Meanwhile, In a Land Far, Far Away - 55

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A/N The next chapter will be following Anna.


November 28th.

"Em!" Gracie Mayes calls into the dorm shared with her, her twin (but not identical as they'd be happy to tell you), and Emma/Anna. "It's time for breakfast."

In the week since Anna had moved in as Emma Lawerence, she had discovered that it takes exactly five seconds for Gracie to walk from the bathroom to Emma's bed to shake her awake.

Which is why she quickly rolls her eyes and, as she's feeling particularly daring and annoyed that morning, she scoffs quietly, as well.

Like clockwork, Gracie shakes her "awake."

"Morning, Gracie," Emma croaks. "Let's get to breakfast."

November 30th.

"Hal!" Emma calls, catching up to her friend. "Mate, why do you walk so fast?"

Hallie laughs, "Mate? Em, really? What are you? British?" She clicks her tongue. "And here I thought you were a Southerner. Hey, are you ever going to talk to Wes?"

Ah, yes. Wesley. The heartthrob of the school who was dating Emma for almost five months before she left. Thankfully, Real Emma broke up with him as to avoid any complications. Anna had resolved she would avoid him at all costs. The heartbroken 16-year-old didn't make it easy.

"No, I'm not particularly planning on it," Emma states.

Five hours later, Emma is sitting in a broom closet happily eating Doritos while avoiding everyone in her new life.

That's when the door bangs open and a boy comes in, slamming the door behind him.

"Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck," he's muttering to himself.

When he finally whips around with bloodshot eyes, he reveals himself to be the one and only Wesley Gonzalez.

"I-I can go," Emma/Anna stutters, licking her fingers from the Doritos.

Wesley shakes his head, "No, you were here first. I'll leave."

"It's alright. Want to talk about it?" Emma offers, patting the seat next to her. "I charmed my chips to have a slightly illegal extra space and then stole like half of the chips in the cafeteria."

He laughs, showing his teeth. "You sure?"

"Totally. Sorry for avoiding you. I just... don't know what to say."

"It's fine," he says softly, sitting next to Emma/Anna. "I'll always forgive you, Em."

Emma stills, biting her lip until it bleeds. "So what's up?"

"I just miss this girl. A lot. And it's tearing me up inside. It feels like she left in a hurry and I don't know what I did. Do you think you could tell me what I did, Em?"

Anna's heart is throbbing. "I'm sorry, Wes. I'm so bl-fucking sorry. You're a victim. I'm messed up beyond belief. And I couldn't be who you wanted me to be. I still can't."


"I don't need you to be anyone but Emma. My girl. Whoever that is. I just need you," Wesley whimpers.

It's terrifying to see the bad boy dethroned.

Emma sighs, "Wes, I can't be here for you. I'm a different person."


"Not to me. You're still Emma. Your eyes twinkle when you laugh and you're the best person I've ever met."

"I'm not a good person."


"You are. Even if you don't want to admit it, you're the best person I've met in my life."

"I can't be here for you, Wes."


She chuckles and there's a knocking on the door that she recognizes is of an owl.

Emma nudges the door open and a letter flies into her hand.


Dear Goldie,

Love, I'm feeling so upset, in the simplest of terms. I love you dearly, I do. So much. And I can't understand why all that you said in your last letter was "I'll see you soon". I'm just so scared. To lose you. I know how much you must be going through and I can't even imagine how much you must be feeling right now. But I miss you, too. I love you and I don't know if you even love me anymore. I don't know if we're still together. I just need to know, m'love.

Because I love you more than all the stars in the bloody sky.



On any other day, she might've been less distracted. But that particular day, she started crying. Curl-up-in-a-ball crying.

"Em?" Wes persists. "What's wrong? Don't make me take that letter?"

"It'll hurt you more than me," she whimpers after a moment of silence. "And what's wrong is that someone I hold very dear to me is hurting and I can't be there."

"I'll sneak you out," he volunteers immediately. "Whatever you need, just don't cry. Write back."

When she doesn't respond, he plucks the letter from the ground, reading it quickly.

It's valid, honestly. He's just trying to make her feel better.

But the look of betrayal on his face tells more than words ever could.


"Don't," he cuts her off. "It all makes sense now."

"No!" she yells, shooting up to block the door before he can leave. "It doesn't." She can't let this ruin Real Emma's life. "I'm not who you think I am. The real Emma is doing me a favor in England. I can't tell you who I am actually."

"I don't believe you. You're lying," he determines.

Emma bites her lip again. "The polyjuice potion will wear off in about ten minutes. Just wait. You'll see."

"Fine. In the meantime, who are you?"

"Swear you won't tell anyone? My life is at stake and believe me when I say I won't hesitate to jinx you so that you don't remember a thing if I think you'll tell."

"I swear," Wes promises.

"My name is Annalee Fawley of the English Fawleys. The letter you read is from Sirius Black. I faked my death the day the real Emma broke up with you. She's now at Hogwarts, my old school. Siri- uh, Sirius was upset because I've been having a hard time writing him. But the real Emma loved you, I swear. You were the biggest reason she didn't want to leave. Against my warnings, she did this for me anyways."

"I heard about that. Cursed."

Anna's hair starts turning blonde.

Her voice returns to the British accent, "Actually, it was poisoned. Because Sirius wanted me to eat some bloody dinner. It was Tom, really."

"Tom? Is that a guy at Hogwarts?"

Anna scoffs, "I mean, he was. Tom Riddle equals Voldemort. Keep up."

"You're on first-name basis with Voldemort?" he hisses.

She rolls her eyes, "Never heard that one before. Anyways, yes, I am. He mentored me one summer in exchange for information and he's called me Anna ever since. Which pisses me off to no end, by the way. Then he killed my parents and brother and my brother's fiancée in an effort to get me to join the Death Eaters. When I didn't, he took me off the safe list and tried to kill me. Oh! And we think the reason he's so obsessed with me is because I may or may not have had a time turner and gone back in time accidentally and met him when he was a teen."

"Wow," he breathes. "You're crazy."

"Yeah. Yeah, I've also never heard that one before. Well, this is me, Annalee Fawley. Friends call me Lee, Anna, Annie, or Fawley. Nice to meet you. I hope you'll stop bothering me now. If you want to write to the real Emma, I'm happy to pass on letters. I'd love if this were the start to my first - and probably only - genuine friendship here."

Wesley shrugs with a sly smile, "Whaddya know? I like crazy, anyways. Need help with your letter to Sirius?"

"No. Might get a little personal. However, do you have any pranking materials around here? I'm beyond bored."

January 30th, 1976.

Dear Pads,

Hello, love. I'm having a rather splendid day. My new friend and I have been having a great time pranking. I miss you loads, as always. You have some pretty great ideas for pranks. If you have any new ideas, please share. Additionally, I'm very happy to tell you that I found the laundry detergent you use so your jacket still smells like you.

I think that's all for now.

Except that I love you! And please tell You-Me that I want her to be careful. She'll understand.

Love always.




I'm so happy to hear that you're doing well. As for pranks, I recommend the Ravenclaw equivalents. Something like dying hair a weird color. You know. A classic. Writing 'Sirius wuz here' across the quidditch field is not objectionable, either.

I love you and miss you.



"Em! Quick, come on!" Wesley hisses, cheering her over.

Emma/Anna throws her head back in a laugh as she sprints across the quidditch field, a Horned Serpent raging behind them.

"Go, go, go, go!" she giggles.

March 30th.


I hope you'll forgive me for taking a while to get back to you on your proposal. Unfortunately, though I have pushed with my superiors, I am not able to meet you for a conference this summer.

I love you, though.

I lost your jacket last week, Sirius. It's tearing me apart not being able to smell you. I hate it. I miss you so much. And I'm sorry.

I'll see you soon.





I understand. There's nothing to be sorry for. If I could, I'd send you another one. Prongs gave me another for Christmas, so it'll smell like me.

I have a confession. Ginger let me steal your pillow and I've been sleeping on it since you left. Sorry if that sounds creepy. I just miss you so much and I always dream about us when I go to sleep smelling you.


June 19th.


I found you. I'm watching you. I have your playthings.


Annalee is pacing. She's scared. From Tom's letter. More importantly, from the fact that she can't find Wesley anywhere.

So she does the only thing she can. She floos back to Hogwarts.

"Anna?" Dumbledore asks when she appears in his office. "What has happened?"

"Tom," she pants out. "I'm scared, Dumbles. He sent me a letter. He took my friend. I need to find Sirius."

Before he can object, she takes off through the empty corridors and to the Gryffindor common room, praying she still knows the password.

Meanwhile, in the Gryffindor common room, Sirius snaps to James, "Just stop. Alright? I'm fine."

In the room, it's just him and James. Everyone else had long gotten into bed.

"You need to deal with your stuff, Sirius," James retorts. "You have no idea when Anna's coming back, or if she even is."

"She will," Sirius responds firmly. "I just know it."

James nods. "I'm going to bed. Just... think on it, okay? Do you promise?"

"I promise," Sirius says flippantly.

James rolls his eyes but trots up to the boys dorm.

Sirius stays downstairs when he hears a voice whimper, "Sirius."

His heart blows up in those moments and he doesn't waste a second to wrap Anna in a tight hug.

"How are you here, Love?" he whispers. "It isn't safe."

"I missed you so bloody much," she murmurs, avoiding the question as she pulls him tighter, as though she would never let go.

He slips his finger beneath her chin to get her to look at him.

"Can I kiss you?" he whispers, choosing to not push.

She nods and presses her warm lips to his, sliding her arms softly around his neck while he slides his around her waist.

"I love you," she praises around the kiss. "I love you so much."

"I love you too, Princess," he responds, pulling away and resting his forehead on hers. "More than all of the stars in the sky and more than all of the sand in the ocean. More than Orion loved Merope and more than Romeo loved Juliet."

"Godric, you're so perfect," she mutters, planting another sloppy kiss to his nose. "I missed you."

"I missed you so much, so much," he emphasizes. "But... how are you back? Did something happen?"

"I don't want to talk about it," she shakes her head, a tear slipping down her face.

"Okay. It's okay, Princess. You don't have to," he tells her warmly as he pulls her in for another hug and resting his chin on her head.

"I'm scared, Sirius," Anna confesses.

"That's okay, m'love. That's normal. You don't always have to be brave. You've been so strong for so long, it's okay," he does his best to reassure her, something he hasn't done in so long.

"But I don't want to try anymore. And I don't want to let you down either," she argues, voice as clear as ever.

"You could never let me down," he tells her, running his fingers gently through her hair. "Ever."

"I already have," she disagrees.

"No," Sirius replies firmly.

Annalee sniffles, then nuzzles her head into his chest again and breathes deeply.

"I don't want to keep trying, Sirius," she whimpers.

He kisses the top of her head gently. "You already are, Princess. Just by doing what you're doing."

"But I'm messing up what I'm doing!"

"No you're not. You're perfect."

"I'm really not, Sirius. And Tom's found me and he's going to kill me and every single person I've ever loved."

"He won't. Now that you're back, Dumbledore will keep you safe. And plus, you're more powerful than most of the students here put together. You can fend for yourself."

"No, I'm not, Love. I'm just a stupid little girl. And he has Wesley. We need to find the others, too."

Sirius' mind whirs, but eventually lands on the need to comfort Anna first and save people second. Plus, Dumbledore's probably already on it.

He smooths her hair again. "Let's just get our minds together for one second, alright? It's not on you, Fawley. Not everything is on you."

"But this one is. This one's completely on me. And I have no idea how to deal with it."

"You don't need to deal with it. I need you to understand that."

"I just.... I don't now how much longer I can take this. All of this."

"It's not just on you. We're all here. Me, James, Lily, Marlene, Remus, and Peter. You're not alone and you'll never be alone."

"You promise?"

"I promise."

That's when a voice from the boys' stairwell calls, "Sirius, did I leave my quill down there?"

"No, mate," Sirius yells back. "But come down anyway."

Anna sniffles and pulls away from her boyfriend. Her face brightens when she sees James.

"Anna?" Prongs whispers.

The girl in question nods, "Hey, Prongsy."

James shoots forward and gives Anna a quick hug. "How are you- why are you- I don't understand."

"I had to come back. Can you help me?"

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