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"Morning," I say as I roll over to avoid the sun attacking my eyes. "Morning." He was already facing my direction. "Can I get you anything?" I asked. "You've just opened your eyes." He chuckled. "Well I've slept in," I say referring to the fact that it's currently 9 AM and not the usual 5 AM I get up. "I'll get your meds," I tell him, getting up when I noticed he was in pain. "I'm fine." He tired but I was already out of the room.

I got him fresh water and his meds and went back in he was sat up slightly against the headboard. "Thank you." "Don't mention it." I climb over him and get back in bed pulling the blankets over me to keep warm. "Do you know what you want to do?" I asked him looking over at him momentarily. "I don't know... I don't know what I'm meant to even do." "There are a few things you can do," I say softly turning my body to face him. "You could talk to the authorities. And press charges against Amber... Or you can talk to them and get a restraining order." I begin. Giving him a few options. "Or?" He questioned. "Or you don't talk to the authorities at all and leave it." "Okay." "I messaged Julie and told her you wouldn't be at work for a few days... I didn't mention why," I assured him. "But you should at least explain to her what's going on, not in detail if you don't want to." He nodded following what I was saying. "And you're welcome to stay here as long as you need if you don't feel comfortable going home just yet." "Thank you." "I can go over and get you've clothes and whatever you need... Could even go pick your car up if you would like?" I offered knowing he'd probs not want to go back there.

"What if she's there." "Let her be there, I'm not scared of her Ian... You shouldn't be either." I tell him. "I think you should tell Paul and Kat," I tell him. "No!" "Okay." I didn't want to upset him any more than he was.

"Ian?" I said after a few moments of silence between the two of us. He looked at me, his eyes were still swollen and his lip was bruised. My tummy was doing flips, I felt so guilty. "I'm sorry you had to go through that." I knew. I saw the signs I should have stepped in. I should have said something to Kat or Paul. I should have done more than just keeping an eye on him and making sure he knew I was there for him. But I also knew I couldn't force him to talk. I couldn't do anything until he was ready to talk.

"Not your fault." "I know but it sucks..." he held my hand. "Could you drive me to the station?" I nodded. "Of course, do you want me to come in with you?" "Could you get some clothes for me? From our place whilst I'm there." I nodded "anything you need me to do." I said meaning it. I've seen my mum go through this with no help I know how hard it was for her. And I went through it too. On another level to what Ian's gone through and is going through. I was a child my mother shield me from a lot of the toxic behaviors but I got hurt physically and emotionally and it will continue to affect me for the rest of my life. And I felt awful knowing it'll affect Ian for a long time after.

"Do you want to shower first? I'll look through Paul's draw and find you. Something." "Paul has a draw?" He asked amused. "Well he shares it with Claire and Pheebs," I say getting up from the warm sheets. "I want a draw." He said with a jokey smile. "Well, I think with you staying for a few days I can be accommodating and give you a draw."

I opened the shared draw and pulled out jeans and a top. "I'll go iron these... there are towels in the bathroom." "Thank you." I left him to it and went into the utility room to iron the clothes. I also folded my clean clothes and put them away. Ian was still in the shower so I started on breakfast. As I've mentioned before I'm not the best cook so the turkey bacon most defiantly set the fire alarm off. "Let me do the cooking." Ian laughed coming in fully dressed. "I've heard your horror stories." "I've never lived alone before." I defend myself. He took over the bacon and the eggs. "I'm going to shower quickly," I say

I come into the kitchen in my towel to eat the food Ian made. "Who knew eggs could taste so good," I say and he laughed. "Well, they taste like this all the time if you cook them right." I pulled a face at him and he laughed. I was glad his spirit wasn't broken.

He waited around the apartment whilst I got myself ready. I had to go to the house and somehow get in Ian's room and pack a bag for him without raising any questions because he wasn't ready to talk to them yet.

I drove him to the police station and then drove to the cast house. "Hey, I was about to call you." My sister said hugging me as I stepped inside the house. "You was meant to call me last night." I joked with her. "I know I was so tired. I'm sorry. Were you okay?" "Yeah, just had nothing left to do at the apartment," I say brushing it off casually. "Did you get everything cleaned then?" "Yeah, just got a few bits of washing left to do but other than that." I say as we walk upstairs. 

"Where you going?" "Ian asked me to grab him some things... He's staying at Ambers." She frowned. I couldn't lie to my sister she can read me like a book. "What's going on between you two?" "Nothing." I say trying to keep a neutral face on. "Has he hurt you because-"No, no. No." I say stopping her from flying off the handel. "She's hurt him, hasn't she." "It's not my place to say." I tell her keep eye contect telling her the truth without verbalising it. "Is he okay?" I nodded and looked around. "I took him to get checked out last night." She nodded a sad face replacing her angry one. "I promised I wouldn't say anything Kat. Please just let him tell you in his own time." I begged her. I didn't want to betray Ian's trust. I techniqually tell her but she can read my mind, sometimes I question if she actually was a witch. "Do you know how long?" I shake my head no. "Kat I really need to get back to him." I say walking into Ian's room. I find a bag in the cloest and fold some clean clothes for him in it. 

Kat closed the door. "Nay talk to me?" "It's not for me to tell you... He trusted me." "I understand, I just need to make sure you're okay." "Me? I'm fine." I look at her like she was crazy I wasn't the one who got hurt. "You sure? Seeing some-"Kat, I'm fine, I just need to be there for him right now." She nodded understanding. Kat helped me get his clothes together. "Is he reporting it?" I nodded as I put his laptop cord on top of his clothes. "He's there now." "Good... God! I knew it!" "Kat don't beat yourself up okay." I warned her. "This isn't on you or me or anyone. This is a her problem and Karma's a bitch." I say bluntly zipping the bag up. 

"I'm gonna head back to him now... I will call you later." She nodded. "Kat I mean it's not your fault." As easy as she could read me I could read her. It's the whole sister thing. "I love you." I tell her and she pulls me into a hug. "I love you too." She tells me. "He'll be oaky." "I know he will, you'll be looking after him." I smiled. 

"Before you go away I want to take a trip to Miami for the weekend... with the girls?" I nodded. "Yeah that sounds good... I'll see if Kaylee is free." I tell her. "I've not seen Kaylee in years." I smiled knowing she'd be working with her soon enough. Kalee Bryant. She was on The stomping ground with me... we've worked together most of our careers. And she recently got a part in a spin off show of TVD so she'll be working with Kat pretty soon. 

Me and Kat said our goodbyes and I drove back to the station and waited for Ian to come out. Around an hour later he came out. And got in the car he looked tired. I drove us straight home and he went to the bedroom. "E? You want lunch?" "Not hungry." I nodded and left him to it. I didn't want to be too overbearing. 

I sat in the lounge and did some work. I then got bored of that pretty fast and called Kaylee. 

"Hey." I said smiling at my screen when she answered. "Hey." She said back matching my smile. "Oh I missed your face!" I say loudly and dramatically. "I missed your face." We both laughed, we often got asked on set if we were dating but we're just really close friends. Like super duper close. "So how's things in LA?" i asked. "boring with out you here visiting me!" "I'm coming down soon I promise. Kat wants to go Miami before my Elle shoot, so I was thinking you could meet us there." "Oh my gosh! Yes! I haven't seen Kat in years!" "I know she said the same thing. Nina will probs be coming and maybe Pheobe and Claire! You'll love them i promise. Nina's basically just me with an ID which allows her to buy alcohol." I joked and Kaylee laughed. "So crazy." "Oh completely." We continued to laugh. 

"Have you spoken with Julie yet?" I shake my head and stand up and walk into the utility room closing the door and climbing up on the counter. "Oh is someone home with you?" "Yeah A friend is stying with me for a few days." "I'm sorry." "Its fine they're sleeping anyway. I just didn't want them to wake up." I say avoiding the use of pronouns because I didn't want her to get the wrong idea. "So why haven't you spoken to her?" She said getting closer to the camera. "I don't know... I just dont know..." "What's not to know? You want to work with your favourate person again!" "I would love to work with you again! I just... Working with family is always complicated." "But you'll be working with me." She said pouting and batting her eyelashes at me trying to guilt trip me into talking with Julie about auditioning. "Please. You should at least speak to her. See what she thinks." "She's already asked me." "Then you should go for it!" "Maybe..." I say looking around the small room. 

I went back to the lounge to then look at hotels in miami... "Oh what about this one..." I send it over to Kaylee. "I've stayed there before it's really nice... it's right on the beach." "sounds perfect!" I say, I then sent the link to Kat so she could get the others opinion on it. Ian walked past the back of me and I tried to ignore it so Kaylee didn't question it... "Who is?" "A friend." I say with a smile. "A friend, friend. Or a friend?" She questioned. "A friend. Like you." "So you're dating him. You're cheating on me." I laughed loudly. "Gosh I'd never cheat on you my lovely... Kaylee and NayVee forever." "Thats right..." We laughed loudly. "Anyway, I'm gonna get going. I need to grab something to eat." "Yeah same." I smiled. "I miss you." "I miss you." "I love you." "I love you." "Bye baby." I waved pouting before we hung up. i missed her so much. 

"E you good?" I called out getting up. "Just grabbing my meds." "Do you want me to clean your cuts up?" "I'm okay." I nodded. "Did you have a good nap?" "Yeah... sorry. I was just so overwhelmed after all that." "I get it don't worry about it." I say with a simple smile. "Who was on the phone?" "My friend Kaylee." He nodded. "You going Miami?" I nodded. "Kat want's to get away from my shoot." 

We, well Ian, made us something to eat. and we put a film on both of us on our laptops doing work. I looked over at hm a few times to make sure he was okay. I know he was older but I feel like he was vulnerable right now. 

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