Dolls drove us home and Wynonna thanked him. Waverly opened the front door and we all went into the living room and sat on the couches.
"Please tell me what all this is about, and who were those guys?" I asked, desperation leaking into my voice.
"I've been trying to keep our families history from you, I thought you'd be better off" Waverly explained.
"Well the cats out of the bag now Waves" Wynonna said. "Ok so what history?' I ask. "It all started with Wyatt Earp" Waves started. She looked over at Wynonna.
Wynonna shook her head "Oh no, i've explained this way too many times, it's your turn kid" she said to her.
Waverly sighed but continued "Wyatt Earp pissed off some demon and he cursed him. Every person he killed will resurrect as a demon, or what we call a revenant.
The only thing that can put these monsters back in hell is peacemaker, which is Wyatt's gun. Only the Earp Heir who turns 27 can use it.
The Earp Heir right now is Wynonna. The other part of the curse is that every revenant wants to kill us.
The only way to end the curse is to send all of Wyatt's kills back to hell. Oh and every time an Heir dies all of their kills resurrect again" Waverly explained.
I was quiet for a moment, absorbing all the weirdness of what they were saying. But it oddly made total sense.
"Well that explains so much" I said breathing out relived. "What do you mean?" Waverly asked me.
"Well your creepy Wyatt Earp obsession in your room, i've seen your shrine Waves" I explained and I saw her blush.
"I told you to stay out of there didn't I?" she said angrily. I shrugged "I'm a teenage girl you tell me not to do something and that's like your begging me to do it" I said back.
"Well now you know, we're not all crazy" Wynonna said smirking. "So whats with that agent dude?" I asked them.
"His name is Deputy Marshal Dolls or just Dolls, and he works for black badge, a secret government organization who deals with paranormal, and they want me and Wynonna to work with them" Waverly explained.
"Yeah your just a consultant" Wynonna said to her. "Well I want to help" I said to them. "Yeah nice try, your not getting involved in this Wyllow" Waverly said to me.
I looked at Wynonna, hopping she'd back me up "Sorry kid but i'm with momma bear on this one" she said to me.
"That's bullshit!" I yelled at them. "This is not your fight Wyll, and it's dangerous" she replied to my outburst.
"I don't think you can stop me because i'm an Earp, i'm going to be involved either way, and you know i'll find a way" I snapped back to her.
Wynonna sighed "She's right Wave, she'll be exposed either way, she should be informed just in case she's exposed to danger" Wynonna said giving in.
"I don't like this, I want her kept out of this" Waverly said angrily. I stood up "Waverly I love you. But i'm almost an adult. You have taken care of me for all my life. But you need to stop treating me like i'm a child. I can handle it, I really can." I said pleading with my sister.
She sighed "Fine tell Dolls she will be contributing as a consultant as well, but I want her trained in combat by you so she doesn't get killed" she said seriously.
Wynonna nodded "I completely agree i'll get on it" she said getting up and taking her phone out and going outside to call Agent Dolls.
I walked over to Waverly and hugged her. "Thank you" I said. She sighed and wrapped her arms around me.
"Please be careful and listen to me and Wynonna very carefully" she said back to me. I nodded and broke away.
"Ok i'm gonna call and order a pizza ok?" she asked. "Yes can you get extra pepperoni?" I asked now craving the greasy, salty pizza.
"You got it" she said picking up the house phone and dialing dominoes. I sat down on the couch again and grabbed my sketch pad.
I started drawing. I Drew his red eyes. I drew is body, half way under the ground with the flames spreading towards him.
I stopped. I started to remember the dream I had two nights ago. The dream where I held peacemaker. How could I have dreamt this before I knew about the family history?
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