It had been a few weeks since the incident that left Professor Corvus as a potted plant, and Professor Thornstail still had no idea how to turn his friend back to normal.
Thornstail felt pretty bad for Corvus. He was pretty sure that being a plant wasn't on anyones bucket list. Now the logical thing to do would be to pay a visit to Professor Raine. However due to a certain prank war currently going on, Thornstail thought it best to steer clear of his wrath.
This left Thornstail with only one option: act as if his best friend being a plant was nothing out of the ordinary. He was trying his hardest to make Corvus feel normal. Or at least as normal as one could feel upon being transfigured into a plant.
Thornstail had been constantly talking to the plant, venting to it, even dressing it up with cool sunglasses.
Them? It? Thornstail wasn't completely sure. There wasn't much about the whole plant situation Thornstail was sure about.
Should Corvus be watered with water or blood?
Would sunlight hurt a vampire plant?
What do you even call a vampire plant? Probably a plantpire. That question wasn't as hard as the others were.
Today in an attempt to make Plant Corvus feel normal, Thornstail was carrying them on a nice walk through the corridors of Hogwarts. This was when a student approached him.
"Excuse me Professor Thornstail, can you please give me a hand with something? A pixie stole my wand and won't give it back."
"Of course." Thornstail carefully placed Plant Corvus on a small cart sitting outside of one of the classrooms in the hallway. "Now you stay right here, okay? Don't go anywhere." He told the plant, booping the pot with one finger. Thornstail laughed to himself before turning the corner to assist the student.
Just as Thornstail left, Groundskeeper Rosie came round the corner with an armful of various magical plants. She set them down on the cart Plant Corvus was sitting on and started wheeling the cart to the infirmary.
"Healer Beadlescombe! I have all the plants you asked me for. I even got you extra aloe vera just in case."
"Perfect! Thank you Rosie. You are a lifesaver."
Rosie set all of the plants down in the infirmary and took the empty cart away.
Healer Beadlescombe started to look over all of the plants, double checking that she had everything she had asked for. With a puzzled look on her face, she lifted up the potted plant. "This isn't one I ordered. What should I do with it?" She thought out loud.
Just then, Professor Claude entered the infirmary with a first year Hufflepuff by his side. "Good morning Healer Beadlescombe. You look lovely today. This poor dear needs some medical attention I'm afraid. She fell down the moving staircase and has a rather nasty scrape on her arm."
"Thank you Professor. I'll see to her right away." Healer Beadlescombe put the potted plant down and started preparing bandages for the student.
Professor Claude picked up Plant Corvus. "My, what a darling little plant. How long have you had it for?" He asked, admiring the leaves with a fond expression on his face.
"Oh, just for a few minutes. I think it got mixed up in the medical plants I asked Rosie to bring me. It is a lovely plant, but I've just got no place for it here. You can have it if you like. I know you'll take great care of it."
"Why thank you my dear. It's adorable! I'll put it in my classroom right away."
And with that, Professor Claude walked off to his classroom carrying the potted plant.
Professor Claude carefully placed the small potted plant on the old piano that stood in his classroom right by the window.
Before he had come to teach Introduction to Magical Congress and Parliament, his classroom had been used for music. The piano added such character to the room and Claude couldn't bear to get rid of it, so there it stayed.
"Corvus! Corvus! Plant pot, where the hell are you?" Thornstail called out.
"How could I be so stupid? I put Corvus down for a second! Just a second! Plants can't walk! Someone stole them! Someone stole them and is probably torturing them right now! Ripping off their leaves one by one! Corvus will be in agony! And it's all my fault! I can practically hear them sobbing in pain, begging for the torture to stop! Corvus, I'm so sorry! I'll get you back! And if it's too late for that, I swear I'll avenge you!" Thornstail ranted to a wall, causing several students walking by to become concerned over the wellbeing of their teacher.
(It must be noted here that Professor Thornstail hadn't been getting a lot of sleep since Corvus had been turned into a plant.)
Back in Professor Claude's classroom
Claude picked up a small yellow watering can and sprinkled some water over Corvus.
"There we go. That'll help you grow nice and strong. Now you relax in the sunshine. I'm going to go nip along to the kitchens for some nice hot cocoa. I won't be too long."
And with that, Professor Claude placed the watering can down then turned and left the classroom.
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