A Brother's Secret

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After many successful battles, the 501st were allowed shore-leave back on Coruscant. "You coming to 79's Rex?" Echo asked as the rest of the boys prepared themselves to go out to the clone bar.

Sighing softly, Rex looked up to Echo from his reports. "I don't think so Echo, I've got to finish these." Rex stated as he tiredly gestured to the holopads littered across his small desk.

Echo, seeing his brother's tiredness, gently took the holopad from Rex's fingers and set it down on the desk. "At least leave this room." Echo mentioned as Rex finally took a break from filling out his reports. "Go see the 104th, I saw Cody go see Commander Wolffe a few weeks back maybe you should too?" Echo suggested as he started to walk backwards out of the room after hearing Hardcase call for him.

After Echo had left, Rex sat at his desk for a few moments in deep thought. Why did Cody go and see Wolffe a few weeks ago? That time frame would put it to back after the mission with the five Austerean soldiers from Kithom. Sighing softly, Rex's curiosity got the better of him and he went in search for Wolffe knowing that the 104th were on leave at the same time as the 501st. Rex swiftly made his way over to the barracks containing the 104th and entered them. Not many clones were in the barracks, Rex assumed that most had also gone to 79's instead of actually getting some proper rest. Looking around Rex spotted Sinker and Boost on the far side of the barracks, both playing some sort of game like normal.

"Sinker, Boost." Rex greeted as he walked over to the two. The pair in question swiftly looked up from the game they were involved in and spotted Rex. At first both were confused as to why Rex was here but then the knowledge of his recent encounter with Wolffe's wife came to mind and they automatically knew why he was here.

"Rex, you okay?" Boost spoke up first in greeting as he eyed the tired clone captain standing before him.

"Uh, yeah, yeah I'm okay." Rex started but then he stopped and thought. Why on Kamino was he here?

"What do you need brother?" Sinker asked as he noticed Rex's sudden confused gaze.

"I, uh, I don't even know where to start." Rex announced which made Sinker and Boost smile softly. They both remember having the same reaction to first fighting beside Rose. That day would forever stay with them. If it wasn't for those five turning up, they were pretty sure that they would've been dead.

"Wolffe is probably the better person to talk to." Sinker stated as he gave Rex a knowing look. "He's in his room down the hall." Sinker pointed out.

Rex nodded softly still confused before he started to walk away from the two. However, Boost calling his name stopped him in his tracks. Turning back around to look at them, both now wore slightly worried expressions. "I would be ... careful. Wolffe's been on edge these past few weeks." Boost informed him which Rex greatly appreciated.

Rex gave the two a swift nod in understanding before following Sinker's instructions towards Wolffe's room. Stopping in front of the closed-door Rex contemplated whether talking to Wolffe whilst he wasn't in the best of moods was the best idea. However, Rex soon pushed those thoughts away and knocked on the door and waited for Wolffe to answer.

"I'm not going to 79's!" Wolffe shouted through the door which made Rex laugh slightly. Clearly the boys in the 104thhad tried exactly what Echo had done with getting Wolffe to go to 79's with them but like Echo, they had also failed.

"Neither am I!" Rex called back which caused any movement inside the room to stop. Suddenly, the door swung open revealing a very tired and stressed looking Wolffe who looked at Rex with slight confusion.

"Rex?" Wolffe questioned as he tiredly rubbed a hand over his tired eyes. "What are you doing here?" He asked as he lent against his door frame.

"The 501st is on Shore-leave, mind if I come in?" Rex asked and without a word Wolffe stood to the side allowing enough room for Rex to enter into his room.

Once Rex was inside, Wolffe quickly closed the door not wanting to be disturbed before turning to look at Rex still confused as to why he was here. "What can I do for you Rex?" Wolffe asked as he made his was over to a small table which had two chairs around it. Wolffe sat down and gestured for Rex to do the same before going back to filling out what Rex thought was reports.

"I was hoping that you would be able to explain something to me." Rex stated as he fiddled with his fingers. "I heard you've met the Kithomen Austereans." Rex stated causing Wolffe to freeze in his actions and slowly look up to Rex.

"What about them?" Wolffe asked as he tried to shrug Rex's curiosity off. Cody already knew about Wolffe being married to a Kithomen and promised to take the secret to his grave. However, he didn't know whether to tell Rex.

"Their commander, Rose, she knew you." Rex stated as he looked at Wolffe expectantly.

"They aided on us on a mission a few years ago." Wolffe sighed as he remembered the day he first met Rose. A small smile made its way into his face as he thought about how difficult his wife was at first.

"You got close?" Rex asked as he watched Wolffe. He could tell that something else was on his mind but didn't want to push Wolffe.

"Why do you ask Rex?" Wolffe asked as he suddenly started to close himself off from Rex. He had to protect his secret no matter who he lost in the process.

"She misses you." Was all Rex said before he saw Wolffe visibly relax into his chair, no longer on guard. "And by the looks of things, so do you brother." Rex stated as he observed Wolffe's behaviour.

"Yeah." Wolffe sighed as he rubbed his tired eyes. "Yeah, I do, but I'm scared Rex." Wolffe suddenly stated as he looked into the eyes of one of his many brothers.

"You'll make it back to her." Rex reassured.

"It's not me making it back that scares me." Wolffe said as he shook his head. "The last time I heard from her was when she made it back to Kithom."

"She's probably busy making battle strategies." Rex tried to reassure as he observed his slightly scuffed paint.

"She was sent to the front." Wolffe stated as he avoided eye contact with Rex who was looking at him sympathetically. "I ... I've heard nothing. I don't even know." Wolffe was unable to finish his sentence as he started to tear up at the thought of his wife being dead and him not knowing anything about it.

Rex seeing Wolffe's distress reached across the table and grasped his forearm tightly. "She's fine." Rex said strongly as he forced Wolffe to look at him. "She's strong, she will make it back to you. Even if I have to drag her back here myself." Rex proclaimed as he watched Wolffe slowly become vulnerable in front of him. "Who else knows?" Rex asked.

"Now? You, Cody, the immediate WolfPack and the General." Wolffe said which surprised Rex. General Plo Koon knew about Wolffe and Rose and allowed it to happen.

"Well, it's safe with me brother." Rex reassured to which Wolffe gave a grateful nod.

"There's one more thing you should know Rex." Wolffe muttered as he reached for his dog-tags and pulled them out so that they were visible for Rex to see. At first Rex didn't notice anything different until the light in the room bounce off of a wedding band that sat between two dog-tags.

"You married her." Rex justified as it finally dawned on him why Wolffe was so on edge from not hearing from Rose. Wolffe nodded his head confirming what Rex had said and played with the wedding ring.

"I can't lose her Rex." Wolffe whispered on the verge of breaking down. Rex nodded not knowing what else to say and gripped tighter onto Wolffe's forearm showing him that he was there for him.

"You won't" Rex promised.



So here is another chapter, I thought I would show a slight bonding between Wolffe and Rex and show Rex finding out about Wolffe's marriage.  

Let me know what you think! 

Happy Star Wars Day ☺️

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