Chapter 8 | Once Upon a Swap - Part 2

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||DISCLAIMER: I do not own The Owl House and its characters! All of that belongs to Dana Terrace, her team, and Disney||

◈Freaky Friday


Published: ~May 14th, 2023~


◈King's Brush with Death

Soon after the body swap occurred, you, Eda, Luz, and King all went your separate ways. After a few minutes of being in his new body and King is already trying to go for his prey.

That of which was a green flag.

Of course, this was a different one from the other flag that was at Eda's stand. But now, the flag was taken away in a quick swipe by a childish King in a certain brunette's body. He roars with victory and slams the flag to the ground, stomping nearly afterward.

"Not so high and mighty anymore! I feel so alive! W-Whoa!"

King, instead, falls head-first into a trashcan behind him from celebrating too much. He tries to get out, turning the trashcan over. A water balloon drops beside him, where a large squid-like creature soon emerges.

"Oh no! Ahh!" King dodges as a means of not being swiped as payback. "The flag, it seeks revenge!"

King hears laughing and turns over to a nearby mountain and finds the source of all the water balloons. A red one was dropped and another squid grabs a civilian, who is no doubt scared for his confusing life right now.

"Help me! I'm a delicate man!"

"Teenagers." King muttered in curiosity.

King gets down on all fours and makes his way up the mountain. From there, he sniffs for the kids that threw the water balloons and rushes over to see two teens that were near a cliff. A green-skinned kid with multiple eyes and yellow sleeves for his track outfit. Skara, who was beside him, had red sleeves.

"Hey, take this, society!"

The Potions kid accidentally squeezes the water balloon above his head, wettening his clothes.

"Oh, no..."

A tentacle quickly scoops up the boy and raises him up in the air, making him scream like the man below. King eventually sneaks into the shack behind the kids and sniffs for anyone else. He then spots Boscha and the Oracle Kid, plus another teen named Amelia.

(A/N: I'm gonna start naming him O.K. because I'm too lazy to keep saying "Oracle Kid")

O.K. tries to exercise with his shoes, which allows him to float in the air, considering the wings on the side. However, he stops and takes a few heavy breaths.

"Ugh, just give up." Boscha groaned.

"I swear, I can do a sit-up! I'm just having a bad day." O.K. claimed.

He grunts again whereas Boscha and Amelia take a quick picture of him struggling.

"Sure, you can." Boscha teased.

"I'll show Luz how to rule over these doofuses." King takes the curtain and pulls it over to reveal himself. "Greetings!"

King was still on all fours but quickly stood up. "Bow before your king of humans!"

Boscha and her friend look on in confusion while O.K. falls down.

"Hey, nobody tells me what to do." O.K. told.

"Ugh, shut it!" Boscha told.

"Sorry, Boscha." O.K. apologized.

"New post: Loser human thinks she can hang out in our sacred Treasure Shack." Boscha said on her scroll. "Spoiler alert: She can't."

"Yeah! Get outta here, Goody Two-Shoes!" O.K. yelled.

"Goody Two-Shoes, huh?" King snatches the O.K.'s winged shoes off, causing him to fall. "Don't think that I forgot about you, Lionel."

"Gah! Would you quit it with that!?" O.K. scowled.

King puts the shoes on and flies out of the shack, zooming past Skara and grabbing her bag of water balloons. He stops when he floats high in the air.

"Hey, impressionable youths!" King said, earning attention from the kids. "Under my command, you could learn how to do some real damage."

King spins and throws the bag into the town of Bonesborough, which unleashes multiple tentacles all simultaneously. It sure frightened many of the townspeople. King slowly spins back around and smirks evilly at the teenagers.

"All hail, your new teen king." King bellowed.

"I didn't like her telling me what to do before, but now, I love it!" O.K. said.

Boscha glances at O.K., shifting her attention toward King and huffs with her arms crossed.

"Who wants to revolt with me today?" King questioned.

"You're the coolest!"

"We love you now!"

"I love it!"

"Hold up! I did not give you permission to leave!" Boscha yelled.

"Alright, you acne-encrusted hormone buckets." King said.

"Let's go let out some teen angst!"

The next few scenes include a montage where the kids go around pranking people. The four are near a bus (egg) stop, which has three people waiting. The first person's face becomes warped, causing her to scream. The second person's face is warped as well, making him scream. 

However, the third person removed the newspaper from his face and looks at the kids with a goofy grin, letting them come to realize that he didn't really need any changes to his face. O.K. looks at King, who simply just shrugs in confusion.



(A/N: Sin City wasn't made for you)

The person screams at his new look, rather preferring his old warped face.

The kids go back to pranking people, which they go to a storage unit business. The sign that read "Self Storage" was instead changed to "Elf Rage." A person, that was clearly an elf, strolls by and notices the sign. He then grimaces and points at the sign.

"Yeah, this sign gets it!"

The man rips his shirt and suspenders off and punches the sign over, running off.

"Nehehe." King snickered. He mumbled, "I gotta show that to Y/N later."

The man comes back to see the kids laughing at his behavior, eventually charging at them. They run off the opposite way in an attempt to avoid his "elf rage." Later, King is shown holding a crow phone while the others are giggling.

"Be quiet!" King whisper-screamed with a smile. 

King then dials on the crow and holds it to his ear. The scene then changes to Hooty coming over to the phone at the Owl House. The tube smashes his head on the phone, answering it.

"Hoot House! Hooty hooting!"

King then climbs up the stand behind him and places the crow phone into a massive horn. Hooty's voice echoes in the horn, allowing every unfortunate person nearby to hear him.

"Oh, wow! I've been waiting for someone to call all day, and now, it's finally happened!" Hooty slowly curls into himself. "We can talk for hours, and hours, and hours, and hours, and hours..."

King walks with his new "minions" throughout Bonesborough with pride found in his every step. That's until they encounter a stand that was purple in color. There was also a half-wrapped bar in the illustration. King looks up to see a hooded person scrolling through a... wonder rectangle?

Wait a second...

King dug into his pocket to notice Luz's bat phone. So that's when he realized...


The other teens look at King, who nervously chuckles.

"I-I mean, Y/N?"

"Y/N? Where?" Skara asked, looking around.

"Ugh, gimme a break." O.K. scoffed.

"Hey, don't be mad because he clowned you." Skara told.

"Whatever." O.K. grumbled.

"You kids interested in something sweet?" The person questioned, letting the kids see their golden eyes shine under their hood.

"Yep, that's definitely Eda." King thought as he frowned.

"Sure?" Skara replied.

"Ever heard of chocolate?"

The teens glance among themselves and shake their heads in agreement.

"We can say that we haven't." O.K. said.

"Well, feast your eyes on this."

Eda brings out her hand and reveals a candy bar. O.K. takes it and splits it between the other two, which they hesitantly take it. Upon one bite, their pupils dilate from the instant sugar running in their blood. King watches in confusion.

"How much for these?" O.K. asked.

"A hundred snails for one bar."

"One hundred snails? I guess we could-"

"SOLD!" O.K. slammed his snails against the counter. "I'll take five!"

"That's the spirit." Eda smirked under the hood.

She hands O.K. his candy bars, who laughs hysterically and stands away. Skara and Amelia get two and walk off with King, who at least got one. O.K. chomped on his and gained a sugar rush, only saving one left.

"I don't know what Luz and Y/N were talking about. This life is a breeze!" King cockily said.


King stops to see Boscha in front of him, who points at him and everyone else.

"I don't know why they can't remember what a weirdo loser you are, but I'm gonna help them remember!" Boscha declared.

"Ooo, I'm so scared." King mocked. "Ha! She still thinks she has power over you guys. Guys?"

"Luz, I challenge you to a race around Dead Man's Curve!" Boscha yelled.

Lightning strikes on a high bridge that was being held up by bones. Everyone gasps while Boscha smirks.

"And we'll be racing on those." The pinkette pointed at two animals. "Giant rat worms."

"RaCE? wHo sAId rACe?" O.K. questioned. He then runs around, circling the group. "i'lL rAcE yOU!"

O.K. gets tripped by Boscha, who falls over. He then quickly points at her.

"t-t-tHaT wAsN'T nIcE!" O.K. screamed.

"What did you do to him?" Boscha asked.

"We got these chocolate bars from this weird lady dude." Skara answered.

"Choco... what?" Boscha raised her eyebrow.

"I'll explain later." Skara waved off. She then turns to King.

"You don't have to do this, you know?" Skara assured. "We know humans are like... super fragile."

"Don't baby me!" King slaps Skara's hand away. "Boscha, I accept your strange teenage coming-of-age challenge thing. But who needs a giant rat worm when I have this?" 

King grabs his chocolate bar and raises it high into the air, only for it to get munched by one of the rat worms. The rat worm's eyes dilate, causing it to slither away at hyperspeed.

"Oh, c'mon!" King stomps his foot.

"lUz..." King turns over to O.K., who appears to have bloodshot eyes. The boy sneakily hands him his last piece of candy. "M-MaKE tHiS c-C-cOuNT!"

"Okay?" King said confusedly.

And with that, the race was set to start. One of the bone pillars collapses from the bridge as Boscha pulls up with a giant rat worm. King simply pulls out the candy bar O.K. gave him and unwraps it, reluctantly bringing it to his mouth.

"On your mark."

King munches.

"Get set."

King's pupils dilate.


King vanishes.

Long story short, King, with crackhead-like energy, not only bursts through the "caution" sign on the bridge but manages to jump to the other side of the bridge, causing him to be the winner. He celebrates so much that he eventually falls off the bridge and crashes into the Treasure Shack, making the whole thing collapse on itself.

"Not the Treasure Shack!" Skara gasped.

"I don't know how to process this." Amelia said.

"m-m-MAsTeR, t-tElL uS w-wHaT tO d-dO!" O.K. sputtered out, crawling on Boscha's body.

"Ugh..." Boscha shoves O.K. off of her. She then tosses a candy bar away from her. "Be a good boy and leave me alone."

O.K. drools at the sight of the candy bar. "mY pRecIoUS..."

"As for you two, get her!" Boscha ordered.

The teens fly down to King while O.K. sits on the ground, sogging his candy bar and moans in satisfaction with the taste. King utters a quick yelp and gets on all fours again, rushing off into Bonesborough. As he was sliding down a rough hill, he felt instant pain, causing him to grab his abdomen.

"Oh, my stomach..." King groaned.

"Get back here, human!" Boscha yelled.

"Trust me, you don't want to be anywhere near me..." King scrunched up his face. He comes to groan even more. "Luz and Y/N were right. I can't handle the complexities of teenage life."

"My stomach hurts so bad!" King cried. "Oh, what am I saying, I just want my body back!"

King crashes into a bucket of orange paint, which was laid in front of a pink and teal building. After hearing the teens coming to where he was, King rushes into the building just in the nick of time. He heavily breathes in darkness, however, there was a sign that read "no teens" above him. The lights suddenly turn on.


"Dottie! A teen has come to steal our little babies!" Roselle shouted with a broom in her hands.

"No, wait! I am a little baby!" King claimed.

Roselle only smashes nearby furniture, which King jumped on to escape.

"No, you're not! You're a rotten teen!" Roselle scolded. She then pulls out a sharp nail. "But when we're done with you, you'll be calling for your mother!"

"Lady, I just want my body back!" King told.

"Shit, you can have it." King turns to see you in his body, but also in a bee costume. "Your life is fucked up. Well, minus the nice girls protesting for my freedom outside."

You and King peek out the window to see crowds of fangirls raising their signs in the air and marching in a circle in front of the Kitty Café. Roselle started to notice the crowd and growled under her breath.

"More teens..." She muttered. "Dottie! We have trouble outside!"

Roselle and Dottie quickly rush outside whereas you and King look at each other.

"What did you do with my body." King asked.

"Oh, I totally didn't become famous across the Boiling Isles. Not to toot my own horn, but I'm pretty adorable to these people." You pointed outside with your thumb. You then scrunch your face. "And speaking of tooting horns, was that you, King? My God."

King sniffs the air and retches, covering his nostrils.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry. My stomach just hurts so much!" King cried.

"What did you eat today?" You questioned.

"Some chocolate bar." King answered. Your eyes widened.

"King, what was in the chocolate bar?" You asked again in concern.

"I don't know! I'm not one to look at the nutrition facts." King said.

"King, some chocolates are made with milk, and as you can know, milk is dairy." You told.

"Oh, don't lecture me to death! I already have this stomach killing me!" King scolded.

"My point is Luz is lactose intolerant, meaning she can't eat certain dairy products." You explained. "That's probably why your stomach is hurting so bad right now."

"Ha! She's such a loser!" King cackled.

"Bap!" You uttered.

King looks at you from how you slapped him across the face.

"First off, don't you insult my best friend like that. Secondly, I just wanted to know what that was like." You snickered.

You earned a death glare from King. The young demon then grimaces and grabs his stomach, moaning in pain with his stomach loudly bloating.

"I feel like I'm about to explode!" King cried out.

"Dear, God..." You murmured in fear for your life.

◈Luz's Deals in Heels

"Okay, let's try this again."

Luz turns ninety degrees and puts her hands on her hips.

"And strut, strut, strut!"

Only for her to crash into a few crates. She grimaced while bringing her foot up to her face.

"How does Eda wear these all day?" Luz wondered. She turns to see a broken lamp in front of her, which she gasps. "Oh, no. What have my heels done?"

She then comes to a realization.

"Wait a second. I'm a ding dang witch!" Luz yelled out.

Luz points her finger at the lamp and writes a spell circle. However, the circle becomes enlargened, blasting the girl away from the lamp and into the air. She then crashed into a table and got up with her finger emitting a fading smoke.

"Boy, Eda is powerful." Luz accidentally opens her hand, which makes the orange blast come back and begin to push her away. "Oh, not again!"

Luz puts a mitten on her hands, revealing it to be cut out for her index fingers.

"Okay, let's try this one more time."

Luz makes another spell circle above the lamp, and not only was it fixed but it also had a pair of legs and other lamps along with it. Luz comes to see what she had accomplished.

"I made magic with my hands!" Luz squealed. A person comes by and inspects the lamp(s).

"Ew! So unnecessarily extravagant. I'll take it!"

"Zippo swappo!" Luz caused her creation to walk over to the person. "Sold to the savvy shopper!"

"Okay, magic hands. Let's see what else we can magically magic!"

Luz draws a bigger spell circle, causing the shop around her to be more flamboyant. There was also an updated sign that beat her previous one.

"Step right up and feast your eyes on the marvels of the Human Realm!" Luz declared. That was when the customers started to pour in.

"Oh, what is this?"

"Where did the other stand go?"

"Your lights are too bright and I forgot what I came here for."

"Was it for laughter?" Luz uses a floating brush and tickles the customer with it.

"Joy! So painful." The customer gives Luz a handful of snails. "I'll take two for my enemies."

The scene changes to show Luz stroking her chin. She then takes a sharpie and draws on a person's face. It is also revealed that it was the same person from multiple chapters ago. His bottom face cried with tears of joy.

Next, there was a baby who was crying very loudly, only for its mouth to be covered with a giant pacifier, filling the air with a sweet silence. The mother then dumped her purse and made Luz's pile of snails grow larger and larger.

All of the customers' problems were solved and they eventually walk away from the stand.

"Thank you! Come again!" Luz lifts Eda's staff in the air with pride. "There's a little something for everyone! Take it from me, Eda, the Boiling Isles' gift to magic."

"Is that right? You're the famous Eda the Owl Lady?"

"That depends." Luz pulls her hat down and dug out flowers for the customer. "Are you a fan of magic?"

"No, but I am a fan of the law."

Luz's pupils shrink as the person, who was a Coven Guard the whole time, placed handcuffs onto her wrists. The flowers that were once smiling at the guard had instead wilted at the revelation. Another guard comes and stands on Luz's opposite side.

"We're finally able to catch you in the act. All thanks to this little light show of yours." He gestured around him.

"Gentlemen, what do you say we forget this whole thing ever happened?" Luz nervously chuckled. She then pointed at the guard on her right side. "Amnesia spell!"


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