Silence - 67, pt. 1

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A/N Just a warning, I do not celebrate Easter, so please be aware that any mistakes on that front are accidental. Sorry, btw.

April 10th.

"Ready, Princess?" Sirius asks excitedly, grasping her arm as they walk up into the Potter Manor.

In a falsetto voice, James says, "Yes, Siri," earning himself a glare from Sirius and a snicker from Anna.

"Is Chani here yet?" Anna asks hopefully.

Sirius sets his hand over his heart, "Nice to know your preferences, Love."

"She's inside, talking to my parents," James supplies.

He and Sirius walk away, presumably to be up to no good.

Anna finds Lily, who's shining a brilliant smile.

"Why, hello there, Ms. Future Black!" the Gryffindor beams, turning away from the conversation with Mia.

Mia gasps, "What? How was I not made aware of this?!"

Shyly, Anna shows her the ring.

"I picked it out. With Marlene's help, of course," Lily informs them.

Mia nods her approval, "Monty, isn't that just a gorgeous ring?"

Fleamont, who is discretely planting mistletoe at the front door, says distractedly, "Whatever you think, Mia." Under his breath, he giggles as he runs away, waiting for Sirius and James to walk in.

Mia shakes her head.

While the description of the following events will not be given, it can be said that James and Sirius put on a delightful show, Lily and Anna laughed their asses off, and Mia and Monty videoed.

During dinner, the music and mood are both upbeat. Anna, for the first time since when she quit, starts talking passionately about her first love: Quidditch.

Sirius can't help but smile.

Monty slams his fist down on the table. "In no world are the Chudley Cannonballs better than the Irish."

"On the contrary," Anna replies calmly, "there are plenty of worlds where they are. Including the one we're in presently."

Monty sniffs, brushing away fake tears, "Believe what you'd like. And here I was going to adopt you."

Mia rolls her eyes, "Unfortunately for you, Anna, dear, we consider you a daughter whether or not you agree with my husbands blatantly incorrect quidditch opinions."

When Mia turns back to her conversation with Lily and James, Anna sticks her tongue out at Fleamont.

By the time the sun had set, the group had set out for desert in Ghiradelli Square, San Francisco. This, apparently, is a bucket list item for Lily. The others, surprising no one, didn't know what it was.

They'd all turned at least seventeen by then and could apparate.

Minutes later, Anna announces to Sirius as he steers her (his arms around her neck and her head against his chest with her hands grasping his) into a particular shop, "I love San Francisco. Actually," she giggles, "I just love California. L.A. is my very, very favorite. I love Disney Land."

"And I love you," he croons in her ear. "What kind of chocolate do you want?"

She gasps, "Siri! We! Should! Get! Remus! Some!"

"Are you drunk, Lee?" Lily inquires. "Because you're an alarmingly happy drunk and you're alarmingly happy at the moment."

Anna stagewhispers, "Mia slipped me some tequila shots when I helped her clean the dishes."

Mia shrugs when they all look to her. "I'm a cool mum, what can I say?"

James says grumpily, "And when I ask for a small sip of wine I'm 'reckless' and 'too young'."

"And we're to be married!" Anna exclaims, hugging Sirius again.

He can't help his smile.

The shopkeeper looks at them in amusement. "Hi, I'm Dean. Can I get y'all anything today?"

"We need Ginger," Anna announces. Slowly, she says to Dean, "We don't speak American."

Sirius's eyes widen, "Sorry about her. Y'all means you all, Love. And do you have any water? She'll sober up quick. As for the rest of us, just a scoop of chocolate ice cream, please. "

Dean smiles with a nod.

"Sirius," she whines in his ear, low enough for the others to not be able to hear. "You don't want to take advantage of me later?"

"I'd prefer to have sex with my girl when she's sober," he replies in her ear. "But tonight, if you're sober enough, we'll get to it."

Anna grabs the glass of water, flashing him a smile. Soon enough, her thoughts are clearer and they're all happily licking at their ice cream.

Lily whispers something in James's ear, and he says quickly, "We'll be right back!" then grabs her hand and pulls her away.

"At least we'll have grandchildren before we die," Fleamont muses.

Mia nods. "At least."

The night drags on. Eventually, they apparate back to Potter Manor to grab their stuff.

When Anna and Sirius go back home to Remus and Ginger (who are already asleep), however, Anna gets an owl.

Sirius reads it. She is to be his wife, after all.

It's one simple word, in cursive he recognizes as his brother's:


And that's all.

Naturally, like the good fiancé he is, he calls out to Anna, "You've got a letter, Love."

The woman in question scrambles down the stairs, snatches it from him, reads it quickly, pales, and grabs her wand.

"I love you so much, alright?" she says shakily, wrapping him close. "More than all the stars in the sky, water in the ocean. More than Orion loved Merope and more than Romeo loved Juliet. Don't forget it."

"What's happening, Princess?" Sirius asks in her ear, his voice quivering as he hugs her back.

The evening has taken its inevitable turn.

"Promise me," she demands. "Promise me that you won't forget it."

"I promise, I promise," he rushes out. "Just—please—tell me what's happening."

"I-I can't," she whimpers. "I have to go now."

"I love you," he says finally. "Why can't you tell me?"

Simply, she replies, "Because I love you, too."

And then she aparates away with a crack! and Sirius yells out, "Anne!" in the most broken tone and the single syllable name falls on deaf ears and the silence frightens him and he is left alone with his thoughts, a dazzling engagement ring top pressed into his left palm, and a throbbing ache in his chest.

So he waits. Silent. And waits. Silent. Then it's morning. Traffic. Remus and Ginger come down the stairs. Talking.

"What's wrong, Sirius?" the voices ask.

And all they get in return is silence.


J. A. P.,

Evening. How are you? Personally, I'm pretty well. I've had a rather great Easter. Sirius and I are better than ever. I'm going on a couple-month long trip where so won't be able to be reached. For any future responses until I can receive them, please tell my owl to send them to Potter Manor. She'll know where to go, as silly as it may sound. Talk soon.

Much love,
A. H. F.


Dumbledore is not happy at the moment. He really wishes he'd been able to convince Anna to back away from her mission. Now, just like Regulus, the only thing he can do is his best to keep her alive.

April 11th.

When Albus appears outside of the little flat in Diagon Alley, Remus, Ginger, Sirius, Lily, and James know something's truly wrong. Lily and James had apparated over at the request of Ginger.

"Please," Lily invites. "Sit down."

"Where's Fawley?" Sirius demands impatiently.

"Ms. Fawley has made a series of unfortunate decisions-," Dumbledore tries.

Sirius grits his teeth. "Where. is. Fawley?"

"It appears..."

"Get it out!" James exclaims.

Dumbledore sighs. "It appears that she has finally accepted Tom's offer. Annalee Fawley has joined the Death Eaters."

All that is heard through the small house is SILENCE.

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