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The roar of an aeroplane overhead flooded Hannah's ears as she tried to decipher Zeke's shouts above the noise. "What?" She asked, finally abandoning the idea that she could determine the words. He waited for the plane to pass over, then pointed to the far right, of the small airport.
"That's your position in the far right. The weapons shipment will land in Strip 7!"
Hannah nodded and the three agents split up, each taking a different vantage point. She wasn't sure if this was going to bring back her memories, but Stephanie's was coming back with every experience, so why not hers?
As she ducked behind an abandoned information counter, Hannah set herself up as if she worked there and sighed. "You know I think this is a ridiculous idea right?" Zeke asked through their communication earwigs.
"Maybe, maybe not. The brain is an interesting maze," Hannah replied softly as two pilots passed her on the tarmac. "I guess, but putting yourself in danger when you don't actually remember who it is you're chasing, seems ridiculous." Hannah tried not to chuckle. "Okay, I'll give you that one. I have to try and jolt my memory back somehow though, then we can go public with this CGT agency and blow the lid off their plans. Memories or not, I want to stop a war." "Guys, incoming!" Stephanie shouted into the earwig, and Hannah looked up at a large plane descending on Strip 7. As the closest to the plane, Stephanie's voice was barely audible above the sounds of the jet turbines and Hannah took in a breath, checking for the gun that she had tucked into her waist.

"When they come out we'll go, and use the surprise to take out as many as possible," Zeke said, his voice also beginning to fade as the plane got closer to the ground. Hannah quickly made her way towards the plane, now on the ground. She reached cover and closed her eyes, taking in a deep breath, until shouts echoed from the direction of the plane. Zeke started the count, "One, two, three!"
She jumped up and let shots fly from her gun, as the three agents struck down the CGT weapons suppliers standing outside the plane. When no others emerged, they made their way closer to the plane with caution.
Flames licked out from all open spaces and Stephanie waved her arms. "Get back!"
The force of the blast slammed Hannah into the side of a truck, and her ears rang with the aftershock.
When she finally looked up, Zeke was yelling, his voice slowly becoming audible. "Let's go!" He shouted, helping her to her feet.
They moved swiftly back to their car and Zeke skidded away from the explosion. Hannah sighed; what now?

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