0.8) Visits

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Rebekah and Makenna walked into the Mikealson manor, hundreds of bags in their arms, which they dumped on the floor as soon as they entered. "I hope you aren't planning on leaving these here are you?" Ester said disapprovingly.

"Of course not, that would be disrespectful to Klaus. Considering its his house." Makenna said with a snarky smile on her face. "Kreacher! Winky!" She called out loud, not taking notice of the families stare on her. Suddenly two loud pops sounded through the room and two small elf looking creatures entered the room. Rebekah jumped back away from the creatures. "Winky dear, take Rebekah's bags to her room and organise them if you can." 

Winky nodded her head excitedly, she loved getting orders from her generous master Makenna. "Of Course Miss, Winky does straight away." 

"Hmph." Kreacher grunted, wearing a small tux that Makenna had gotten him. Yes, both Winky and Kreacher were free, but stayed with Makenna. Who gives them as much wage as they would allow. "Filthy muggle kind." He spat, forgetting that he was trying to get along with muggle kind.

"Kreacher! That is completely disrespectful." She said briskly, and Kreacher looked angry with himself. So the house elf picked up the lamp off the side table, and tried to wack himself with it "Kreacher, what did i say about punishing yourself?" She said as she took the lamp of the little elf. The Mikealson's were still staring at her but she didn't take any notice. 

"Kreacher is sorry, kreacher forgets." He said in his deep and grainy voice. Makenna tilted her head slightly giving the elf a charming smile. 

"I know it's hard, but Master Regulus and Master Sirius would want you to be nicer." She told him. The little elf nodded his head and began to take the bags he was told to. 

"Did someone call?" a voice sounded after a loud pop. 

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