Singing in the old bars,,

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Bakugou pov:

The first day went past fast at the cabin, after the moment this morning at the lake it started raining heavily. So we agreed to stay inside for the rest of the day. Mina had came up with the idea to go star gazing later, when it had stopped raining. Obviously I denied, but when shitty hair looked so disappointed.. I couldn't say no.

We all were making our way up to the peek of the hill we were at. The cabin not being far away from it. Soy sauce had the blankets and raccoon eyes had the snacks. Dunce face was panting behind the group, struggling to keep up with walking up the not so steep hill. "Hurry the fuck up reject pikachu! It's not that hard!"
He whines. "But I'm slower than you guys!"
By the time he had stopped complaining we had made it to the top. I'd be lying if I didn't say it was breathtaking. The stars were especially bright this night. The full moon shining down brightly.

Raccoon eyes had set up the blankets and had already sat down along with everyone else. "You sitting down then?" I look down at shitty hair Patting the space next to him. I groan and walk over, sitting down alongside him. "The snacks are in the middle!" Soy sauce announced as he put them in the centre.

Hair for brains had laid down and was staring at the sky. The others and me shortly joining in after. "This is so pretty!" Raccoon eyes said in awe. And she was right, the view was breath taking. The dark sky, the stars, the moon.. kiri.
I sigh a little my hands behind my head. "And to think stars are just burning gas in the sky.." soy sauce states. "Wait.. stars are gas?" Dunce face asks as he looks at soy sauce with a shocked expression.

I groan and rub my temples. "You have one fucking brain cell." I say groaning. He just shrugs and laughs a little. "Your one brain cell is just anger.." I turn to him glaring at him. "Do you wanna die!?"

Shitty hair laughs and shakes his head. "Dudes! You're ruining the moment!" He says laughing. Pikachu reject just laughs too. Kirishimas laugh. It's so mesmerising, I didn't know a laugh like that could have such an impact on someone.. especially me. I hadn't realised I had been staring at him until he turns his head to look at me. His cheeks went a rare shade of pink as he gives me a toothy smile. I groan and turn around, my back to him so he doesn't see the red forming around my cheeks. I can feel the warm radiating from my face.

He sighs and chuckles a little before looking up at the sky. I turn back onto my back not long after, looking at the sky as well. "Aww.. you guys remind me of little stars.." pinky says out of the blue. "Bakugou? A star?!" Dunce face laughs out loud, Mina and soy sauce joining in.

"Nah.. Bakubro reminds me of a sky lantern. Yano.. the ones that people lite up then let go into the sky. They just keep shining, and going up, like his aspirations for being an artist! And They're amazing on their own, but just as beautiful when with others.."


I look over at shitty hair. He looked shocked with what he said. "Oops.. sorry I rambled.." he says chuckles awkwardly and pulling his red beanie over his face. It stayed quiet for a few seconds before I spoke trying to lift the awkwardness off him. "You remind me of the sun.."

Dunce face looked at me with an offended expression. "So you give him a compliment but not me! How rude!" He says crossing his arms. Pinky and soy sauce just laughed. As the three carry on talking, Me and shitty hair stayed silent until he turns and faces me. "Why the sun?" He asks questioningly.

Sunlight.. Bright. Joyful. Happy. Warm. Fuzzy.. loving.

I stay silent for a few seconds. "Well.. for me.. the suns bright. It's like a welcoming feelin' I guess. Tsk.. when the suns out you feel happy, it can brighten your day. Make you feel happy.. I guess that's how you make me feel.." I mumble the last part. I didn't even realise what I had said until it was said. I had my eyes shut but I open them a little and look at shitty hair. He was smiling uncontrollably and his face was a pink colour. "Aw. Thanks baku! Likewise!" He says turning and looking at the sky.

Hhh. That was close. He blushed..
Does that mean? .. he can't like me. I'm, well. Me. I'm rude. And weak. I know that, people think I don't but I do. I'm horrible. I was horrible to people in high school. I was a bully. He doesn't know about that.. my past. How horrible I was to people.. I'm
Lying to him.. he wouldn't like me if I told him the truth. Do I even tell him? I cant.. he..
He'll hate me.

And if he hates me.

I don't know what I'd do..



In love..

An: hey guys! Sorry for the slow chapter! I've been going through some personal issues at the moment. But new chapters should be coming out more regularly. Thank you for bearing with me guys! And thanks for 300+ reads! It means a lot to me, I'm thinking of publishing a new book. But I'm not sure yet! Anyway, thanks for reading! <33

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