*~Spells And Slytherins~*

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After clouds, sunshine

Upon learning that his students had acquired wands, Sir Rogan insisted they learn to use them immediately.
"And remember, children, charms are simply spells that alter an object without changing its essential nature." The battle scarred; pot-bellied man informed as he circled the class handing out blank pieces of parchment.

"Now, I need you to make the pieces of parchment I've placed in front of you float. The spell is wingardium leviosa. I wonder if anyone can show us the proper wand movem- ah, but Ms Ravenclaw can, of course."
Rowena waved her wand with a flourish and muttered the spell. Her friends watched in awe as the parchment floated inches above her desk and even did a few twirls in the air.
"Wonderful. Now, everyone try it. And- remember, it's all in the pronunciation."

Many of her peers were red-faced as they jabbed at the stubborn parchment refusing to float in front of them. It was when Bernard Wiggins set Alexander Flammel's robes aflame that Sir Rogan dismissed them and begged them to practice. With a long list of simple spells to practice, the lot exited the classroom talking excitedly about what they'd learnt.

"Mine floated a bit, did you see?"
"No it didn't. I was right beside you, I would've noticed."
"You're just sour because your butt was on fire-" Godric's laugh was cut short by a shove from Alex. Maryrose rolled her eyes at them and turned to Rowena.
"You were brilliant, Rowena."
"It's not a hard spell, really. Helga did it too!"
"Yes, I did. However, I'll let you have this Ravenclaw. Just this once."
"Oh, ha ha."

The noisy group made its to the Dining Hall where a meal of roast potatoes and turkey awaited to be devoured. The head table was occupied by Sir Rogan and a few medi-witches who tended to the little ones.

After taking a few bites of her food, Rowena turned to Helga.
"I've been meaning to ask you something. About spirit animals." She added, casting a glance at the other girls neck chain.
"Thought you said you didn't believe in that." Helga smirked at her.
"I don't. I'm just curious. What exactly are they?"

"Well, they're regarded as messengers of sorts which are a reflection of one's inner self."
"So, they're kind of guardians?"
"Yes, that's one way to look at it. Why the sudden curiosity?"
"Just a project I might take up. Can one summon a spirit animal?"

"Well, they're supposed to appear in times of need or to give guidance, according to the books. But I reckon they can be summoned. It'll be a tricky bit of magic though."
"Are there any spells you know of?"
"I can't say there are. What are you on about, I wonder?"
Rowena muttered some lame excuse but Helga did not press the subject.

Several hours later, Godric had them gather in one of the unused rooms of the mansion.
Everyone was present because they didn't need any lookouts. They could just say they were practicing as they were instructed to do by their teacher if ever discovered. As most of them still couldn't perform basic spells, Godric insisted they do some physical training. 'Muggle fighting' Helga had called it.

Godric showed them weak points on the human body which could render an opponent powerless when hit. He then proceeded to divide them into pairs and had them fight each other. Needless to say, it was a disaster. Godric was not discouraged however.
"You all did great! Given more time and practice and Salem won't stand a chance!" He said, eyes sparkling.

Godric, as Rowena would soon learn, was a natural born fighter.

He loved a good duel and was always looking for the biggest, most formidable opponent. His wand movements lacked the grace that came with training but were sufficiently accurate. He was wicked with a sword and his eyes would sparkle with the thrill of a good fight.
Rowena found his overwhelming nature annoying yet contagious.

Massaging at a spot on her shoulder where Helga had got a hit on, she made her way slowly to William's office for that evening's lesson. She knocked once and let herself in as usual and startled a little when she found her usual seat already occupied.

"Good evening, Rowena. I was just telling Salazar here you'd drop by and maybe you can introduce him to the others."

Rowena gaped at him and wondered if he was going mad. She made her way to the other seat and sat down stiffly without sparing the skinny boy beside her a glance.
"Will- Mr Peeves, I'm not sure I quite understand. "
"The Resistance has arranged for Salazar here to join our school."

"Why?" Rowena burst out before she could stop herself.
"Well, he has every right to education-"
"That is not what I mean."
"I'm aware. It is what I mean, however. Mr. Slytherin will be joining our school and I hope you see to it he's comfortable, Ms. Ravenclaw. We shan't be having lessons today as my presence is required at the royal castle for a few days."

Rowena noted the dismissal in his tone and stood. She stormed out of the room and tried to even out her breathing as she felt Salazar follow her down the passageway. She waited until they were well out of earshot before whipping out her wand, turning around and sticking it up against Salazar's throat.
"I don't know how you managed to hoodwink The Resistance or maybe even the magic knights themselves but you can't fool me." She hissed driving the boy into the wall.
"Why are you, here? Spying for your brother? Are you going to wait for us to fall asleep so you can summon him?"

The boy sneered down at her and shoved her wand away.
"A matter which doesn't concern you, little girl." He spat.
Rowena laughed rather hysterically and stepped back.

"I'm sure William had his reasons for putting you here. If you came hoping to get information, think again. I will be watching you, Slytherin." Without warning, she sent a stinging hex his way, which he received with a hiss. Rowena was almost disappointed when he did not attempt to retaliate. She'd been hoping for a reaction... for a reason.

She marched into the Common Room where the others were lounging. Helga was the first to notice her glowering in a corner by a book shelf.

"Hey, you're back early." She said peeling herself off an armchair. It was a moment before she noticed Salazar skulking beside Rowena, glowering just as harshly. She let out a little scream that attracted several glances. As everyone eyes fell on the source of her surprise, a frightened silence fell over them.
"Don't." Rowena said reluctantly as several wands were raised, ready to curse the boy into oblivion.

"Everyone. This is Salazar Slytherin. The headmaster wishes for him to join us. "
A stunned silence. Then-
"And why would we let a Slytherin live under the same roof as us." Alex sneered at Salazar who sneered back.
Several people murmured their assent, throwing hate filled glances at the Slytherin boy.
"Why bother barricading ourselves from Salem when we have a murderer right here?" A voice shouted and similar shouts followed.

"That will be enough!" Helga said sharply and silence fell. "Godric. Why don't you show Salazar to his room. He can take one of the unoccupied ones in the left wing of the manor." She said briskly without looking at Salazar.

Godric hesitated before nodding once, never taking his eyes off Salazar who was gazing at Helga with unmistakable amused recognition. 

He grabbed the pale boy by the elbow and practically dragged him out of the room. Rowena was bombarded with questions the moment his ankles disappeared from view.
"What are they playing at-"
"That piece of scum tried to kill Godric-"
"Are we sympathizing with murderers now-"

"I don't know! I don't know!" She cried out hysterically.
"The Resistance seems to trust him, or they wouldn't have let this happen. We have no choice but to tolerate him for now. I don't trust him either. He can't know about our meetings or training sessions. We can't let him find out anything. He's obviously a spy."

More feelings of disgruntlement were expressed but Rowena knew there was nothing they could do except wait patiently for the Slytherin boy to reveal his true colors. Later that night she lay in bed, sleepless, wondering how long that'd take.
A soft movement behind her door shook her out of her reverie and she knew who it was before the door swung open to reveal a long curtain of blonde hair.

Helga, as Rowena had learned, was an insomniac. She often wandered the mansion at night, passing through Rowena's room along the way. Rowena had wagered with the idea of slipping her a sleeping draught, but she'd realized Helga was fairly capable of brewing the potion herself. If she'd wanted it, she'd have taken it.

Rowena feigned sleep as she always did during Helga's little visits. She expected her to leave after a few seconds as she always did but she let herself in and closed the door. She peeped through Rowena's window and watched the night.

"I don't believe Salazar's a bad person." She said from the window. Rowena kept quite, unsure if she should respond.
"I know you're not sleeping, Ravenclaw." Rowena could practically feel her rolling her eyes. She sat up.
"Alright, you caught me. What are you going on about?"

"The Slytherin brothers. They... they visited our manor in Valley Broad a couple of times when Salem had business with my father. When the King found out about it, he sent a squadron of knights after my father. They were instructed to burn the manor down and everyone in it. Of course, my father fled when he caught scent of probable capture.
But I've met Salazar before, twice. It's his brother who's vile. I'm not saying he, himself, is exactly peachy, but we don't have to be horrible to him."

"Well, you've only met him twice. How would you know what really went on with them?" Rowena asked.
"You're right, I wouldn't. I'm simply asking we remember who the villain is. That it's not us, hence we shouldn't act like we are."


Helga's words rang in her head the next morning when Rowena saw Salazar Slytherin moving gingerly into the Dining Hall sporting multiple bruises. The medi-witches who fussed over paper cuts did not spare him as much as a glance. The boys must've gone to him soon after the girls had departed for bed. Helga, of course, would've seen the whole thing during her nighttime wanderings.

She watched with mixed feelings as Salazar's food vanished the moment he sat down and several people sniggered. She was torn, such treatment was bound to make him react and provide good enough evidence to get him locked up. However, when she thought about it, hadn't his own brother tortured him in front of them. And judging by the way he'd got to his feet quickly after, he'd definitely been hit with the curse multiple times before. Rowena herself knew just how terrible the Cruciatus could be, thanks to Pesta. How many times did one have to be tortured by it to get used to it? Could one get used to it?

"That's enough, Alex!" Helga said from across her on the table. She looked up to see Alex with his wand raised and aimed at the Slytherin boy who was now spotting a bloody lip.
"Just having some fun." Alex muttered, though lowering his wand.
"There's nothing fun about hurting others. You of all people should know. You all are disgusting. " Helga snapped and stormed out of the hall, pushing her untouched plate of food in front of Salazar along the way.

"What's got her knickers in a bunch?" Alex tried to laugh it off, but Rowena could tell Helga's words had hit home for all of them. The Slytherin boy faced no more bullying after that.

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