A Story Told in Snippets - 69

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July 22nd.

The saying time heals all couldn't be more true. Annalee Fawley had found, in the course of one month and twelve days, she had re-acclimated to the Order; to her family.

June 15th.

"I just want to die," Anna sobs on one of her bad days, rocking back and forth and holding herself close.

Lily rubs her back soothingly, "I know, Lee. I know. We all feel it, too."

BUT NOT LIKE ME! she wants to scream.

The grief is too much.

Thankfully, strong arms wrap around her, allowing her to cry.

June 20th.

"Hey, Ginge," Anna murmurs to the grave beneath. "It's me. Anna. I just- I miss you so much. You'd probably curse at me right now, telling me to move on. But I don't know if I can, Appel. It's too much too quickly. The call of the void is tearing me apart and I dunno if anyone can put me back together."

June 28th.

For the first time in so long, Annalee Fawley is happy. She'd been roped into a quidditch game on the quidditch field at Hogwarts with her friends.

She flies around in her natural element, knowing no one can get by as they shoot the quaffle furiously.

So yes, she's desperately happy until she remembers the last quidditch game she played in, when a certain brunette was the announcer.

With a sudden crack! she abruptly apparates away to cry in private.

July 7th.

"She's... singing," Lily whispers to James as Anna's voice fills the air, singing Anna (Go With Him) by the Beatles.

Anna bounces inside, her hair washed and out of her pajamas since the quidditch game. "Hello, all. Anyone want to go for a run with me?"

Marlene and Dorcas volunteer.

That night, for the first time in almost a month, she doesn't cry herself to sleep next to Sirius. And they kiss again, happiness making it more passionate than it had been in so long.

July 10th.

The anniversary of two deaths. No one sees Sirius or Annalee all day, as they're at Regulus's grave, then visiting Ginger's at around 8 p.m.

"It feels like I lost a part of me," Anna remarks while learning against Regulus's headstone, Sirius having left to grab lunch. "I miss you loads, Reg. You've always been my favorite brother."

July 15th.

Sirius and Anna move back into Remus's cottage and out of the Order Headquarters. James and Lily move into the house down the road from Alice and Frank's. Marlene and Dorcas get an apartment in Diagon Alley together. Peter still lives at home.

July 22nd.

And after so long, Annalee finally feels somewhat better. She starts going on missions with the Order, even.

July 31st.

"Happy birthday," Sirius whispers in Anna's ear by way of good morning.

She drags him into the bed, pressing a deep kiss to his lips. It quickly gets heated. The door is locked and muffliato'd.

August 3rd.

"James and I have an announcement to make," Lily says at a dinner with the Marauders and the remaining Coven members. Anna grins, having been told the previous day.

"We're getting married!" James exclaims.

Once all the exclamations from the others calm down, Lily says, "We want to keep it small, but I'd be honored if Marlene, Dorcas, and Alice would be my bridesmaids and Annalee, if you'd be my maid of honor. Fourth year in the kitchens, remember?"

"Of course," Anna sobs.

October, 1974.

"I love it!" her best friend declares. "Hey Lily?"

"Hey Lee?"

"Let's make a promise, right here, right now. That we'll be each other's - should we get married - Maids of Honor. And each other's - should we have them - kid's godparents."

"I swear."

"I swear, too."

There are many rounds of hugs after that.

"And Remus, Peter, be my groomsmen? Sirius, be my best man?" James asks to the boys.

They all roll their eyes, as if this isn't a given.

September 1st.

The positive pink symbol means pregnant.

September 5th.

The Weasley twins are born, named Fred and George after the recently deceased Fabian and Gideon.

September 15th.

"Probably everyone that cared enough to attend my wedding knows by now that I have been in love with Lily Evans since I was ten years old. I was in love with her from the very first time she told me that I was an arrogant toe-rag. That was never the issue. Merlin knows you made me a better person, Lily. I chose you. I'm just so grateful that you chose me back. You're the kindest, smartest, and most hardworking person I've ever met. You're endlessly loyal and always there for your friends. I'm the luckiest man alive. I love you so much, Lily," James says, reading his vows.

Anna chokes back a sob, to which Sirius chuckles across the aisle.

Lily smiles like she's holding back her own tears. She murmurs, "I love you too, James. You stole like half my speech."

"It's not my fault you left your notebook out for everyone to see!" James jokes, holding his hands up in mock surrender. At Lily's open mouth, he says hurriedly, "I'm kidding, Lils. Really."

The audience laughs.

"Anyway, like you said, it might've taken a bit for me to come to realize that you were the person for me. Seven years, actually. In fact, it's wholly incredible that it took me so long. But I love you because you take care of me when I'm sick and make me laugh when I'm sad. I love you because you are kind and brave. I love you because you're brilliant and everything a partner should be. You kill the spiders, you always say goodnight, even when you're mad. You're my rock, really," Lily says. Lily and Anna's soft crying makes James and Sirius laugh slightly. "And I love you because I can't not, not really. It was always going to be this way. As our corny best friends would say, we were written in the stars. I can't wait to be your wife."

Everyone smiles.

The officiant (Frank Longbottom who got married to Alice during Anna's... vacation) says, "Do you, James Potter, take Lily Evans to be your lawfully wedded wife? For better, for worse, for richer or poorer, in sickness and in health?"

"100 percent," James says, making Sirius facepalm and everyone crack a smile. "I mean, yes. Yes, I do."

"Do you, Lily Evans, take James Potter to be your lawfully wedded husband? For better, for worse, for richer or poorer, in sickness and in health?"

"I do." With a slightly mocking smile, Lily adds, "100 percent."

"Then I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may ki- oh, okay, you're just going for it. Right. Fun," Frank says loudly, then in more of a mutter.

Later that evening, Anna and Alice decline alcohol.

September 30th.

"You're eight weeks pregnant, Ms. Fawley," the doctor, Dr. Wilson, says to Annalee.

She breathes out, "Shit. That's... shit."

"Are you single?" she asks. "Do we need to get you in touch with support?"

"No. No, I'm good. I just don't know how to have a baby in a war," Anna professes. "Jesus. Thank you, Doctor."

She apparates away.

When she gets back, the entire Order is meeting. The entire Order minus Sirius.

"Anna!" Lily exclaims, hugging her tightly. "Godric, we were so worried."

"I- I'm fine," Anna replies carefully. "Lily, where's Sirius?"

"That's just the thing. Sirius is missing."

A/N Yeah, this was not the plan for this. But y'all know by now I get bored without drama. Don't worry, this won't go too poorly. No major character deaths. But shiz goes down two chapters from now. If you will be triggered by anything related to pregnancy, you've been warned.

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