My decision is made

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Hey everyone! This is a short chapter but ill have a new one up really soon! Thanks for reading, I have over 4k reads and I legit cried when I saw that :) -Sara x


Harry and I have been acting like a couple in front of Connie for he can actually get used to it. Meanwhile I still needed to talk to the lads about me actually dating Harry; I had told Harry I would tell him the answer after I have spoken to the lads about it. For now, me and Harry only had a ‘’thing’’.

‘’ Harry I’m leaving now, is that okay’’ I ask. Today I was going to meet up with the lads and many the girls after.

‘’ Hey you can’t leave without giving me a kiss’’ Harry said pulling me towards him. I giggled and place my lips on his. To be honest, every time Harry and I kiss it was the best feeling ever. I never felt this way really when I would kiss any guy, or even Liam.

‘’ Bye babe’’ I said kissing Connie’s cheek. He waved at me out the window as I drove away in the car.

As I drove to Nandos to meet up the lads my father’s favorite song came on the radio summer’69, he always told me that he and mum met at a fair while this song played. Dad would tell me this story every time we would hear the song. Arriving to Nandos I left my thoughts of my father in the car, right now my main objection was to ask if it was okay to be with Harry. Walking into Nandos, I could see that quiff from Zayn’s head sticking out of a booth.

‘’ Hey guys’’ I said to them sitting down next to Louis. But no one spoke, I then notice Zayn was in tears ‘’ what’s wrong Zayn’’ I ask, but still no reply, ‘’ can someone tell me what’s going on!’’ I said in a loudly voice.

‘’ She’s gone Sara’’ Zay said with a crying voice

‘’ Whose gone’’ I ask

He let out more tears ‘’ Hannah’’ he said putting his head down the table and cried more

‘’ But where’’ I said looking at Louis, instantly he got up and took my hand. I followed him outside where we sat on a bench outside of Nandos.

‘’ She left him, she left a note and took everything from the flat with her. She went back to Canada, she doesn’t want Zayn looking for her. She said her ex-boyfriend Alex called her and she went running back to him’’.. When Louis said Alex’s name everything came to mind, Hannah once told me about Alex. He was her first love, he was her everything but her parents didn’t like him but Hannah still loved Alex with all her heart. She always said she would take him back anytime, but really? Why Zayn? Why do this to the boy who has been loving you for five years? I ask myself. ‘’ Anyways Sara what did you want to ask us today’’ Louis then asks me.   

It took a long moment for me to even speak up. I was still so speechless that Hannah left Zayn like this. ‘’tell me Sara’’ Louis asks again

‘’ It’s Harry’’ I finally say

‘’ I know’’ he said with a smile ‘’ we all know, even Liam. We all know how much Harry likes you, everything started when we left your house after the weekend for your father’s funeral five years ago’’

‘’ How do you know ‘’ I ask Louis

‘’ Sara were all best friends the lads and I, we tell each other everything’’ Louis explains 

I smiled at Louis, we both talked for a while before going back inside to our meals. We all sat in silent for a while, everything was depressing. Poor Zayn, he didn’t spoke, after a while he got up and left witch left me to Louis,Niall and Liam.

‘’ So why did you want to meet up’’ Niall ask shoving another piece of his chicken in his mouth

‘’ It’s Harry’’ I say

‘’Oh did he finally ask you out’’ Liam said looking at me.  Wait what! Harry told Liam about him liking me?

‘’ Well this is why I wanted to meet up today’’ I said looking at me ‘’ would you lads let me go out with him? Especially you Liam, since we both had Connie together’’ I ask shyly

‘’ Look Sara, if your happy then I’m happy’’ Liam said with a smile.

‘’ Well I’m going to head back home to Connie and Harry ‘’ I said getting up and leaving Nandos. I was driving back home, as I stop at the light I turned on the radio. Next thing I knew was a car hocking that was the last thing I truly remember.



 ‘’ 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10  read set not, here I come’’ I hear Connie’s little sweet voice saying. I was hiding behind the couch in an easy place for him to find me. ‘’ I found you Harry ‘’ Connie giggled.

‘’ Oh no not again’’ I said sounding sad ‘’ Connie Harry is going to start making dinner, you go watch the telly, alright?’’ I tell him. Connie just nodded and hopped on the couch and turn the telly on to The Fresh Prince Of  Bel-air. I could hear him singing the song from the living room in the kitchen, I smiled how cute. I started the oven and cut up some veggies. As time passed, I was getting extremely worried about Sara, she never left for that long. She never liked leaving Connie and me at home for hours. Picking up my phone I dialed her number, but no answer I tried once again but still no answer.  ‘’ Connie dinner is ready’’  I said placing a plate of mash potatoes with chicken with some vegies. We ate with Sara for the first time, I was getting extremely worried about her. Where was she? I ask myself. After I clean up after dinner I took Connie in the bathroom for his bath. As  I put the bubbles in I was receiving a call from Niall.

‘’ Hey mate what’s up’’ I  said answering the phone

‘’ Mate you have to come to the hospital now’’ Niall said crying

‘’ Why , what’s happening’’ I ask

‘’ It’s Sara’’. My heart skipped a beat, I wanted to cry but I held everything back in. I grabbed Connie and my car keys, in nearly two minutes we were in the car on our way to the hospital. Connie kept silent in the back seat; he probable knew something was wrong. Arriving to the hospital, I saw Niall crying ‘’ where is she’’ I ask. He pointed to the first door, I ran over to the room where Sara laid in bed with a tube on her mouth with bruises all over her body. I sat next to her and held her hand, tears. The girl I love was lying in bed in the hospital bed after an extreme car accident.

‘’ Harry harry harrryyy ‘’ I hear Sara in deep sleep

‘’ Sara I’m here’’ I said kissing her forehead

‘’ Don’t leave me Haz’’  I cried. Sara was in a deep sleep saying my name. I would never leave her, I loved her so much.

For a week Connie and I slept at the hospital, not wanting to leave the hospital. Connie cried out every night for his mum, and so did I. Suddenly while Connie was watching the telly, Sara’s eyes slowly started to open.            

‘’ Arg my ribs’’ she yelled out letting some tears escape her. The car accident had left her with a broken rib and a few bruises. 

‘’ Hey your awake’’ I said kissing her lips

‘’ Where’s Connie’’ she said getting up in a rush

‘’ Mummy’’ Connie said climbing onto the bed

‘’ Can we please get out of here, I hate hospitals’’ Sara ask pulling Connie next to her. Sara always hated hospital since her dad got sick she told me.  As I walked back into the room with the okay from the hospital for her to leave she was already dress and ready to go.

It was now the weekend and Sara was still in pain since the car accident. Sara always told me she wanted the new Cadillac Escaper, and since now her ford runner is smash up from the two weeks ago accident I bought her Cadillac. Dropping off Connie over at Liam’s I came back home to Sara putting the table together for our romantic dinner.

‘’ Wow this is great’’ I said kissing her lips

‘’ Take a seat’’  she said pulling a chair out.

We both ate dinner, we talked and laugh, the usual. However this time, it was different, everything was just so perfect. ‘’ I have a surprise for you’’ I lead her outside to her surprise. ‘’ SURPRISE’’ I said

‘’ Oh my god Haz  noooo way!’’ she said ‘’ no Harry this is too much’’

‘’ Look you needed a new car, and I wanted to make you happy’’ I said kissing her cheek

‘’ I love it, thank you so much Harry’’ she said kissing my lips.

We then went back inside to where we kissed passionately over and over. I carried her to my room where I laid her down in bed; I got up top of her kissing her forehead. As we made out, clothes were taking off. As time went by, we were getting it in; I did my best to try not to hurt her broken ribs the whole time. When we were done, we both took shower together, we then went back to my bed to cuddle up which I was loving.

‘’ Harry?’’ Sara said turning over to face me in bed

‘’ Yes babe’’ I looked at her with a smile

‘’ I’ve made my decision’’

I smiled again ‘’ will you want to be my girlfriend’’ I ask her

‘’ Yes Harry, yes I’d love to be your girlfriend’’ she said jumping on me and kissing me. 

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