I Admire You

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"Is your sister okay?" Candice asked me looking at my sleeping sister. She hadn't moved since we got to the beach. She got carried off the little speed boat thing to the beach by JoMo because she didn't want to get wet. Which wasn't like her she's always the first in the pool. 

And then she took her shirt off that she was using as a cover-up and then laid on her front on one of the towels that were laid out for us and she's not moved since... I only know she's alive move Kaylee nudged her with her foot to make sure around ten minutes ago and she lifted her head up and then laid it back down again. 

"I've not actually spoken to her this morning... she's probably just tired," I inform her. "She's always in the water though," Nina observed. Looking at the ocean where the boys and Claire and Pheebs were. "Ian!" I call him over and he makes his way to us. "Yeah?" "Nay okay?" He looked at her. "She was awake all night... couldn't sleep." He tells me. I frowned, that's not like her, she sleeps well at night because she's such an early bird. "Did she say why?" He shrugged. "Not to me... unless she spoke to Kaylee." He says casually. "Okay." I smiled. 

"I'm gonna go talk to her," I say getting up from the bean bag I was sat on and going into the sun. "NayVee?" I said as I nudged her with my foot. She rolled over on her back and used her arms to shield her eyes. "Is it lunch?" She asked half asleep. "No just wanted a chat," I say, she moved her legs off the towel so I could sit down and she was laid on her side. "Ian said you didn't sleep much last night... everything okay?" "I think it was just the excitement of everything." She says, she sounded so sleepy it was hard for me to tell if she was telling me the truth or not. 

"You sure it's nothing else?" She yawned and twisted her body in an odd way to face me. "Yeah, can you wake me for lunch?" She asked going back to laying in the fetal position. "Why don't you come to lay in the shade with us?" I said not wanting her to burn or overheat. "I'm good here... multitasking, tanning and napping." "Overheating and dehydrating." I corrected her. "I'm fine, go enjoy yourself." She mumbles, I can tell she's had enough of me so I leave her to it. She gets moody when she's tired and the heat probably isn't helping that situation.

"Is she okay?" "She's just tired, I think the week of partying is catching up to her," I tell her as I sit back down. "Not like her, she's full of energy always," Nina says. "Well, today she needs rest," I say wanting them to back off. I could read my sister, I knew something was wrong. But she'd talk in her own time. 

We chilled for a little longer and then lunch was served. Nay did wake up and join the rest of us to eat. Though she usually ate a lot more than she did today, I put it down to her being tired... And chose to ignore it for now. If she was like this in London after some rest I knew there was something hugely wrong. And at the end of the day, she just got through her first birthday without her mum, I was feeling it so I knew she was... Maybe it was just that. Maybe she got a few moments to just think and sit. I know theres been a few moments that I've sat and got emotional about our mum not being here for both our birthdays... So maybe that was it. 

In fact, I'm very sure that, that's what it's about...


After lunch NayVee was participating with the rest of the group, she wasn't as loud or energetic as she normally is but she was in the water, she was messing around with Kaylee, nina was enertained yet again. 

We eventually go back to the boat to shower and change and hang out before dinner. 


"HAPPY BIRTHDAY!" My sister shouted jumping on my bed. "Happy Birthday! Happy Birthday!" "Okay, okay. Chill. I'm up." I laughed sitting up. "She had balloons in the room and flowers. "Aww, baby." She stayed in here last night with me, and Micheal stayed in her room. "You're so sweet." I tackle her so she falls so I could hug her. She kissed my cheek. It's nice to know she's in a good mood again... It's what I like to see from her. 

"Happy birthday, to you. Happy-"The rest of my friends sang as they came into the room. I smiled and blew out the candles on my cake when they finished. "You guys," I said smiling at them all. They had the cutest little party hats on. 

We parted to get ready for breakfast whilst I was waiting to use the shower I went on my phone. 

(Zendaya=Kat, Storm= NayVee and The mother is Kat's mum, but only for this post)

@NayVee: Happy Birthday to my big sister! Though I think this photo was the last time you were "bigger" than me. I love you with all my heart unconditionally. I couldn't ask for a better role model and protector than you. You have made me feel loved and safe every single day of my life even when things got complicated. 

Mummy would have loved to see you and spend your special day with you. I know she's proud of you because I am. I admire your strength and love so much. You deserve the world. I'm so grateful I get to spend special moments with you like this one, and your birthday today. I will forever cherish them in my heart. 

Happy Birthday @KatGraham Keep Smashing it!

I teared up as I looked at the post of my sister. I haven't seen that photo in years. She was 12 I was 17. We had both taken the weekend off from work to surprise mum on her birthday. We had set up a dinner and other surprise but ended up cuddling in mums bed all day watching films... Mum was so happy to see us both. 


We spent the day on an inflatable obstacle course that NayVee had set up for us all to do. It was so much fun. At one point we were having a competition on who was the strongest and could stay on the inflatable before they got pushed off by the other person... It was safe to say my long noodle of a sister was the first to be in the water. She's just so dangly and there's not much strength in her at all.

The night was ended with an amazing! Meal. Along with late-night jet skiing, and smores. We kept the evening low key as many of us had flights in the morning taking us home or straight to work in NayVee's case. She had seemed a lot more cheerful today and her typical self so I assume yesterday she was just tired.


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