Chapter 1

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15 years later

The only sound in the near blackness of the night was crickets chirping and the soft whoosh of a cloak as Kora slipped soundly out of bed and into the hallway.

Just as she was about to turn the corner, Gunnar rolled sideways in his sleep and mumbled, "She up?"

Kora stopped in her rush and turned to him. "Feels like it. Just wanted to make sure she was all right. Hopefully it's not.... what happened last time."

With that she whisked her long cloak around the corner and disappeared, following the silent glow of a lamp in the far room. Left alone with only her thoughts, her mind quickly raced around to the corners and back. Kora pushed them out of her head before she could do any more worrying, or overthink any decisions. It felt like hours by the time she reached the small room and pulled the door open. Almost instantly she was greeted with a scream that made her blood freeze.

She turned to see Avya sitting up in her bed, her mid length black hair with its one streak of blond tangled up in her face, panting heavily. Kora's suspicions were correct, though she had hoped otherwise. She walked towards the bed and sat down next to her daughter, the tiny quilt that Sam had given her the years ago hanging delicately above the girl's bed.

"Avya. Avya. Hey. Are you alright?" Kora chuckled quietly. "You gave me a scare there." Avya looked up with wide eyes as Kora brushed the hair out of her face. "Nightmares again?" She nodded slowly.

Kora leaned forward and gave the girl a wide hug. "It's all right. Everything's going to be fine." She heard Avya shuffle around and gave her one more squeeze before letting go.

Avya lifted her head to look up at her mother, her blue eyes questioning the other. "How'd you know?"

Kora smiled. "I didn't. I just felt like something was bugging me. Now come, it's late and we have a big day tomorrow. Need anything?"

Avya shook her head, watching as Kora got up and turned away and out into the hall. She wasn't sure. Should she tell her about the dream? No, best to not worry her, especially at a time like this.

She curled up in her bed, covers over her, and fell back asleep, waiting for the sunrise of the new day.

Meanwhile, as Kora walked down the hall and entered her room, Gunnar was waiting.

"It's what happened last time, isn't it?" Kora let out a big breath of air that she had seemed to be holding in.


Kora didn't know what else there was, and she knew Gunnar didn't either.

She just knew that she would have to tell Avya sooner or later. Somehow.

End Part One of Chapter 1. Part 2 to be written and updated onto this page

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