Maximum Security (FORTY-FIVE)

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Hannah exhaled, a bead of sweat falling down her face, from the heat in the truck. She lifted her cuffed hands and tried to swipe it away. The guard in front of her raised his weapon slightly, and she rolled her eyes.
"It's pretty hot in here. I don't suppose we could put the air conditioner on?" she asked, watching the guard scoff.
The truck jerked to a stop, and Hannah took a breath as the door opened.
Camera flashes forced her to squint, and the guard grabbed her arm, pushing her forward through the door. When she opened her eyes fully, Hannah saw Stephanie being led in front of her and towards a large, maximum security prison.
Reporters with cameras and microphones stood to the side, flashing pictures and yelling out questions.
"Miss Carmichael, was this your plan all along? Was your mother just a cover?"
"Miss Winchester, are you still claiming innocence?" "Miss Carmichael, do you regret the people you've hurt?"
Hannah angled herself away from the cameras, trying to focus instead, on the guns pointed in her direction. Even if she wanted to attempt an escape, she'd most likely get shot before she could.

Behind her, Stephanie was complaining to the guards about the lack of security, and Hannah rolled her eyes.
She glanced again at the reporters, and a man caught her eye. Squinting again, Hannah tried this time to focus on his face. He had dark hair, thick glasses, and was wearing a tailored suit.
Somehow, he looked familiar.
The guard behind her pushed her forward again and she groaned, stumbling forward. When she looked up, the reporter was gone, and she quickly scanned the crowd, still walking towards the fortress ahead of her.
She caught the mysterious man once again and tried to place him. Her mind suddenly clicked, and she smiled as he winked at her.
Hannah looked to her left and right, trying to figure out his plan. A shot echoed in the air, and the reporters started yelling and ducking for cover from the bullets.
Hannah felt her breathing stop, and she glanced down at her chest, red liquid starting to flow.
The guard behind her pushed her onto the ground, and Hannah felt her world collapse into darkness once again.

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