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"Graham! Wake up!" I sang to the youngest sister who was fast asleep on her sister's bed. Kat was on set along with the majority of the household. "Graham!" "What time is it?" She mumbled picking her head up only to let it fall back into the pillow. "4:30...we got to get going." "My body hates 4:30! Can't we wait until 5?" "No, our flights at 12:30 it's a 6 and a half-hour drive. Meaning what?" I quizzed. She needed to get up and doing maths might have been the way to do that. "My sister told you I didn't finish school right?" She rolled over into her back her eyes open looking up at the ceiling. "We need to get going." "I hate you right now." I thought she was used to early mornings. I leave her to get ready and message Kat.

She informed me that Nayvee didn't mind mornings but anything before 5 was a no from her. And she also added that V and Neens were up until Nina left for work this morning talking. So she was extra tired.

She came down the hall pulling her case with her. "Morning sunshine." "Morning." She replied softly going past me out to the garage where the cars were all tucked up away. "I'll put it in the trunk," I tell her, she thanked me and jumped in the jeep whilst I put our cases away. "Have you messaged Kat?" I asked remembering she told me to tell V to message when were leaving. "Yeah, I messaged when I was getting ready." I nodded and started the car.

"You regretting staying up with Nina now?" I asked amused as she rested her head against the car window. "Was we loud? I'm sorry." She says. "No, not at all. Kat told me you'd be tired this morning because you stayed up with Nina." "Yeah, wasn't my wisest choice I've made." I chuckled.

"First stop coffee and breakfast." She agreed so I pulled into the first drive-through I saw and got our orderers. "You porridge and berries." I handed it over to her. "And your coffee." "Thank you." She said whilst taking them from me. I took mine from the lady and then pulled off to park up.

"What did you get?" She asked yawning. "Smoothie bowl." "Oh yum." We ate in mostly silence the radio playing in the background, it was still really early but we were both waking up more now, I think that had something to do with the coffee we were consuming.

"I can't believe we were driving at this time in the morning," I tell her. "It's not too bad, try going on a run at this time." "I'll leave that to you." We both laughed. "So tell me about your charity?" I asked her. "Well, I assume Kat's told you about..." I nodded. "Well, I wanted to help people like us, like my mum. And when I did research I noticed that there were lots for women but not many focused on male abuse too. So I wanted it to be an inclusive service, charity to help everyone of all ages. Children all the way up to like the elderly. Um yeah." She shrugged. When she spoke about it you can tell she was passionate which I loved! You can't just set up a charity and not be passionate about it. "So what does it do for the victims." "Firstly we refer to them as survivors victim has negative connotations." I nodded. "And we use the money we raise from a charity event, donations other things to help them with anything they need. So in extreme cases, it could be relocating them to a different state, so we'll pay for the initial down payment of the house or apartment, the travelling and transport of their belongings. All that. Or we can offer them therapy, re-buy damaged items or just be someone for them to talk to." "Successful then?" "Yeah, it's my little baby... It's just the satisfaction of helping all those people be safe it's just the best." I nodded understanding it's the same feeling I get when we rescue an animal. "I can't believe you set it up when you were 16." "You have a charity." "I was what? 4 years older than you when I set mine up." She smiled. "You still do it fairly young and you're helping animals which is the important thing. You could have never set up ISF." She pointed out. "True."

"Paul warned me before he left yesterday," I told her. "What do you mean he warned you?" "He told me to not flirt with you... he likes you." "No, he doesn't we're just friends." "He likes you. Why else would he tell not to flirt with you." "Because my sister would hurt you if you did?" She said amused. "She would." I agreed with her.

We spoke the whole drive after breakfast, I guess we just needed some fuel to get us going. And it was none stop talking. I knew her pretty well before we went on this trip. She had been around since she was like 13, so I've watched her grow given I was 19 when we met so I wasn't exactly mature then. "I was your age when I first met you," I inform her. "Wow, that's crazy to me." She said. "You were so tiny back then." "You were." She shot back. "I wasn't that small." "I wasn't either. I'm sure I was taller than you." She laughed out. "Shut up no you weren't." "I so was... let me find the photo from Kat's birthday." She said picking her phone up before scrolling. "You're mean." "I was taught by m sister what did you expect." "Kat's nicer than you." "I don't care. I was taller than you." She moved the phone into my vision but not obstructing it because I was driving. "By like an inch." I defend. "Still taller." "Now I'm taller." "By a whole inch congratulations." We both were laughing at the immaturity of the conversation we were having. NayVee was tall, she always has been for her age and especially when comparing her five foot two sisters.

We pulled up at the airport and I parked up before we faced the paps and pushed through to check-in and then security. We pretty much did our own thing than meeting up at the restaurant to grab lunch before going to the first class lounge to wait for our plane to board. She did a bit of shopping before meeting me and I just chilled around for a while until she was ready.

We pre-booked seats next to each other to keep each other company on the flight that was relatively long. Not overly. We both fell asleep and I woke up with my head on top of hers's and hers was rested on my shoulder. I moved the blanket over the both of us and then looked around and I spot a teen girl pointing her phone in our direction. "Hey don't do that. She's sleeping that's not fair come on." I say to her trying not to be too angry. It was the life we signed up for. "Are you two dating?" she asked camera still pointing at us. She must have been recording us. "No, we're just travelling for work. Can you stop pointing the camera at us thank you." I say she didn't stop. "What's up?' NayVee said sitting up and rubbing her face. "Nothing." "Can you stop please?" She looked over in the direction of the girl.

She just rolled over in her seat so her back was facing the camera pulled the blanket over her head and I assume went back to sleep because she didn't move. "Seriously cut it out," I tell her rolling over as well and pulling the blanket a little so I could have it too. The plane was slightly cold and I didn't bring a blanket to travel with. Clearly not a pro at travelling yet.

We landed and headed straight for the set to get our outfits fitted and get briefed. Both our managers were there when we arrived. "How was the flight?" Tara NayVee's manager asked. "It was fine but this girl was videoing us whilst we slept which was creepy" she explains. "Like together?" "Yeah. I did tell her we were friends and travel I g for work." "You know I'm cuddly when I sleep." She pouted at Tara who just laughed. "I'll fix it. you're okay." I frowned.

"I have a boyfriend." She says turning to me seeing my face. "Low-key and it's not public. Being accused of dating someone in the media isn't fun for either of us." She explains briefly not going into much detail. Is that why she's so adamant Paul doesn't like her? Is that why she doesn't flirt back? Probably. She is just a likeable person so maybe Paul didn't like her and they were both just being friendly. Or maybe Paul was this mystery boy.

To Kit Kat

Who's NayVee's boyfriend?? Tara mentioned him.

I messaged her quickly wanting to know more. Had my best friend been lying to be about being single. And how long had they been together for?

She replied back with a photo.

His name is Tom...they were in spider-man together. It's super Low-key

I lost NayVee in racks of clothes. She was in her element Tara was with her and the stylist for the shoot. "Made any progress?" I asked going over pocketing my phone. "For you yeah." She said pulling out an outfit that was all on one hanger. Clearly, they had put it together without my knowledge. "Can you try that on for my honey?" The stylist said. His name was Cameron. "Yeah sure."

I took it and went to change in the small room. It was a different outfit than the blacks I was used to but it was for a fashion magazine despite it being about charities.

"What do we think?" I asked coming back out. NayVee was changing and I quickly turned around. She laughed. "It's fine I'm used to it." "Run way model this one," Tara says. I still face away until she was done.

"I like yours." She said adjusting my jacket.

"Well, that was easy enough. Now you...I hate this." Cameron told Nay who was in a brown combo.

"Okay but I love it can we buy this?" She asked Tara. Who laughed but nodded and left to sort out the buying of a few pieces as she pulled a rack of clothes along with her. "I don't hate it but the colour clash with his. Try the orange. "The vibes won't go." She says "who's the stylist?" She rolled her eyes but did as she said. They seemed like good friends so I assume they were both joking with each other. "Stand next to each other." So we did. "The vibes don't go." "Told you." Her dress was too formal.

"But you look stunning. We could change him into a suit." He thought looking between us. "You always wear a suit though." He thought a little longer. "Go with a red number." She disappeared again and came out in a red dress. Four more out fits later we found an outfit she had the same blazer jacket that I was wearing and then it was belted with a belt the same colour as the bag. Black heels and she was done. "Only took two hours," Tara said. "This is why I don't come to these things." My manager says to me. I laughed and continued to eat my dinner I had delivered whilst they were changing clothes repeatedly. 

"Want some?" I asked holding my fork out to her with some of the salad on it. She opened her mouth and took it off my fork. "You two are far too comfortable with each other," Cameron said. "When you work in TV you get used to people just being there all the time and eating off your things," I explain. "Yeah, I don't think I've had a meal to myself since I was like 10," Nay says after swallowing the food. I nodded agreeing, You never get the chance to finish the food on set so you put it away and then someone finds it and eats it because they were in rush. So when you come back to it it's gone. Or you're the person in a rush and you eat someone else food. The final option is someone is in a rush and you just walked into the kitchen they give you their food and next time you give them your food. That's the preferable way that way there are no arguments about stolen food. 

"Can we go to the hotel now? I'm tired." She pouted to Tara. "Yeah, you're free to go. The interviewer will be over at the hotel conference room on 3 floors 6 at 12 tomorrow. Eat before, bring water from the room... please Nay, don't be late." "I'm never late!" She defends. Tara nodded and let us leave.

We get out things together. My interview was the following day after the photo shoot. So I didn't get a brief from my manager before leaving. I hailed a cab down for us and we went straight to the hotel, ordered room service to NayVee's room as she hadn't eaten yet and I only had a salad I could do with more food. So we ate and then she laid on her bed and put a movie on. I laid on the couch which was at the end of the bed and watched the random movie. When the credits rolled I looked behind me and she was fast asleep so I left for my room making sure her door was locked when I exited and then went across the hall to my room to sleep myself. 

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