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Hello! I just wanted to say that even if Danielle is the bad person in the fanfic, I still love her and think shes perfect for Liam #teamDanielle 

Follow me on twittter  @Sara_Trudel


It had been almost a month since I left New-York and that I was back at the campus. Liam and I talked every second as possible, skyped every night also. God I missed him so much, I couldn’t stand being in school anymore. As I open my door to my dorm Hannah was on the phone with Zayn. I sat down on my bed and just looked around.

‘’ Zayn I’ll call you back’’ Hannah said to Zayn on the phone.

‘’ What’s wrong ‘’ Hannah said coming to sit next to me

I needed to tell Hannah how sick and tired I was of this school, of this life style where I missed Liam every second I breathe. I was tired, I couldn’t wait until Christmas anymore, I had to go to Ireland and start my life there.

‘’ I can’t do this anymore Han!’’ I said getting up

‘’ You wanna go don’t you’’ Hannah said facing the ground

‘’ I have to’’ I tell her ‘’ I want to live my dream!’’

‘’ You know, my parents push me into being in university. My whole life I wanted to move to London and open my own bakery. But my parents push me into this because they didn’t believe in me and I don’t want to do this anymore. Just like you’’ Hannah said looking at me

‘’ I have an idea’’ I tell her

‘’ What is it’’ she ask

‘’ Me and you leave now, we pack up our stuff and move to Ireland with my mother until we can find a place in London!’’ I said with a bit of excitement

She got up and reach for her suitcase under her bed ‘’ were leaving tonight’’ she said with a smile

Hannah and I packed all of our items into my car. We each wrote a two page letter to the school saying we quit and we are going to live our lives. Both of us had everything pack into my car, we would drive to Quebec city that is five hours away and stop at Hannah’s home to pack the rest of her stuff. We weren’t tired, in a matter of fact we were quite excited.

Arriving to Hannah’s house no one was home. Thank god because she didn’t want to deal with them, I let Hannah write a letter to her parents saying she was off living her life on her own as I packed her stuff up.

‘’ Thank you Sara’’  Hannah says

‘’ I believe in you Han’’ I said with a smile

‘’ Thank you’’ she put all her bags and suitcases into my car and drove off. We had decided to not tell the lads about us coming but only my mother who was happy I was coming home. Finally arriving to my  house it was already morning, we were tired but nothing was stopping us.  I had booked a flight for the night and had a truck coming to get our boxes and suitcases to be ship to Ireland in the afternoon. Hannah and I spent the morning putting my stuff into boxes and bags. I wasn’t going to sell the house, in fact I was going to keep it and make it a getaway home, where I could come here with my mum  and brother and friends and boyfriend for a holiday.

‘’ Were ready ‘’ Hannah said clapping her hands together. I turn to her and hugged her, she was honestly my best friend that I could trust, I was lucky to be going through this experience with her.

‘’ Ya we are’’ a minute after a big truck pulled into my drive way to pick up our boxes and bags to be ship to Ireland.  I thanked the man that took our stuff and went back inside.

‘’ Han we should go now, I’ll call a cab and we’ll eat at the airport’’ I yelled because she was upstairs

‘’ Okay’’ she yelled back. I called the cab and about ten minutes later it was there. Hannah and I took our suitcase and got into the taxi. As we were driving away I looked at the house, as we drove away it disappeared out of my sight. God I was going to miss home a lot.

We were now sitting in a Italian restaurant in the airport that was expensive but we needed to eat, and we didn’t want fast food also. Looking at the time, I realize I had three miss calls from Liam. ‘’ Shit’’ I said out loud.  I then quickly dialled his number

‘’ Hey why didn’t you pick up’’ Liam said answering

‘’ Sorry I was in… The shower’’ I didn’t want to tell Liam I was coming, my mother, Hannah and I had a plan. The lads were all at my mum’s. She had said that someone had broken into her house and didn’t want to be alone and that she wanted all five of them there with her.

‘’ Oh alright, did your mother call you’’

‘’ Ya is she okay? I’m really worried’’ I said sounding sad

‘’ She looks sacred, the lads and I are here with her’’ he tells me

‘’ Oh good. Liam I’m sorry but its late and I have an early class. I’ll call her tomorrow alright?’’

‘’ Oh okay babe. Don’t forget’’ he says

‘’ I won’t boo’’

‘’ I love you’’ Liam says

‘’ Forever Liam’’ I said hanging up.  Looking at the time, we had about one  hour till our flight and needed to get to the other side.

An hour had pass and Hannah and I were on the plane to Ireland. We were sitting in the VIP section where nobody was. As we were in the air, I slowly closed my eyes and fell asleep.

‘’ SARA WERE HERE!’’ Hannah said shaking me. I looked out the window and they we were. We were landing in Ireland. I smiled and waited till we landed. Once off the plane to got our luggage’s and took a cab to my mum’s house where the lads where. It was really early here in Mullingar, it was around four in the morning when we arrived at the house.

‘’ Let’s do this’’ Hannah ran’s to the door

‘’ WAIT!’’ I yelled our quickly ‘’ Don’t knock, I’m going to text my mum saying were here and to see where the boys are at in the house’’ I tell her. I texted my mum immediately, and she responded fast ‘’ the boys are up in Niall’s room playing video games, the door I unlock. Come in quickly to surprise them-mum’’. I walked up the steps and open the door slowly, Hannah and I went in and put down our suitcases quickly on the floor and tip toed upstairs to Niall’s room.


I was sitting in Niall’s room watching him and Louis play xbox. I was thinking of Sara and how much I missed her so much. Zayn missed his girlfriend also, he was happy with Hannah and I was proud that he found a girl. I was about to get up when someone tackled me.

‘’ BOOOOOOOOOOOO!’’ Sara had just jumped on me. But how, she said she was going to class

‘’ HANNAH!’’ I heard Zayn yelled

I looked at Sara and kissed her ‘’ what are you doing her’’ I ask with a big smile

‘’ I’m here to live my dream’’ she said with a smile

‘’ Good’’ I tell her and kissed her again

We all spent the night talking and laughing and we had an all-nighter. In the morning we all got prepared since we were going back to London for a week. We were on a plane to London when I finally fell asleep.

Awake and in London we were all walking in the city looking for a flat for Hannah and Sara. I was extremely happy that Sara had come here earlier. I was missing her a lot, I kept her picture in my wallet because it seem as if she was with me all the time when I had it.

‘’ Wow this one is nice’’ Sara said walking around a flat. '' how many rooms?'' I ask the real estate agent

‘’ Two master bed rooms and two guest bedrooms and a big office’’ he replies with a smile

‘’ Sara what do you think’’ Hannah ask Sara

‘’ I really like this one, it’s close to Liam,Niall and Zayn’s flat’’ She tells Hannah

‘’ Harry and Louis are moving around here soon also, so they will be close’’ I tell both of them

‘’ We’ll take it’’ Hannah said

‘’ Ya were taking this one’’ Sara said


Hannah and I were settle in, in our flat in London.  I was helping Hannah open her bakery while I was still waiting for my acceptation at the gypsy wedding dress store. They said it would take a few weeks to come back to me since they were extremely busy.  

Fans would scream mine and Hannah’s name every morning or everything they would see us on the street.  Our customers were mostly  the One Direction fans.

‘’Hello’’ a lady says out loud

‘’ Yes hi, how may I help you’’ I ask . Oh wait this was Nettie the owner of the wedding studio I had made application too. ‘’ Oh my god miss.Nettie I didn’t recognize you’’ I said with a smile

‘’ Hi Sara, I’m not here today for food or anything. I’m here for you’’ she says ‘’ I haven’t gotten a chance to look over your cv and all but two of my workers left me today and I’m stuck and I need you’’ she said with a begging face

‘’ Let me just grab my bag and I’ll be right there’’ I said walking in the back of the bakery and taking my bag.

It had now been five days  I was working at Nettie’s studio and I was having the time of my life. This was all like I imagined it to be like. I was leaving the studio late to go to Liam’s house for our one month anniversary. It went so fast, already a month? I kept telling myself the whole week.

‘’ Hey babe’’ Liam said opening the door

‘’ Hey ‘’ I said kissing his cheek ‘’ Is my brother here’’ I ask

‘’ Nope he’s off to visit Lottie’’ he said grabbing my waist and kissing my lips. ‘’ You hungry hunny’’ he ask

‘’ No  sorry I ate a bit before coming’’ he said shyly

‘’ don’t be sorry’’ he said kissing my forehead ‘’ stay here, I’ll be right back’’. As soon as Liam left the room I was getting a call from Hannah.

‘’ Hello’’  I answer

‘’ How’s everything with mister.Payne’’ she said

I laughed ‘’ I just got here’’ I tell her

‘’ Are you guys gonna do it tonight’’ she ask

‘’ do what’’

‘’ IT Sara IT!’’ Hannah yelled over the phone. I stayed quiet for a moment ‘’ wait you’ve never done it haven’t you’’ she said

‘’  No I haven’t okay!’’ I yelled

‘’ I think that’s good. Your waiting for the right person Sara. Anyways have a good time with Liam. I’ll see you tomorrow. Love youu’’ Hannah said hanging up.

Liam came back to get me where he lead me to his room.  Walking into his room, he had candles lit up everywhere. I smiled and thought I’m ready, I love Liam. I then turn to face Liam, we made out, and we were really into it.  Not long after, clothes were off and we were on Liam’s bed. He was on top of me kissing me, I then nodded my head. He kiss my forehead and we started making love.


Sara and I’s relationship had gotten stronger and lovelier since we made love two weeks ago. The boys and I were preforming at the x-factor tonight, where we started off our gurney two years ago.  

‘’ Sound check now guys’’ a man tells us.  We were preforming Up All Night tonight in front of everyone and live, we were on the stage rehearsing when I got a phone call from Sara.

‘’ Hey babe’’ I said answering

‘’ Hey boo’’ she said sadly

‘’ What’s wrong’’ I ask

‘’ I’m not feeling well, I don’t think I’ll be able to make it tonight at the x-factor.  I puke three times today I’m on my way to the hospital for a heck up’’ she tells me

‘’ Be careful , call me if there’s anything’’ I tell her

‘’ Alright I love you’’

‘’ Love you too’’ I said hanging up.

I went back to the boys to rehears. I couldn’t stop thinking of Sara, what if she was sick? I needed to be there but I couldn’t. We had a show in nearly one hour.


I had been call into a doctor’s office at the hospital.  I had no idea what was going on with me, I hope it wasn’t anything bad I kept telling myself.

‘’ Hello misses.Horan I’m doctor.Edward’’ a man says

‘’Hello, is there anything wrong with me’’ I ask

‘’ Sara have you taken a pregnancy test this last two weeks or so?’’ he ask

‘’ No why, I had too’’ I ask

‘’ Were you and your partner trying to have a baby lately’’

‘’ No I just lost my virginity two weeks ago’’ I tell the doctor

‘’ Well I don’t know how to say this’’ he said

‘’ Say what’’

‘’ Sara your two weeks pregnant’’

 I was in shock in the office, how could I be pregnant when I just lost my virginity. Wait Liam didn’t use any protection that night, I remembered. As I walked out of the hospital to my car, I thought to myself I can do this. Liam and I would rais this child and be the best parents ever to him or her. I was actually happy, but yet upset since I was only 19 years old.

Looking over to the time I still had time to make it to the x-factor studio on time. When I pulled over in the parking lot, I applied some makeup and put on my heels and my blazer. I was about to go tell Liam he was going to be a daddy right now.  I was nervous of his reaction but I couldn’t wait.

Before walking into the studio I texted him ‘’ made it on time, walking into the studio atm. I have a surprise to tell you xx-sara’’. As I sent the text I walked into the studio and to the boys dressing room.

‘’ Wow you lads are sweaty’’ I said with a laugh

‘’ Well we just came off stage’’ Harry said with a smile

‘’ Damn it, I missed the show’’ I said sadly. ‘’ Where’s Liam’’ I ask

‘’ He’s walking around’’ Zayn said

‘’ Alright thanks’’ I was about to walk out the door but something stop me. I had to the them the big news before Liam ‘’ Guys?’’ I say

‘’ Ya ‘’ they all said back

‘’ I’m pregnant’’ I said sadly. All their jaw drop and just stared at  me

‘’ CONGRADULATION’’ Louis said hugging me. I smiled and hugged the rest of the lads ‘’ were coming with you to find Liam’’ Louis and the lads said getting up.

The lads and I were searching around for Liam around the studio. When we found him ten minutes later, he was kissing this other girl. She looked familiar, right she was, it was Danielle Peazer his ex-girlfriend. Tears  started rolling down my face, I felt my heart breaking into millions of pieces. I was standing there, when Liam finally looked behind him. He saw me , I turn around and push Harry and Zayn out of my way and ran out of the studio. I couldn’t believe what had just happen.  I drove back to my flat and took some clothes and money and my passport.  I drove as fast as I could to the airport and took the first flight back to where I came from.


I push Danielle off of me, I could see a smirk on her face and looking behind me. I turn my head seeing Sara and the lads looking at me. Sara was in tears, as I was walking towards her to stop her from running away, Niall stop me and punch me in the face and onto the ground

‘’ HOW COULD YOU DO THIS TO MY SISTER!’’ he yelled punching me in the face once again. Harry and Zayn pulled him off of me

‘’ SHE JUMPED ON ME!’’ I yelled

‘’ SARA WAS ABOUT TO TELL YOU THAT YOU WERE GOING TO BE A FATHER YOU SICK BASTER’’ Niall said pushing me out of the way and walking away.

‘’ She was about to tell you that you were going to be a father’’ kept running through my mind. I was running in London to Sara’s flat. When I entered, she wasn’t there,  she had left the necklace I had given her on her birthday on her kitchen counter.  It tore me apart knowing that Sara saw Danielle kissing me. I didn’t kiss her back; she kissed me and held me close. I was sitting on the floor with my head in my hands crying and crying.

Taking my phone out, I check my twitter to look if Sara was somewhere. @Sara_Trudel: Going back to where I belong. Have a nice life with her. I broke down into more tears, Sara left. She left and wasn’t going to come back, the only way she would if is I go get her back.

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