Chapter 5- It's time.

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It's time. I got together with the few friends I have and we are planning revenge against Michael. While we are planning, however, Nick comes up and smacks our books out of our hands and steals my journal. I got it back obviously, but that was later. Anyway, we decided to get a tripartite, and trip Michael do he falls flat on his face, then when he got up, we would throw bricks of cheese at him. We all thought it was a good plan, so we tried it. It kind of worked. We got to trip him, but then he dodged are cheese and it hit the teacher. We went to the principles office, where he gave us referrals for assaulting a teacher. When I got home I told my mom about it and she sent me to my room. I told her it was an accident, but she wouldn't have it. I have decided to finish writing for now, but I will continue tomorrow.

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