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The Traitor Unmasked

Jane's eyes widened in shock as she realized the truth. There was a traitor among them, someone who was working against them.

But who was it?

She looked at Mark, at the guardian, at Rachel. No, it couldn't be any of them. They were all fighting for the same cause.

Or were they?

Jane's mind raced as she tried to think of who it could be. And then, she saw it. A small detail that she had missed before.

Rachel's eyes flickered to the guardian, and then back to Jane. And in that moment, Jane knew.

"Rachel," Jane said, her voice firm. "You're the traitor."

Rachel's eyes widened in shock, but Jane saw the guilt in her eyes.

"How did you know?" Rachel asked, her voice barely above a whisper.

Jane's heart was racing as she realized the truth. Rachel had been playing them all along, pretending to be on their side.

But why?

"We need to get out of here," Mark said, his eyes locked on Rachel. "We can't trust her."

The guardian nodded, her eyes serious. "We need to come up with a new plan," she said. "A plan that doesn't involve Rachel."

Jane nodded, her heart pounding in her chest. She knew that they had to be careful, that they couldn't trust anyone.

But she also knew that they couldn't give up. They had to keep fighting, no matter what.

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