That was his only thought. He had to get away as fast as he could.
A thick layer of sweat covered his back and the cold air bit into his lungs. His chest rose and fell heavily as he ran through the dark forest, adrenaline coursing through his veins.
This is no place to die.
Voldemort had threatened his family if he didn't do exactly what he said. Even though he knew it was wrong, he couldn't just let his family die. They were the only ones left who truly loved him. His mother at least.
He did horrible things but Voldemort promised him that the only person he intended to hurt was Dumbledore and, he stupidly believed him.
But with a snap of his fingers, Voldemort altered the course of the story. Now everything around him was falling apart, and he was the one who led the world to its downfall.
His vision was starting to get blurry but all he did was shake his head. The threat was coming closer. Now was no time for weakness.
He had to warn Harry. If there was anyone who could stop the oncoming darkness, it was the Boy Who Lived.
A small part of him however was scared of going to Potter for help. Harry and his friends hated him. Rightfully so. Even before Voldemort blackmailed him into becoming a Death Eater, he had done cruel things. He didn't know what turned him into such a bad person but he regretted it, truly. Even so, that didn't change the fact that in Harry's eyes, he was the villain.
He's going to have to forgive you. This is bigger than the both of you.
He pushed himself, his calves burning. He could rest later, now there was no time.
Then he slipped, his legs giving out underneath him.
He tried to get up but there was no point, the evil was already upon him.
He couldn't help it. He started to cry.
The darkness pounced and just before it devoured him, the world turned upside down.
Draco woke up, safe in his bed.
It was all a dream.
Or was it?
You are reading the story above: TeenFic.Net