Chapter 3

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The surprise went well as not even (Y/N) suspected a surprise party for her birthday. She expressed gratitude to her family and those she knew and kept close.

"I'm surprised. You even kept it a secret from me," (Y/N) smiled knowingly at her brother who nervously chuckled.

The prince rubbed the back of his neck, "It was not an easy task, sister. I tried my best. You almost got me to spoil the surprise many times before!"

(Y/N) only laughed slightly at his relieved face after being able to speak freely without consequences, "Haha! I can understand that," she held her brother's hand, "Thank you, Lloyd. This was nice!"

Her brother only smiled in return, "Oh, but of course. I'd do anything for my sister. It is what I should be doing as your younger sibling who has been raised by you."

(Y/N) felt touched by his words, "Aw! Lloyd! My baby brother is growing too fast I think I might cry!~" She was seen comically crying as Lloyd tried his best to soothe her.

"But you're already crying!" He flinched when seeing her cry but went to get tissues and wipe her cheeks, "Don't cry now, elder sister. This is your big day! Enjoy it while it lasts!" He grinned at her.

"You're right!" She smiled before hugging her younger brother, "You're the best sibling!"

"No, you are!" He retorted playfully, the two laughed at their antics.

While the two siblings spoke to each other, a woman appeared, bowing to them, "Your Highnesses. A pleasure to meet you," (Y/N) and Lloyd turned to the woman.

"I am Noble Lady Harumi of the Jade Family," She introduced herself.

(Y/N) smiled, "It is nice to meet you, Noble Lady Harumi," she noticed her brother just looking at the woman in front of them.

Lloyd felt like time stopped when he met the eyes of Harumi, he didn't know how but he couldn't speak nor take his eyes off of her.

He was only able to mutter a small 'hello' when his sister nudged his side at how improper he was.

The noble lady only chuckled at his response, "If I may, I bought you a present for your birthday, princess. I hope it is to your liking," Harumi presented a gift that her butler had in his hands.

(Y/N) gasped slightly, "Oh no, you didn't need to. I'm just grateful for many of you giving your time to come here."

"Nonsense, Your Highness. Accept it for my sake," Harumi insisted.

The butler bowed to the princess, gently giving her the gift the noble lady arranged for her, "Thank you very much, I'm sure it's an exquisite gift. Considering your family has been in our kingdom for years," (Y/N) smiled at Harumi who bowed in respect.

"Yes, Your Highness," Harumi turned to Lloyd who straightened up his posture when seeing her stare, "It was a pleasure to meet you, Prince Lloyd and Princess (Y/N). I will take my leave," she bowed with her butler before going somewhere else in the party hall.

When Harumi left, (Y/N) nudged her brother's arm, "You definitely give off obvious hints at people you like," she teased him.

The prince only blushed, covering his face, "Elder sister, I beg of you...Do not probe more into the matter...I think it'll die out of embarrassment...!" His sister only laughed.

With Noble Lady Harumi she spoke to her butler, "Continue with phase 2, Killow. I like the prince, I think he'll make a nice decoy or pet. Don't you think?"

The said butler nodded, "Yes, my lady. I will tell the others."

Harumi was seen with a slightly sadistic smile, "Good."

While that conversation took place near the dining area. A noble lady was seen staring at Harumi for a few moments before she lost sight of her in the crowd of people. But she had a feeling the white-haired woman left the party after giving her a gift.

"Lady Adele!" Her butler walked up to her, "Your parents request your presence."

The noble lady smiled, "Alright. Lead the way," her smile faded away at the thought of Harumi but she placed those thoughts at the back of her head to stay happy for her parents.

Cole was seen with Jay and Zane waiting for the rest of their friends who were supposed to be at the party as well.

"I swear, Kai takes his sweet time," Jay huffed, munching on a piece of bologna he found from the food trays.

Zane looked off in a direction, "He's at the lounge area with a few princesses and noble ladies. It seems he's causing a small crowd around him," when hearing of the status of their friend, Cole groaned.

"I'll handle this," Cole stated, finishing his drink before strutting towards the brunette.

Jay and Zane gave each other, "He's either going to A: walk up to him and hit his head while apologizing to the women. Or..." Jay started while the Price of Crystalvale continued.

"...B: he drags him by the collar back to our group," Zane finished.

The two stared back to see what was going to happen to their oblivious friend.

"Now, now, ladies, I am more than capable of spending time with you all," running a hand through his hair only made the group of women squeal at the action.


Kai, who didn't know it was his friend turned around with a cocky smirk, "Okay, Okay. I understand you're jealous. You can wait your turn-" A harsh hit on the head is what made him wake up.

The crowd of women yelled in worry for Kai, "Oh no! Your Highness!"

"OUCH! That hurt!" he turned to address who would do such a thing, "Who dares hit the Prince Of Ignis Mareβ€”Oh...!" he realized it was Cole.

"C-Cole, buddy! Hello to you Your Highness! How convenient!" The said man's glare made the Prince of Ignis Mare stop talking.

Grabbing his collar, Kai was now above ground, Cole's strength surprised the women, "Sorry, ladies. Don't mind him, he just likes having the attention on him. Forgive me for abrupt entrance," his kind words made most of the women around him blush.

The group of women did a change of personality at Cole's kindness, "Oh no worries, your highness! We understand!" They all smiled while blushing.

The Prince of Corendor smiled, "Thank you. Now, we will excuse ourselves since we need to leave. Take care of yourselves," Kai was being dragged by the prince, "No! No! No! Help...! Anyone...!"

"Take care, Prince Cole!" All the women waved at him while Kai for help.

The Prince of Stormridge and Crystalvale looked in shock, "He did both!" Jay cried out in shock.

A woman was seen walking towards the two, "That's my idiot brother, alright...Goodness, can't he just act like a prince more?" Jay and Zane turned to see a woman who rolled her eyes at Kai being dragged away.

"Princess Nya!" Jay coughed, "Ahem! Your Highness, what a nice surprise," he bowed to her in respect as Zane did the same as well, "Pleasure to see you again, Princess Nya."

The princess smiled, "The pleasure is all mine, Prince Zane!" She turned to Jay, "How sweet of you to still remember me, Prince Jay."

"Of course, I'd remember a princess as beautiful as you," the comment got Nya to blush slightly, "Still as sweet, I see!"

"Greetings everyone," Cole appeared with a content smile like he didn't just drag a prince by the collar, "Oh, Princess Nya. What a nice surprise how are you this fine evening?" He asked Kai's sister.

Nya smiled at Cole, "I'm doing fine! You seem well as well, Prince Cole. Forgive my idiot brother, he keeps on doing things we tell him not to do but doesn't listen..."

"Help..." Kai muttered but no one dared to respond.

"We noticed," the three males replied to her making Nya burst out laughing at their unison.

"Haha! That is true! It is nice to see you all again, "Nya smiled at the three boys, "have you met Princess (Y/N) yet? She's so sweet and nice! You should gift her a present since it's the party of her birth."

"My father brought our homeland's technology as a gift. We hoped for her and her family to use it for their kingdom," Zane stated.

(Y/N) smiled at Zane, "Thank you so much, Prince Zane. It is a wonderful present!" The said prince and his father bowed before the princess.

"It is our pleasure, Your Highness," the white-haired boy replied.

Julien, the King of Crystalvale patted his son's back, "My dear son has made it himself!"

The Princess of Luminaar was surprised at the feat, "I knew of your kind relying on yourselves and your intellect but I am surprised. Well done, Your Highness. I absolutely will tell my family of this amazing gift,"

Zane bowed again, "You are welcome, your highness."

Jay was next to tell his story of gifting (Y/N) a present, "I gave our family's annual thunder amulet! We happened to find one a few weeks ago and wanted to gift it to someone. It's a special amulet that responds to our kingdom's weather. It will protect you from anything as long as you show honesty."

(Y/N) gasped slightly, "It's a Thunder Amulet! I have read about them, I heard they were so rare that only the people of the royal family and staff know about this in Stormridge."

Jay bowed to her, "Yes Your Majesty, our family and kingdom have been devoted to the thunder and lightning since ancient times. We wanted to gift it to you so when you stop by our kingdom, you can see if it shines under the light of the storm."

The princess smiled at Jay's words, saying she'd visit one day just because of the amulet.

Nya smiled at Jay, "What a splendid present, Prince Jay! My family gifted the princess an old emblem of our Kingdom. It is so rare that many would pay a fortune to even see it."

Nya and Kai with their parents bowed before you, "This emblem is priceless. Thank you so very much." (Y/N) smiled at the royals of Ignis Mare.

"Of course, your highness. And I must say that you look very-" Kai was hit in the ribs by his sister, glaring at him to be proper.

"Ahem!" Kai cleared his throat, "I meant, that you look very nice in your gown."

(Y/N) smiled at Kai, "Thank you for the compliment, Prince Kai. thank you, Princess Nya for the gift. You and your parents with your kingdom fascinate me with your will of fire and water. I will surely would like for us to meet again!"

The King of Ignis Mare smiled, "We look forward to your visit, your highness!"

The Princess of Ignis Mare glared at her brother who was still being held by the collar by Cole, "This idiot over here almost flirted with the Crown Princess right in front of her parents at a party!"

Kai only mumbled a small sorry as he saw Cole's glare, "Typical Kai," Jay shook his head while Zane only took a sip of his drink.

"So?" Nya turned to the Prince of Corendor, "What did you give to the princess?"

Cole looked back at the woman, "O-Oh! We gave the princess a special type of core from our land. It is so special that my father has stated that has a special meaning behind it. I chose the type of core."

"Bet you were a nervous wreck when bowing to her," Kai teased after finally being let go of Cole's grasp.

Corendor's prince gave a bemused look at Ignis Mare's prince, "Silence, Kai. I wasn't the dumb fool to openly flirt with the princess," the prince of the fire and water kingdom flinched at the insult.

"TouchΓ©..." Kai mumbled.

Cole thought back to when he officially met with the princess.

He WAS a nervous wreck when bowing to her, he almost lost his footing if it wasn't for Geo secretly saving the day. Just her gaze made Cole's mind blank instantly.

Lou glanced at his son's behaviour but didn't address it, he only spoke to the princess, "Your Highness. We gift you a special core from Corendor. My son chose this gift."

Geo bowed before the princess before handing her the box that contained the core, "I am quite impressed! Thank you very much, Prince Cole!" Her smile made Cole's heart beat so fast he thought it would burst.

Lou noticed his son was in a daze and quietly cleared his throat. Cole got the memo and sloppily replied, "T-Thank you, Your Highness...! It makes me happy to see you satisfied with our gift."

The princess stood from her chair, "You can stand now, your highness." She addresses the king and prince of Corendor.

Cole was surprised to see her so soft and calm like most would say about her, "Thank you so much for coming all this way to gift me this. You truly are a kind person," (Y/N) held Cole's shoulder which got his skin to be set on fire.

"I-I am glad you think of me like that, princess...!" His stuttering made (Y/N) chuckle lightly, "You're quite interesting, Prince Cole!"

Geo smiled knowingly in the background, 'Looks like he's found the one after so long.'

As (Y/N) spoke in a light conversation with Cole who could only reply in short sentences. Lou looked in shock to see his son who was opposed to marriage be so shy towards the princess.

Garmadon was NOT happy, "I told you he's trouble..." he grumbled as Misako only whisked him away, "No, you are not interrupting them. They're only talking. Don't be so overprotective! Let her have fun! She's young."

Lloyd agreed with his mother, "I may be protective of my sister, but she knows how to handle herself. But just give me the order and I'll seek for his bones," the blonde prince smiled before a vicious one appeared.

Misako only pinched his cheek, "Ow! M-Mother!" The said mother only shook her head, "Like father like son! You both need to let our (Y/N) have her fun!"

Wu only chuckled, smiling fondly at his family before looking at his niece and the Prince of Corendor, "Hm. Interesting. I wonder how this tale will end?"

(Y/N) felt her interest in the Prince of Corendor even more as they spoke some more, "So Shintaro and Conredor are co-joined? I read it in books but I'd like to see this so-called magical kingdom one day."

Cole gave her a small smile, "I can show you around if you'd like, princess." He just realized what he said, "Uh-What I meant was that uh..."


He looked at her in shock, "I'll be counting on you, Prince Cole!" She smiled softly at the man.

'How beautiful...' He felt himself fall in love with her even more without fail, Cole bowed before (Y/N), "I would never disappoint, princess." With that last bow, he and his father Geo left to go enjoy the party after speaking to the princess.

Thinking back to when he met (Y/N) made a small smile appear on Cole's face, "Yes, she was magnificent..." He whispered.

Kai and the others looked at their friend, "Cole? What did you say just now?" Nya asked making the said male flinch a little.

"H-Huh?! Oh, sorry! I was just talking to myself. It's nothing. Come on, I see cake!" Cole tried to play it cool as he soon directed his attention to the cake being distributed to the guests.

Kai blinked in confusion with Zane, "What's gotten into him?" The brunette asked the white-haired male, "I do not know," he turned to Jay who only shrugged his arms raised.

It's to show not even Cole's best friend understood what was that about, "I don't know either."

They all just decided to drop the subject and join their friend at the buffet.

The party went on smoothly, satisfying the royal family of Luminaar and the guests. A group of noble women spoke to one another with Misako, who happened to be acquainted with them. Laughing about whatever subject they were speaking of.

Lloyd could be seen with Wu, talking to a few noblemen with their sons, talking about a few interesting topics that even got the blonde prince.

Since all of her friends have moved away or had no time to arrive, (Y/N) was feeling slightly bored with no one to talk to. She decided to go to a nearby balcony away from the noise.

The princess greeted some noble women who happened to be in the lounge area where most of the women were during the party before heading to the balcony for some peace.

Cole noticed the princess leaving, finding it to be the perfect opportunity to get to know her better. He decided to seek help from Geo, "Geo!" Upon being called upon, the advisor was there in a flash, "Yes, your Highness?"

Cole leaned in to whisper since his father was near, chatting up to some rulers of other kingdoms, "Do you have the change of clothes I told you to bring?" Geo gave a nod at the question.

"Yes. But why would you need them-" he soon realized why but tried to stop the prince, "Cole-I mean, your Highness, that would be a good idea. Hiding your identity from her will complicate things in the future...!"

But Cole was determined, "Come on, Geo! This is the first time that I've been interested in a woman for the first time...! She seems nice, and elegant and sweet and just so soft she-" the prince realized he was telling how much he adored the princess in front of his friend.

Geo smirked, "So? You like her already, huh?~"

"Shush! People could hear you...!" Cole told him to keep him down even though he, himself was slightly shouting.

"I want to see if she'll be the same if I alter my personality just a little. I just want to see if she's different than the other choices my father gave me for a wife," Cole explained why he was doing this, "If she's still as kind as before then good. If she's not then I'll stop."

His royal advisor was still hesitant, "But what if she finds out it's you?" Cole gave it some thought before answering, "Either she loves me back for my wealth and status or she truly loves. It's not that bad, right?"

Geo only stared at the prince with an eyebrow raised, "Cole...You do not know the true consequences of your actions...Do you...? She could also resent you for life and choose to hate you."

Hearing his abrupt words made Cole flinch, "Ouch...! Okay...I didn't think of too many negative choices..."

The advisor only sighed, "The change of clothes is in the carriage, under the seat where you sat during the trip. You 5 minutes to get it while I distract your father," he whispered the plan making the prince smile in gratefulness at the Munce.

"You are awesome, Geo! I am so glad you're my friend and advisor," Cole thanked the Munce before going outside to get a change of clothes.

Geo only huffed, "How kids would do anything for love..." He smiled before going to distract the King of Corendor.


(Y/N) sighed in contentment at the gentle breeze the night welcomed, "Peace and quiet."

A full moon was shining on the Kingdom of Luminaar making her smile, "The moon is nice."

"I think so as well."

Hearing an unfamiliar voice made her jump in fright before preparing to fight, "Gah! Who in the world?!"

The masked man raised his hands, "Please, relax. I am not here to hurt you," He showed his pockets, "I don't have any weapons, well nor do I have

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