly into my pajamas. I slip into bed and clap twice as my lights turn off. Hunter slips in next to me, "You'll be great tomorrow," he whispers before turning away from me.   

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