Chapter 38: The King and the Destroyer

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Horror's POV

I wake up, finding Undyne sitting beside me in a chair beside the bed. It's Farmer's version of her but I still jumped in surprise. She smiles at me.

"Good to see that you're okay."She says

"And since when did you wish me any good?"I ask

She frowns.

"So...That's the version of me you deal with?"She asks

"A traitorous, insane and abusive tyrant? Yeah. Made me look like the freak you don't trust to be good."I say

"Right...Sorry for mistreating you."She says

"Aaaand?"Paps says, making me realize that he is in the hallway

"For talking behind your back."She adds

"Aaannnd?"Paps asks

"For stalking you and everything I else I did. I'll stop all of it from now on."She says

Paps smiles, nodding. Then he drags her out.

Farmer enters the room and smiles at me.

"Good to see that you're up."He says

I smile at him as well and he sits beside me. He gently rests his hand on mine.

"I'm glad that you are safe, Farm."I tell him

He shakes his head.

"I am especially glad that you're okay...And don't worry, she won't ever hurt you again. But hey, Killer had fun living his dream."He tells me, resting his other hand on my cheek

He kisses my cheek as this info sinks in.

I hug him close to me happily.

He's safe...Everyone is safe....She isn't going to be a threat anymore? That's the best news that I've ever heard...

"So what's your verdict on his health? Can he come home?"Killer asks as he enters

"He will need a few days to heal...But his condition has been worse. He could go home and recover with you if you'd like. It would probably be better since there are more storms forecasted around here, which won't help his recovery."Farm says

I smile at him and Killer seems elated, picking me up and carrying me through a portal home.

A few weeks pass and I recovered again. Right when I got back into my routine is when Killer dragged me into a room with most of the gang. Only ones not here are Dust, Nightmare, and Error.

"OK, so this meeting is for operation GoopGlitch. We made arrangements for a nice, relaxing day for both of them and it's meant to be a surprise. We put our money together and everything. Now we just have to put it in motion. First we send them to a library session for crafts and reading, which Fell can supervise. Then Cross will check in for their spa session and Horror, you will make sure everything runs smoothly at the diner reservation we set up for them. Then I will take things from there."Killer tells me, laying papers and maps out.

I smile, seeing the plan laid out.

"So what do I do?"I ask

"You go make sure the reservation is set and in a good spot where they won't get bothered."He says, opening a portal

I nod, going through to find a nice diner on the other side. I enter and get greeted by a server. A text from Killer gives me all the info I need.

"Reservation name?"The server asks

"Goopmare."I say, rolling my eye

They just had to use a name that annoys him for the reservation?

She nods, leading me to another room that was pretty empty. There is music playing from a nearby violinist and the table was neatly set up with a candle and fancy folded napkins or silverware. I smile happily. This is the perfect seating for them.

"Are you waiting for someone?"She asks

"Oh no...My friends and I made this reservation as a gift for two special people. I'm just making sure it's confirmed."I say

"Oh well let me give you a hidden table until they show up!"She says

She takes me to another table hidden behind a wall which allowed me to see how empty it is. But I quickly notice someone at the table beside me. Nightmare's brother Dream of all people and he seems to notice me.

"Oh! Hello Horror! What brings you here?"He says, turning in his seat to put his hand on my shoulder

"Keep your hands off of me."I say, checking my phone.

"Oh come on! No need to be so sharp with me af-"He says

"We are literally enemies and you have attempted to hurt me or accuse me of things on multiple occasions. What part of that doesn't indicate a sharp, hostile relationship between us?"I say, scrolling through my messages

"Ok, good point. But I would like to change that! It's never too late to change!"He says

"Yea but I don't trust you. Or anyone similar to you."I say

"You still haven't explained why you are here."He says

"That's because it's none of your business."I say


Killer:How's the diner?

Me:Good, nice seating. Mostly empty but I'll have to get rid of a disruption soon. Stupid golden boy is here. :/

Killer:Got it. They're at the library now so you got some time. Feel free to order some food for yourself. We need to keep those bones of yours strong. :D

Me:Got it.


"I notice that you are very scarred...Some look fresh. How come? And you haven't mentioned your reason for being here."Dream says

"Neither of those things are any of your business."I say, rolling my eye

Then I see the new message from Farm showing a picture of him with a new scarecrow. I chuckle with a grin, then make my order and ignore Dream. After a while I get a ding from my phone as I ate my food.


I nod, getting stuff ready to go and paying for my order. Dream glances at me and smiles, getting up as well. He offers his hand to me, radiating positivity.

"Shall we get to know each other better?"He asks

Ugh, his positivity is going to drive Nightmare away! I grab his hand, quickly pulling him out of the diner without a word and making sure we got a good distance away. I turn around, seeing Nightmare and Error walk hand-in-hand into the diner. Dream notices this.

"Is my brother...On a date with that destroyer?"He asks

"None of your business."I say

"Could gay?"He asks

"Dream you literally have a crush on Cross that you fail to hide terribly."I say with a shake of my head

"What? How do you know?"He asks, his face a blushing mess

"It's obvious. You will tear us to shreds but won't lay a hand on him. And you make that face when you see him."I say, then step away from him

I press a button to open a portal and shove him through it so nobody here gets bothered by him.

Me:Removed Dream.

Killer:Good. You can come home and I will take things from there.

I smile, then glance back again at the diner. Error and Nightmare are seated by a window and I see them grin, slowly leaning into a kiss.

I'm glad that they could have this day together to relax...

I head home and make sure the portal shuts behind me.


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