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The Race Against Time

Jane's mind was racing with questions. Who were these others? And what would they do to get their hands on this technology?

As she looked around the room, she saw the fear in everyone's eyes. They were scared, scared of what might happen if this technology fell into the wrong hands.

"We have to get out of here," Mark said, his voice urgent. "We have to get this technology to a safe place, before it's too late."

Jane nodded, her heart racing with excitement. She knew that they had to act fast, before it was too late.

As they made their way out of the building, Jane couldn't help but feel a sense of unease. They were in a race against time, a race to save the world from those who would misuse this powerful technology.

But as they ran through the streets, Jane realized that they were not alone. There were others following them, others who would stop at nothing to get their hands on this technology.

Jane's heart was racing as she looked over her shoulder. She saw the fear in Mark's eyes, the determination in Rachel's. They knew that they had to keep going, no matter what.

As they turned a corner, Jane saw a strange device in the distance. It was a time machine, a time machine that seemed to pulse with energy.

"What is that?" she asked, her voice barely above a whisper.

Mark's eyes widened in fear. "It's a time machine," he said. "A time machine that could change the course of history."

Jane's heart was racing as she realized the truth. They were not just running from their enemies, they were running from the future itself.

As they approached the time machine, Jane saw a figure standing next to it. It was a woman, a woman with long, flowing hair and a dress that seemed to shimmer in the light.

"Who are you?" Jane asked, her voice barely above a whisper.

The woman turned to face them, a smile on her face. "I am the guardian of the timestream," she said. "And I will not let you pass."

Jane's heart was racing as she realized the truth. They were not just fighting for their lives, they were fighting for the future of the world.

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