This is it. Also, yes, I am in a Hamilton mood it's amazing, no hate.
Annalee Fawley and Sirius Black are playing pool on the pool table in the Gryffindor common room sometime in their sixth year.
Fun fact: This pool is more commonly used for drunken dancing or James Potter's 'announcements' than it is for playing pool.
It's silent until Sirius says, "Are you from Tennessee? Because you're the ten I see."
Anna chuckles, "That was weak, Sirius. It's your turn."
He hits the white ball and the rest clatter around the table. "Do you have a bandage? Because I just scraped my knees falling for you."
"Better," Anna says contemplatively. "Salazar's sake, Sirius, you're stripes, not solids."
"Well, it's a good thing you're solids, because you're a solid ten, love," Sirius jokes.
"Let's not rate women based off of their looks, yeah?"
"Yeah," Sirius says dejectedly. "Sorry, Love."
"It's fine. Your turn again."
"You know," Sirius grins boyishly, "I might be a beater, but I want to be the keeper if your heart."
"That was not terrible," Anna acknowledges, stepping over to give him a chaste kiss on the lips. "But let's just say, it's a good thing you're pretty."
"Hey!" Sirius exclaims.
Dear Annalee,
Words may not describe my hatred for you.
I hate your stupid hair and your stupid smile and your stupid face.
Please choke,
Dear Sirius,
My friends are all telling me I have a crush on you. (Please heed my words when I say that I don't but I do think that it's of note.) In order to assure you that I don't (as I know that they are bound to meddle), I will be listing the things that I hate about you:
Your laugh/smile
Your friends
Your pranks
Your family
Your hair
Your body
Yo̶u̶r̶ c̶h̶e̶e̶k̶b̶o̶n̶e̶s̶
In your words: Please choke and die in a hole. (I added my own little spin, of course. You are stupid.)
Absolutely no love at all,
Dear Annalee,
I think I have a crush on you. Fuck.
Me too. Goddammit. Meet me at the quidditch pitch tomorrow at 11 pm.
Dear Annalee,
I think I love you. I love the way you laugh and I love the way you smile. I love your hair and your face.
Oh, the character development.
But really, I can't even describe this love. I'll try, though.
I love your touch and I love our trope and our romance and the way you are and the way you walk and the way you kiss and your eyes and I just love you so fucking much.
Dear Sirius,
I love you too. Always. So much time has passed, y'know? It's freaking me out. I guess I thought we'd always be young but now we're not and things are changing and it suddenly doesn't feel like time is stopping for us anymore.
Love always,
Dear Annalee,
I miss you, m'love.
Why did you leave?
Goodness gracious, I'm on vacation with my parents! I'll see you in a week. I miss you too.
We're graduating soon. Can you believe it? I'm a little scared, love.
But I have you, and that's enough.
Much love,
When you told me yesterday "end-of-year prank" I didn't think I would be included. I have paint all over my nice, white dress. Uncle Regulus is over our shit.
He says to use scourgify, but it's so much more fun to complain, dontcha know?
Yours happily,
I'm going to miss you desperately while you're in the Army. I don't understand why you had to take the post. We live in England, for goodness's sake.
We don't live together. But I do miss you.
First of all, fuck. I knew there was something I forgot in that letter. So, move in with me? When you get back, of course.
I can't wait. I love you.
Dear Annalee,
I love you so much. Marry me?
Dearest Sirius,
Of course I will. I love you so much.
Love, love, forever love,
Our parents will be here soon.
I can't wait to make you a Fawley-Black.
Sirius Draco Regulus Fawley-Black
I'm overjoyed. The name Annalee Alexander has always been a bit weird.
I love you.
Annalee Lily Lydia Alexander
It's maybe one month after Voldemort's timely death when Draco Malfoy is called by his adoptive mother, Narcissa Malfoy to her study.
"Mother?" he questions when he sees none other than Hermione Granger herself, looking nothing short of fuming.
"S-sit down, Draco," Narcissa says shakily.
Hermione's nostrils flare as she tosses her hair behind her. "I should kill you, Narcissa."
Draco grasps for his wand. "I'm-I'm sorry?"
"Will you tell him or shall I?" Hermione says angrily.
"I will," Narcissa insists. "Draco, please sit." Draco doesn't. "You're not mine and Lucius's. Biologically."
Draco sits. "Who are my birth parents, then?"
When Narcissa neglects to answer, Hermione announces, "Sirius Black and Annalee Fawley. Both are dead, of course. In fact, your father killed Annalee. If you didn't know."
"Fawley...?" Draco whispers to himself. "Why would they ever give me to you?" he sneers.
"She didn't," Narcissa says, hanging her head in shame. "Mulciber sent a stunning hex to her stomach - you - and then took her back here while incapacitated. She begged me, Lucius, Bella, and Evan Rosier. Rosier was the one to tell her. It was poetic, really. The very same man who was the reason she was disowned broke her apart. We just told her that she had a miscarriage. We just told her that you were dead. And then we all just watched as she sobbed and sobbed and screamed and fractured and died because she finally lost too much. The Dark Lord ordered it because he was done trying to kill her. He was done trying to harm her. All he cared about was making her hurt.
"We knocked her out and took her to the dungeons and named you what she'd wanted: Draco. Your name was to be Draco Regulus Sullivan Fawley-Black. Regulus being after Sirius's brother, even if Anna was just as close, and Sullivan being after her best friend, short of only Lily Potter. Ginger Sullivan was a bitch and a bloodtraitor and a daughter of a disowned, piece of shit, Malfoy-werewolf."
"Watch your mouth," Hermione warns. "You know as well as me who Ginger was."
Draco remains silent.
"We couldn't name you that, you must understand. Someone would've found out had we even kept one of your middle names. Even if it was reasonable to name you after your dead cousin," Narcissa continues, looking disgusted with herself. "But we liked Draco, so we kept it. Annalee escaped the very next day, turning into her Animagus. I'm told by Bella who, as you probably know, spent twelve years in Azkaban with Anna, that she went to Andromeda's house. And she couldn't summon a Patronus for some time. I believe it was three months. And in those three months, she sent 20 Death Eaters to prison.
"Fourteen years later, almost to the day, she came into our home while you were off at school. And she threatened us, saying she'd found out about you. She wanted to kill us for what we'd done. But she knew she was damned to die and she wasn't about to orphan you. But she did promise us that if we ever laid a hand on you again, well, what were her words exactly?" Narcissa feels her mouth going dry as she recalls the words she could never bear to forget. "If I find out that you hurt him in any way, I will kill you. I will kill you and make Narcissa watch and then Narcissa, I will choke you to death with his cold, dead hand. And then I'll bring you back and have you kill yourself slowly with a weapon from the muggles you despise so damn much. I suppose that she loved you as much as she loved Sirius. And she loved him enough to die for him and possibly even enough to live for him. As far as I know, she never told him of you. And then you watched her die."
She goes silent then, so Hermione continues, "I was over at Andromeda's house just yesterday and she told me everything." With a wretched look at Narcissa, Hermione concludes, "And I think you deserve to know your blood parents were everything Narcissa and Lucius could ever hope to be. You never truly knew Annie, but she was kind and cunning. She was intelligent and sometimes stupid. She was never anything other than who she was meant to be. And for her life to end with a bloody dagger to the stomach? It's a disgrace. I hope you'll carry on your parents' legacy like Harry, the Weasleys, and I strive to. You're lucky to have their blood in you."
With that, she walks out of the Manor.
The very next day, Draco Lucius Malloy becomes Draco Regulus Sullivan Fawley-Black.
Five years later, he names his son Sirius Draco Regulus Fawley-Black. Another fourteen years after that, young Sirius falls in love with a transfer student from America. Her name is Annalee Lily Lydia Alexander. They write letters to each other throughout their time at Hogwarts.
A/N Well, this is it. Goodbye.
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