14. Bloody Bodies

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This is not Rated R or anything mature... We just randomly thought of the title :P Enjoy! Remember to follow us on Instagram for edits, outfits and random things: @doitelmo Also if you haven't read the author's note at the end of last week's chapter, then read it because we are still doing it! We haven't got any yet, so yeah we are still going to do it until we feel like closing!

"What happened here... ?" Dalton asked as he looked around the living room of Dead Man's House.

Before he could do anything else, someone had flung themselves onto of him making him collapse onto the ground, with a huge thud as well as a pile of dust floating up into the car. When Dalton had opened his eyes once more and coughed away the dust in his face, he realised there was a fox in front of him. But not any fox, it was a Kitsune, and it was Gabe. Gabe's many small fangs appeared out of his mouth, as his eyes glowed vibrant orange. It was like Gabe was trying to bite him, but at the same time tell him something. He couldn't tell the differences, so he flung him over the side of the room before he got up himself.

Once he got up on his feet, he rushed over to the young brunette girl screaming out in pain and put his hand on her back. The blonde boy quietly muttered a few words making the screams quieten down by the second. In a minute or two, Emmelyn had quieten down and collapsed onto the floor out of exhaustion - the scales on her back slowly turning back into skin and the tail behind her back disappeared. Once Emmelyn had collapsed, Dalton walked over to Gabe and helped him turn back into a human once more.

For Gabe, it took longer than Emmelyn's but it didn't knock him unconscious like hers. Whilst the young Hispanic boy had recovered into fully human, he leaned back on the wall behind him and looked at Dalton who kneeled in front of him. The young nineteen year old didn't say a word, he had no expressions on his face as he stared blankly at the blonde boy in front of him. At first Dalton wasn't sure what Gabe was looking at, he would look at both sides of him but there was nothing but burned furniture and Cole, Allison and Emmelyn on the floor unconscious.

"What?" Dalton finally managed to ask Gabe why he was staring at him.

It took Gabe a second to respond, but when he did his shoulders slowly relaxed. "You didn't have to throw me off from you!"

"Sorry! I thought you were going to kill me, like what seem to happen to those two sandy brunettes!" Dalton exclaimed, gesturing over to the unconscious eighteen year olds with a pile of blood surrounding them. "And if you were trying to tell me something, I'm sorry! It's hard to tell a differences when a Kitsune is in its fox body and they are either trying to warn you or trying to kill you!"

Whilst hearing Dalton's apology, Gabe slowly stood up from where he was sitting and walked over Dalton before he placed a hand on his shoulder. "It's fine, Dalton. But, one question, why are you here? Why did you help me and Emmelyn turn back into our human form? And why are you being so nice?"

"Those are three questions." Dalton stated, but Gabe just rolled his eyes before walking over to Cole to see if he was still alive from what happened to him.

"Just answer the questions." Gabe told, walking over to Emmelyn before lastly Allison.

Dalton sighed, running a hand through his hair, before he said, "I helped you and Emmelyn because I know how hard it is to turn into a dragon and a fox and turning back. I have seen it happen long ago, before you all were born even." He started as he kneeled down to Allison and slowly putting her arm around his shoulder before picking her up. "I'm here because, well I made a mistake and that is why I'm being nice."

"You made a mistake? What kind of mistake?" Gabe asked, as he crossed his arms around his chest.

"Let's just say it is a big one. One that I wish I could press the undo button, but that's not going to be happening because there is no undo button." Dalton replied simply, his head dropping down in embarrassment.

"What did you do, Dalton?" Gabe asked, his voice getting more stern by the second.

"I practically signed your death sentences. Okay?" Dalton's voice was loud and strong, cutting through the noise, as he accidentally dropped Allison on the floor when he threw his hands in the air. "I was the one that linked you together." This time he was quiet.

When Gabe heard what Dalton did, his eyes grew big and he turned around to punch the wall behind him. But he held back his anger as he growled under his breath. Hearing this, Dalton quickly started walking backwards slowly away from the angry boy in front of him, not wanting to get harmed by what he did even though he probably knew he deserved a punch in the face.

"What the hell, Dalton?" Gabe growled, as he turned around to face the older boy in front of him, his eyes glowing orange with anger. "Undo the spell! You are a warlock, aren't you? Aren't you suppose to know a lot of spells to undo the spells you did, right? Do it! Undo the spell that you did that signed our death sentences and link us all together!"

Dalton slowly continued to walk backwards, as Gabe walked forwards yelling on about undoing the spell he did. He wished it was that easy, but it wasn't.

"I can't, man. I told you I can't." Dalton spoke, as his hands slowly raised up to surrender, but Gabe kept approaching him.

That was until Dalton hit his back against the wall behind him Gabe stopped coming closer. The young nineteen year old boy ran a hand through his raven black hair, sighing, as he looked back at the three teens still unconscious on the floor. Cole and Allison still were bleeding out around them, soaking their clothes in blood whilst Emmelyn laid there curled up in a ball slightly shaking. Gabe knew if he were to fight with Dalton, Cole and Allison won't be able to be saved in time with all of the blood they have lost and Emmelyn would have to wake up with a dead best friend and also have to use her energy to pull Gabe off from Dalton.

"Today is your lucky day, Dalton. I would kill you right now if there weren't two of my friends on the loose and three unconscious. But to make it up to me, you are going to help me bring those two to the hospital," Gabe gestured over to Cole and Allison, "and Emmelyn to her house to rest."

"Deal." Dalton spoke, as he tip toed away from the wall behind him and over towards the middle of the room. "Which one shall I take?" He asked, looking over to Gabe.

Gabe turned around after running his hand through his hair once more and shrugged his shoulders. "I don't mind, do you know a spell to bring Cole and Allison to the hospital, fast?" Dalton nodded. "Okay, then bring those to the hospital, I'll bring Emmelyn to her house. I'll meet you at the hospital once I had brought her home."

Once Gabe had finished giving the orders, Dalton saluted and brought out the knife which helped him arrive at Dead Man's House after the mistake he had made. He quickly cut a bit of his palm once again, before doing so with Cole and Allison, and then muttering a few words to transport all of them to the hospital. It didn't take long, but that was a good thing dued to the condition the two teens in his arms were at. Quickly, Dalton ran into the hospital with the two of them hanging under his arm, he yelled for help for the nurses and doctor to take the two in before they lost any more blood.

"Come on, sir. We would like to ask you some questions about what happened." The nurse told Dalton as she directed him over to a small alley way for them to talk in peace.

        Meanwhile Dalton was answering questions he didn't know the answers to, Gabe was at the Harris residence uptown in Roston. He still couldn't believe the fact that Allison's family was a rich one, but he had an unconscious body next to him so he couldn't bring all the details in about his surroundings. As Gabe used his best effort to ring the speaker, he kept pulling Emmelyn up from the most terrible holding position he could ever hold someone.

When someone had answered the speaker, he told them it was an emergency and they needed to open the gate immediately. At first the gate didn't open, the lady behind the speaker told him they weren't going to fall for that trick. Good security Harris, Gabe thought to himself nodding to himself but quickly realize that he was holding someone up.

"Please, Emmelyn is unconscious and I think she needs a place to sleep instead of on cold floor." He tried this time.

It took a second for the gate to open, but when it did, Gabe scooped Emmelyn up to a bridal style before jogging into the mansion in front of him to put her down. Staff, servants, maids, and a certain brunette boy looked over at the girl whispering if she was okay. Wilfred -the man who brought them the car to go to Dead Man's House- quickly moved through the crowd and lead Gabe upstairs to her room. Like usual, he wore a simple poker face, but once Gabe had placed Emmelyn down, Gabe saw Wilfred's face changing into a relief one.

"Thanks." Everyone muttered once he had walked down the stairs and left the mansion to get over to the hospital to see how the other two are doing.

When he got there, he spotted Dalton sitting in the corner holding up what looked liked his phone. He held the device up to his face, as his eyebrows furrowed together. Isn't he here long enough to know how to use the phone? Gabe questioned to himself but quickly shook his head as he approached Dalton, who slid his phone back into his pocket.

"You know, it isn't that hard to use as it looks." Gabe pointed out, taking a seat next to the blonde boy. "Hey. What did the doctors say?"

"They are going to be fine, although it may take them a while to heal fully." Dalton replied, raising an eyebrow slightly, since he wasn't so sure why Gabe was acting all nice to him all of a sudden. Back in Dead Man's House Gabe wanted to kill Dalton, and now they are having a civilized conversation? Something was strange and Dalton knew it.

Gabe kind of noticed this and shook his head, chuckling slightly. "I just want to know if my friends are okay, okay? I still don't trust you or forgive you for linking us together and not undoing it."

"I can't, Gabe, because if I do the Garuda will kill everyone and make us all suffer." Dalton sighed. "By the way what did I walk into earlier? A fox, two unconscious people and a girl turning into a dragon not to mention two people missing. Care to explain?"

"Well where do I start?" Gabe sighed, as he ran his hand through his hair, thinking back to the beginning of the evening.

"It was all my fault to be honest. The boys and I found out we were linked together so we went to find the girls." He began, explaining how they had all read their books looking for proof that they were linked. "When we made it to Dead Man's House, I was stubborn and I tried to turn into a fox. But that made Will turn into a wolf and me turning into a fox when I tried to turn him back. Then Will went for Alli's neck, Dana pulled her out the way then began to drink her blood but couldn't stop. But Alli fought back with her ice and fire powers which got out of control. Will then left Dead Man's House and I don't know where he is. While that was happening Cole grew feathery wings and gained a crystal sword thing-"

"-A seraph blade." Dalton interrupted.

"Right a seraph blade." Gabe continued. "Anyway he gained a sword but Em saw this and blew some kinda white fire around him-"

"-You mean heavens fire." Dalton interrupted him again.

"Okay. I'm telling the story so shush." Gabe spoke, shushing him as Dalton raised both of his hands in defence. "So Em blew 'heavens fire' around Cole but when she stepped into the fire she began to scream as scales appeared all over her body and a tail appeared behind her. Alli managed to get Dana off her but she passed out due to lack of blood. But Dana was lost in the blood so he began to drink Cole's and when he passed out Em yelled at Dana and then Dana ran out of Dead Man's House. Then a little while later you appeared to help as much as you could." Gabe looked over at the blonde next to him. "Did that sum it up?" He asked.

Dalton slowly nodded, his eyes slowly narrowing together trying to get all of information that he was given into his brain. "So where is Will and Dana now?"

"Like I said, they ran off somewhere." Gabe replied, and when he did Dalton shot right up on his feet.

"We need to go find them now. People are in danger if the both of them get into trouble. Come on. I'll go find Dana, you go find Will." Dalton instructed as he dashed off out of the door.

At first Gabe wasn't sure why Dalton was so concerned about finding Will and Dana, but he didn't ask any questions due to the fact that he needed to find his two friends.

Gabe walked back to where he last saw Will. Dead Man's House. It was different this time it smelt different it was a strong smell of blood. As Gabe walked down the path he saw bodies and body parts thrown all over the place, he lost count on the amount of times he tripped on a body part.

After following the long path of torn apart bodies the trail of bodies began to die down until there was no trail at all. He knew it wasn't a dead end because one, it's not every day you find a long trail of bodies that have been torn to pieces and thrown all over the show and two, the body that wasn't torn apart was a big give away.

It was Dalton. He was crouching down behind a bush. Gabe crouched down beside him and whispered. "Why are you here?"

"I was following a trail of blood drained bodies and they led me here." Dalton replied gesturing past the bush to where Dana was, his face covered in blood staring and a grey wolf who Gabe recognised as Will.

That was when Will pounced at Dana who threw Will to the ground, the more they fought the more blood was spilt from both of them.

"Dalton do a spell! Do something! Do anything!" Gabe yelled jumping up to pull Will off of Dana. "Will! Stop it! You don't know what you're doing!"

Dalton flicked through his mental grimoire think of a spell that could pull them apart and turn them back to their human selves. "Gabe get out the way!" He shouted as Gabe ran beside Dalton who had stood up, raised a hand at the two boys and yelled. "Ma te ak san sou ki à lumière le fuis!"

This made Will fly off Dana. Just as Will was about to jump at Dana again. Dalton chanted, "phasmatos tribum, exum sue, redem su pas quo!" Once Dalton chanted the spell, Will stopped in his tracks, the wolf lent down to the ground and put his paws over his ears and began to whimper.

Dana tried to take advantage of the wolf being caught off guard and jumped at Will until Dalton chanted again. "Phasmatos tribum, exum sue, redem su pas quo." And Dana knelt to the ground, with his hands on his head.

Dana's eyes turned back to their human brown and his fangs disappeared. The fur on Will's body was gone and he was curled up in a ball on the floor.

"Dalton go back there and start clearing the trails of bodies they've both left, while I sort out Will." Gabe ordered as Dalton walked off.

When Gabe approached the boy with a bare back, dark skin and black hair. Gabe knelt down beside the boy remembering that in the stories and TV shows about werewolves, mainly The Vampire Diaries, when the werewolf turns human again they do so without any clothes.

So Gabe did the first thing that came to mind. He ran back to all the bodies and found a top that was still in one piece and a pair of trousers that were also in one piece. He then returned to Will with a pair of grey trackies, a black top and a pair of dirty trainers.

"Will. You're okay. Come on. Put these on." He said placing the clothes beside Will, who began to sit up and grabbed the top. "I'll be over there trying to clean up the mess." Gabe began to walk away.

"What mess?" Will asked. His voice was croaky and dry.

Does he know what he did? Gabe thought as he walked back to Dalton who was trying to create a fake crime scene for all these bodies. Dalton picked up a tuft of fur and placed it in with the pile of bodies in the woods.

"Come we better get Dana and Will to the hospital to see Cole and Allison." Dalton spoke, clapping his hands once he was done. Gabe agreed with him and they both walked back to Will and Dana.

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