Chapter 23: The BLUE Part 2

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I do not own the rights to Food Wars. Food Wars belongs to Yuto Tsukuda, Shun Saeki, VIZ media, Shonen Jump, and Toonami. This is a fan parody. Enjoy.

A Day After The End Of Chapter 22*

Elizabeth's POV*

I got up from bed and headed down to get something to eat when I found Aunty Katarina there.

She looked a little grimmer than usual.

She said, "So you've met Asahi Saiba haven't you?".

I said, "Yeah... So is he one of Joichiro's messes? Or is he Joichiro's secret son or something?".

She said, "He's not Joichiro's child. He's a student of Joichiro and Anna. He's a good kid and the only other person besides you that he took in as a student. They met ten years ago while I was helping Joichiro travel between the US and Japan. One day, Joichiro was asked to help at one of our friends' charities. So he went to make some food for the kids there. That's where they first met and whenever he visited, Asahi would help out in the kitchen. And for some reason, Joichiro couldn't bring himself to abandon the kid, so he ended up looking after the kid. He would take him around everywhere and taught him how to cook because the kid had a knack for it. Soon after, the kid got serious about becoming a chef like Joichiro and started working at one of the diners in his town. That was when he started to take the Saiba name. But after that is when Joichiro had to say goodbye to him and returned to Japan predominately to look after Soma. A few years after that, Anna found Asahi and started teaching him with on again off again lessons spending years on it at a time until he was better than she was. Their final lesson was cut short with her death to that disease ways back.".

I said, "So he wants revenge for Joichiro for abandoning him, huh? Well if he wants revenge on Joichiro, he's gonna have to get in line, that old man has a thing or two coming his way on my end.".

Aunty Katarina laughed a little and asked, "Were you able to beat Asahi?".

I said, "We tied. But next time, I won't lose.".

Aunty Katarina said, "You'll have that chance soon. Doji informed me when I arrived he would be competing in The BLUE as The Leader of The Midnight Chefs.".

I said, "Guess this is gonna have to be just like with Eishi and Rindo. Helping him find that path back to his goal.".

Aunty Katarina said, "It won't be that simple. Asahi is a very angry soul who might not be swayed so easily.".

I said, "That means I'll just have to be very convincing. If someone has fallen that far from the right path the only thing you can do is fight harder to bring them back.".

Aunty Katarina said, "Just a stubborn as your mother.".

I smiled and said, "But that's why you love me right, Aunty Katarina?".

She smiled and said, "Of course, Elizabeth." and she got up and hugged me.

Later that day I found out Asahi visited Erina last night and she apparently agreed that if he beats her in The BLUE she'll agree to be his bride.

That undermining mother fucker Asahi went behind my back.

I sighed and guessed that I was gonna have to beat everyone in The BLUE to keep Erina safe and honest.

Something Erina said puzzled me though, he wanted to rule both sides of the culinary world, but how is he gonna do that from the shadows and that dark place Joichiro and Anna led him to.

6 Days Later*

Soma, Megumi, and I were standing in front of The BLUE.

Erina was nowhere to be seen at the moment.

Soma said, "The day sure got here pretty fast.".

I said, "I guess this is where we're going to battle.".

Soma said, "But man, to think it'd be held at a castle. That's awesome.".

I said, "According to Aunty Katarina, they used to hold this event at huge arenas, but it seems the contest is completely different this time.".

We all looked around and saw people from completely different places than us and Megumi surprisingly kept her cool.

I turned to her and said, "I'm surprised you're keeping your cool, Megumi. You'd usually be nervous any other time we'd do something like this.".

Soma said, "You're on another level today, Megumi.".

Megumi nervously said, "I'm pretty nervous. I drank the kanji so much this last week I can't drink anymore!".

I said, "Um... All right then." and I pat her head.

I said, "Did you guys think we'd ever come this far from that first day in Chappelle's class?".

Megumi said, "Not really. But I was a nervous wreck back then.".

Soma said, "And you're not now? Well I thought we'd make it here, well maybe not The BLUE but I knew we'd make it this far.".

Anne appeared on the jumbotron and said, "I thank you all for gathering here today.".

Soma said, "Hey, it's Anne.".

Anne said, "From the bottom of my heart, I congratulate you all on making it to The BLUE.".

Megumi asked, "Where's Erina?".

I said, "Haven't seen her since we got here.".

Anne said, "The one's who began The BLUE and ran it until today are the World Gourmet Organization, The WGO. This BLUE, however, will be run a little differently. And today, our boss, who supervises all of us bookmen, will explain the contest herself.".

It was a woman sitting behind one of those thin Japanese bamboo curtain things.

She said, "What a delightful evening. I am The WGO Bookmaster.".

Soma said, "Whoa...".

The Bookmaster said, "This castle consists of three gates, then the castle keep, and finally, the castle tower where I currently reside. The victor of this BLUE shall be decided in the castle tower. In order to get to the castle tower, you must overcome the culinary trial that awaits at each gate. Struggle and make your way here, young chefs. It appears all of the actors are in their places.".

I looked back and saw Asahi and his squad of Midnight Chefs.

They were a strange bunch but they do remind me of The Council of Ten.

I said, "Funny meeting you here Saiba Junior.".

Soma said, "Glad to see you again! Looks like a great day for revenge.".

Asahi yawned and passed by us saying, "Is it? Well, I wish you good luck.".

Soma turned and asked, "Hey! Where the hell are you going? The trials are just beginning!".

Asahi said, "Sorry but I get to start a bit ahead of you guys. Are you coming, Elizabeth?".

I said, "Yeah. I'll be right behind you, Asahi.".

Soma asked, "What's going on here?".

I said, "The WGO has seeded some of us based on our accomplishments. I was selected for a few reasons. That's why I was asked to be in attendance by the WGO. Basically, Asahi and I get a free ride all the way to the third gate.".

Asahi said, "My associates get to go to the second gate. Meaning the ones who get to stay here are the weakest of the bunch.".

Asahi pointed at the tower and said, "If you want revenge against me, you're gonna have to make it to the castle tower. You have to eat at least make it through the first gate with ease, or you may make me so sad, that I actually cry. Well, see ya... Soma. Let's go Elizabeth." and he headed forward.

Soma said, "Just you wait! I'll kick you ass in due time!".

I calmly said, "See ya, Soma. I'll kick Saiba Junior around until you make it to us." and I started following Asahi Saiba.

Erina appeared just as we were walking and said, "No, I'm going to be the one who defeats him.".

I turned to her and Asahi did too.

Soma said, "Oh, hey Erina. Where have you been?".

Megumi said, "Thank goodness. I hadn't seen you, so I was getting a little worried.".

Anne interrupted via jumbotron and said, "And now, The BLUE shall commence.".

Asahi and I started walking leaving everyone behind us.

Apparently, Erina wasn't seeded like the two of us.

Asahi said, "A shame Erina won't be around to see you crushed under my boot.".

I said, "Yeah, shame she won't be able to see me whoop your ass in a food battle.".

Asahi and I shared a laugh.

I said, "Honestly, I get where you're coming from on the whole Joichiro thing. That old man totally walked out on our training before I could challenge him again.".

Asahi said, "That's so like him. I remember he used to do the same thing to me when I was smaller.".

I asked, "Doesn't it just piss you off when he does that though?".

Asahi said, "Yeah... It really gets under your skin.".

I said, "What the hell is wrong with him, we may never know. But I am sad you beat him before I could.".

Asahi said, "Well when I beat you you can fight him for a wild card match with me.".

I said, "And when I beat you you two can fight it out for a wild card match with me.".

We kept walking and I said, "Just so you know, I won't be giving Erina up to anybody, so you'd better not cross me like you've crossed Soma. I have a lot of respect for those my sisters pick as their students.".

Asahi said, "I miss Anna. She always had the funniest banter with me.".

I smiled and said, "You know I bet we could be friends when we've settled things.".

Asahi said, "I bet we will.".

We made it to our destination and Erina somehow beat us here.

We watched Soma's first trial.

Of course, it was a setup trial by The Midnight Chefs to allow them to pass through the first gate easily.

I looked at Asahi and he wore a smile that said he didn't do it.

We both walked over.

I stood by Erina and he stood a little ways away from her.

I asked, "How'd you beat us here?".

Erina said, "Easy. I'm faster than you two.".

Asahi and I started laughing and I said, "There's no way you're faster than us.".

When we stopped laughing she was gone.

We looked around for her but we couldn't seem to find her.

We both threw our hands up and turned back to watch Soma's trial.

Erina came back soon enough and said, "See. I'm faster than you.".

I hummed and we watched Soma's trial with Asahi.

Asahi said, "This trial is basically a free pass for Noir members.".

I said, "I kinda picked up on that one genius.".

Asahi said, "Oh, look. Another one's done.".

I saw some spiky-haired dude present his overdone dish to the old man.

I said, "Yeah he looks like a fire starter to me.".

The old man scoffed it down like it was the last thing he'd ever eat and he pulled a gun on the guy and shot out the passing slip via joke gun.

I said, "Well that happened. Seems your squad isn't half bad, Asahi.".

Asahi said, "Why thank you, Elizabeth. Guess Soma couldn't make the cut.".

I said, "Give him a minute to work his miracle.".

Asahi asked, "Miracle?".

I said, "When Soma is put in an impossible challenge his want to win overcomes all and that's put in front of him.".

We watched as Soma found the inspiration he needed to win this challenge.

Soma then presented this all so basic dish.

Asahi let out a little laugh and said, "He's sure to fail now.".

I said, "Just keep watching, Asahi.".

The old man took a bite and instantly started brimming with vitality.

The ordinary dish was just an appetizer because Soma believed that it wasn't the old man's time just yet and that he should go to Yukihira's when it is his time.

The old man let some pass and shot him with the passing slip of paper.

Asahi said, "I guess he managed to pass that, at least.".

Some random suit said, "Miss Nakiri, we need you to stand by.".

She said, "All right." and hugged me before walking away.

Erina told Asahi that he shouldn't underestimate chefs like Soma and all he did was wave to her as she left.

I said, "You know I wonder what the next trial will be?".

The gate opened for Soma and Megumi and there was a bright flashing light.

When it dissipated Eishi Tsukasa was standing there.

I said, "This should be interesting.".

Asahi asked, "He was the former First Seat, wasn't he?".

I said, "And he was my big sister Lilith's protege, just as you were Anna's protege. I see they both left their marks on the world before their untimely passing.".

Asahi said, "It seems so. Let's see what my peer has in store for them.

I said, "Let's.".

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