Love in paradise

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Hey everyone! It's Sara here! Well The Horan Twins has come to an end. I had so much fun wirtting this story, also thank you for reading. I wouldnt write if it wasnt for you guys. Please stay close to my profil and all because Im going to start writting a Zayn Malik fanfic very soon! -Sara xox



It was an early afternoon in London; the rain had just stopped leaving it to a bright sun. The wet grass made my sneakers wet, but I really wanted to see her. I carried my umbrella under my left arm and push back my glasses onto my face, also holding a dozen of rosses in my right hand; rosses, her favorite.  I set them right next to her and smiled. I place my extra blazer I had brought onto the wet grass and sat next to her. I whispered quietly to her ‘’ hey love’’.

The sun started to come out, the wind started to pick up. I smiled; I could feel that she was here with me.  ‘’ Before I forget, these are for you’’ I said placing the Rosses next to her ‘’ your favorite, I figured to bring you a dozen’’ I place them closer ‘’ thought you might like them’’. I sat next to her looking at the bright sun that stood brightly above us. The sun was making it warmer outside, I could feel a sweat drop rolling down my cheek, I didn’t mind it, it felt good against my face having the sun reflecting into my face.  ‘’ So I was thinking the other day’’ I smiled and turn to face her ‘’ remember the time in Hawaii, where I picked you up and threw you in the bath and you called me crazy? I then replied I was crazy in love with you’’ I stop and took a deep breathe ‘’ I still am’’ I laugh. I sat there remembering our past and our memories. Our first kiss, first dance, first time making love, it might had been a long time ago, but I still remember the feeling.  But there’s one memory I’ll never forget ‘’ remember when we first saw each other? It was in Ireland, I still remember how you took my breathe away with how beautiful she looked that night. Beautiful as always’’ I finish. ‘’ I also wanted to say that, when I first saw you, I knew I had to get you’’ she went silent but still had a smile upon her beautiful face.  She still wasn’t answering, but I understood, I knew she was happy tough.

I knew that no word could ever define how strong our love was.  Sara and I were once strangers that were change into best friend then had become lovers with a big worming loving family. She was truly my forever and always love. ‘’ By the way, the boys tell me they miss you. Carter and Tegan are now grandparents. It’s so nice knowing that our kid Carter fell deeply in love with Tegan Eleanor and Louis’s daughter’’ I smiled ‘’ Connie is still in the army also, but now teaches the youth into becoming real strong soldiers’’ I pause for a second ‘’ we brought up two lovely kids together’’ I smiled ‘’ they hope to see you soon’’. I place my hand closer to her; the wind blew my hair to the side. I could feel that’s she’s there with me. ‘’ I bet you miss them too eh?’’ I ask ‘’ I hope your looking over them from up there like I am down here’’ I laugh. The sun brighten more, making it worm onto the black blazer I was wearing. 

Having this reunion with her meant so much to me, more then she’d probably ever think. ‘’ I wanted you to know that even if your gone. I know your always with me love’’ I run my hand threw my hair leaving out a tear ‘’ I miss you a lot’’ . I could just imagine her beautiful face just smiling at me.  It made me smile. ‘’ I also visited you’re  shop you worked at, Mellie was there. She’s not doing to good, she’s in a wheel chair and could barely see or heard but yet she’s continuing doing what she loves’’ I said looking up to the sky.  The birds stop singings, and the sun started to fade away.  I realize it was getting later than I expected. ‘’ I’m going to get going for I can prepare myself for our 70th anniversary tomorrow’’ I said pulling myself up with what seem to be the last strength in my arms. I bit my lips and glance over to the one I love for one more time that day. The grey tomb stood in front of me with her same engraved onto it. The Rosses sat next to it perfectly.  ‘’ I promise to see you tomorrow love’’ I said placing my hand on the tomb for one more time. ‘’ It’s sad that you left so fast’’ I said leaving some tears out.  I took one more look at her, I missed the one I loved so much, it’s only been a few months since she had pass but every second of breathe I would take, I would miss her even more.

‘’ I love you’’ I whispered and walked away.

The day after I was reunited with the one I loved so much. When I first saw her, I ran towards her picking her up and kissing her. I was now gone in paradise, but with the one I loved so much. ‘’ don’t ever leave me again’’ I tell Sara when I put her down

‘’ I never left you Haz, I was always with you. In your heart’’ she said pointed at my chest.

Our love reform up in heaven with the ones we had lost. We were waiting for our other loves one to join us. As the years passed, the Styles family, the Horan family  and also One Direction big family started over again. Up there where they call heaven, and also a new life.   

-The end. 

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