the third task

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Rose could barely see anything. The hedges blocked out what little light the sky provided and instead cast shadows that made it impossible to see. Harry and Rose quickly cast lumos. Cedric also cast the spell and the three teens walked in silence for about 40 yards before the hedges split.

"See you," Harry said to Cedric. Rose quickly gave Cedric another hug before following Harry to the left. Cedric went right.

The whistle blew a second and third time, signifying that Viktor and Fleur were both in the maze. Harry and Rose just walked faster every time the whistle blew. There hadn't been anything in their path so far and Rose allowed herself to relax some. Her hand stopped shaking in Harry's but she kept her wand out.

"Point me," Harry whispered as they came up to a fork in the path. The sky was almost completely black.

"Well that doesn't help much," Rose sighed when the wand pointed right into the hedge on the right. The wand was pointing north and they needed to go northwest to reach the cup.

"Left and then right?" Harry confirmed.

"Yep," Rose said. Harry nodded and the pair turned left.

"Is it kinda weird that we haven't had any obstacles?" Harry whispered to Rose.

"Kinda. Makes me nervous," Rose admitted. As she said this Cedric came out of a hedge on their right. Rose and Harry both pointed their wands at him but lowered them quickly. Cedric had singe marks on his shirt.

"Hagrid's Blast-Ended Skrewts!" Cedric panted before continuing down the path.

"Not that way," Rose chuckled. Harry nodded with a small smile on his face and the pair hurried away. As soon as they turned the corner, two dementors appeared in front of them. Rose focused on one while Harry focused on the other.

Rose gasped and immediately racked her brain for her happiest memory. Her mind kept going back to when she kissed Harry, so she kept that thought in her mind, as well as the thought of her seeing her mum and godfather earlier that afternoon.

"Expecto Patronum!" Rose yelled. A bright light exited her wand as a silver doe pranced around. The dementor seemed to stumble and Rose quickly realized that it wasn't actually a dementor, but a boggart.

"Riddikulus!" Harry and Rose shouted at the same time. The boggart quickly disappeared with a pop. Rose and Harry stood there for a little bit before nodding to each other and walking on.

"You cast a patronus," Harry noted. "It was a doe."

"Yep..." Rose said, slightly embarrassed. She knew that Harry's patronus was a stag.

"I wonder why the boggart took the form of a dementor in front of you," Harry said.

"Hmm...I'm not sure. Maybe the boggart was just focused on you and not me," Rose shrugged. Harry nodded, but he was too busy thinking about her patronus.

The pair kept walking and using the point me spell every once in a while. They came up to a golden mist and hesitated. Harry sent a reductor curse into the mist, but it did nothing.

"What do we do?" Harry asked. Rose was about to respond when a yell echoed through the maze.

"Fleur?" Harry and Rose yelled at the same time. There was no response. Harry took a deep breath and ran into the mist.

"You idiot! What are you doing?" Rose yelled. "Harry!"

"It's ok!" Harry's voice shouted back from the other side. "You'll be upside down for a while but just pull your foot free and you'll be fine."

"If I die I'm coming back to haunt you!" Rose told him.

"Just do it! Hurry!" Harry urged. Rose nodded and ran into the mist. She was quickly turned upside down until she yanked her leg and fell. She let out a happy gasp as Harry helped her stand.

"No lie...that was kinda fun," Rose admitted. Harry stared at her as if she was crazy before nodding his head toward the path. Rose rolled her eyes but followed him, quickly interlocking their fingers.

"Harry," Rose whispered. Harry hummed back.

"I just want you to know that I am an independent woman who can take care of myself if I needed to and I'm not just staying so close to you because you're a man, because we all know you're hopeless, but I'm staying near you because I need comfort and also just because I can protect myself doesn't mean that I should always have to," Rose rushed out.

"...yeah, ok," Harry mumbled, but he had a small smile on his face. Rose nodded firmly and then started guiding the way. They walked for 10 minutes until they reached a skrewt. It was easily more than 10 feet long.

"Stupefy!" Harry and Rose yelled together. The spell just rebounded off of its armour and Rose and Harry quickly ducked. The skrewt sent a burst of fire at the pair and Rose quickly pulled up a weak shield charm.

"Impedimenta!" Harry yelled. The skrewt continued as if nothing had happened.

"IMPEDIMENTA!" Rose and Harry yelled together. The spell hit the skrewt on the soft part of its belly and the skrewt fell over, unable to use its legs. Harry and Rose quickly ran off.

They had to backtrack at one point but they continued anyways. They stopped when they heard raised voices.

"What in the bloody hell do you think you're doing?!" Cedric yelled.

"Crucio!" Viktor yelled.

Harry and Rose shared a scared look at Cedric's screams filled the air. Rose was the first to start running and Harry quickly followed. Rose didn't even know what curse she was using, but she burned her way through a hedge and ended up on the same path as Viktor and Cedric. Viktor saw Rose emerge with Harry right behind her and started to run.

"Stupefy!" Rose yelled. Viktor fell over face first. Rose quickly ran over to Cedric and helped him sit up. Cedric grasped Rose's hand for comfort and stability. He was gasping for breath but he quickly stopped gasping and started breathing normally. Rose felt horror grip her as the familiar feeling of exhaustion started to grab her.

"Are you all right?" Harry gasped as he helped Cedric stand. Cedric sent a look Rose's way as he felt little to no pain in his body.

"Yeah...I dunno what's up with Krum...I heard him creeping up behind me and when I turned he had his wand up at me..." Cedric trailed off. He was moving his limbs awkwardly and he kept glancing at Rose.

"Poor Mione," Rose sighed, trying to ignore Cedric's looks.

"Did you hear Fleur scream earlier?" Harry asked, oblivious to what had happened between Cedric and Rose.

"Yeah. Maybe Krum got to her too," Cedric replied.

"Yeah..." Harry trailed off.

"What should we do with him?" Rose asked as she kicked Viktor's wand away from his hand.

"We should send up red sparks," Harry said.

"He deserves to just be left here," Cedric snarled. Rose had never seen the Hufflepuff with so much anger. Regardless, the boy sent up red sparks.

"We should go," Harry said. Rose nodded and walked over to him. Cedric waved at the two before disappearing into the bushes, Harry and Rose going the opposite way.

Harry and Rose went down what seemed like a million paths, neither of them talking as they thought back on Viktor. Rose knew that his use of an Unforgivable curse was out of character for him, but she also barely knew him. Her mind was conflicted. She was wondering how she would tell Hermione when Harry suddenly stopped short. Rose bumped into his back and looked over his shoulder.

There was a sphynx standing in front of them. It had the body of a lion but the head of a woman. Its eyes focused on the pair.

"You are very near your goal. The quickest way is past me," The sphynx informed them. It had a gravely voice.

"So...let's go," Harry said. Rose fought back the urge to roll her eyes.

"You must first answer a riddle. Answer correctly on your first guess and I will let you pass. Answer incorrectly and I will attack. Stay silent and I will let you take another path," The sphynx explained.

"Let's hear the riddle," Rose said. Her hand started shaking and she quickly grabbed Harry's hand. Exhaustion forced its way through her and she doubted her ability to answer a riddle.

"First think of the person who lives in disguise, who deals in secrets and tells naught but lies. Next, tell me what's always the last thing to mend, the middle of middle and end of the end? And finally, give me the sound often heard during the search for a hard-to-find word. Now string them together, and answer me this, which creature would you be unwilling to kiss?"

Rose stared at the sphynx in shock before looking at Harry.

"Er-again?" Harry asked tentatively. The sphynx nodded and repeated.

"Ok, a person in imposter or-"

"A spy!" Rose cut Harry off.


"Er! Harry, that's what you say when you can't find a word!"

"Spy-er...spy-er..." Harry mumbled. Rose and Harry looked at each other.


The sphynx nodded and allowed Harry and Rose to pass.

"Thanks!" Harry called back. Rose didn't turn to see if the sphynx heard. The pair were running as fast as they could, trying to get the stupid tournament over. They made a right turn and gleaming in front of them, a mere 100 yards away was the Triwizard cup.

A shadow pushed past them as Cedric ran past. He was going to get to the cup first and Rose truthfully didn't care. What she did care about was the giant figure jumping at Cedric.

"On your left!" Rose yelled but she was too late. Cedric fell to the ground, a giant spider trying to attack him.

Rose and Harry both threw spell after spell at the spider, but nothing seemed to work. Instead, the spider started running at them. Rose tried kicking the spider but ended up getting her leg caught in its pinchers. She let out a loud cry and pushed the spider off her leg, her adrenaline allowing her to do so. The spider then used its pinchers to pick up Harry by the leg.

"Put him down!" Rose cried out stupidly. Her leg was slowly healing, her body tired from the maze and from healing Cedric.

"Expelliarmus!" Harry yelled. The spider dropped Harry on the same leg it had pierced before. Cedric, Rose and Harry quickly stupified the spider and it went rolling away.

"Are you ok?" Cedric asked as he ran over.

"No," Harry hissed as he moved his leg. Rose hesitated as Cedric kneeled down to examine the leg. Harry let out a soft curse as Cedric moved his leg to get a better look.

"Harry, I'm gonna need you to trust me. And neither of you are allowed to ask questions until we're out of this stupid maze," Rose huffed before putting her hands on Harry's leg. The skin slowly started healing itself. Rose fell over as soon as Harry's skin had covered the hole and she knew the bone was no longer broken. She knew that the cut would probably open at the slightest touch, but she was too tired to care. Her leg was at the same point, barely healed.

"What the hell, Rose?!" Harry gasped.

"No questions," Rose panted, leaning into Harry, who shared a confused and astonished look with Cedric.

"You two definitely deserve the cup now," Cedric said softly.

"No, you do," Harry said.

"I'm too tired to hear an argument. How about we take it together?" Rose asked, yawning once she was done. The boys made eye contact before nodding.

"Great. Help me up," Rose groaned. The boys quickly helped her stand up and placed her arms over their shoulders. They slowly started their trek to the cup.

"You know that as soon as this is done you're explaining everything, right?" Harry told Rose.

"No, I'm sleeping then explaining," Rose corrected.

"Here it is," Cedric whispered. The cup was right in front of them.

"On the count of three?" Harry asked.

"The count of three," Cedric confirmed. Rose moved her arms from their shoulders as they situated themselves. Cedric walked over to the other side of the cup as Harry wrapped his arm around Rose's waist to help her stand.

"Are you sure?" Cedric asked, a worried look coming over his face.

"Stop being so noble. Of course we're sure," Harry assured the boy, who nodded.

"Three-" Rose started counting. They all shared nervous looks as they reached out to grab the cup. "Two-one!"

They all grabbed the cups but had no time to celebrate as their feet raised off the ground and they were taken away from Hogwarts, away from safety.

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