Chapter 13: Totsuki Academy's Moon Festival

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I do not own the rights to Food Wars. Food Wars belongs to Yuto Tsukuda, Shun Saeki, VIZ media, Shonen Jump, and Toonami. This is a fan parody. Enjoy.

A Few Days After Chapter 12*

Elizabeth's POV*

The others and I who made it to the Fall Selection were sitting and waiting for something.

Some kid announced, "The Council of Ten has arrived!".

I looked forward and saw 9 people approaching.

I smirked because today was the day I get to meet and take Eishi's spot on the ten.

Eizan, The Ninth Seats Yankee.

Apparently, there was a new eighth seat member according to Erina named Kuga Terunori and I knew him well from business dealings our company has had with his over the years.

Then there was Seventh Seats own Isshiki.

Then there was the sixth seats own Scion to the Kinokuni family, Nene Kinokuni.

The Sushi Industry's own Sōmei Saitō got booted down to the fifth seat.

Apparently, this girl with her plushie was in the fourth seat and the plushie had the name Momo on it.

Next, the head of Ramen himself Tōsuke Megishima.

Then there was the girl who apparently had a style similar to my own, the second seats Rindō Kobayashi.

Then there he was the man with white hair and a coat over his shoulder, the first seat, Eishi Tsukasa.

Soma being Soma challenged them to a Food War to be on The Ten but got turned down rather quickly.

The Ten had made dishes for us.

Eishi and I sat across from one another and while the others were amazed by the Momo's dish, I was unfazed seeing as I could make these exact same dishes myself, but still, The Council of Ten is nothing to scoff at.

Eishi said to all of us, "I hope we've helped you understand. There is a profound difference between the abilities of those who are on The Council of Ten and those who aren't.".

I said, "There really isn't that big of a difference between some of us and you lot.".

Kuga completely ignored what I and said, "So yeah, that's how it is, I think you've figured out the nuances of things, at least a little, but we really, seriously, and absolutely don't have any time to waste on you guys. But, well, I guess... If, for example, you guys have anything... anything at all... cooking skill that would let you guys win over me, I guess I could accept that Food War challenge.".

Nene said, "Their height." and Kuga shouted, "I said cooking skill, idiot!".

I ignored Kuga and turned to face off with Eishi and Rindō Kobayashi.

I smirked and said, "One day... I will challenge every single one of you for your seats on The Council and after I win, I reserve the right to pick and choose who I believe should be on the ten with me of course at the first seat and the rest being whoever I choose. But you get a reprieve for now that I don't know what I'd be cooking yet so enjoy the time you have left in your seats because Kuga the thing I have over you is the world of ingredients itself and I won't be losing to a pipsqueak like you. Isshiki I'll leave you alone seeing as you're one of the only ones on the ten who actually seems like a good guy and doesn't work in the shadows like the rest of them.".

Rindō Kobayashi said, "What about me? I don't work in the shadows or anything?".

I turned to her and said, "True but I look forward to beating you and taking your seat away from you as well seeing as you use the world of ingredients as well. Oh and Kuga a thing we all have over you is height.".

He angrily said, "Damn you!".

I got up and said, "Well, my work here is done, come on guys, we don't have time to waste on this pipsqueak.".

Kuga growled angrily as we all soon left and were all walking back to campus.

I said, "I've never been so disrespected in my entire life as I was just disrespected by that pipsqueak.".

Alice started dragging Ryo along saying, "You'll just have to defeat them and take their spots for us!".

A Few Weeks Later*

Alice and I agreed to stay friends because I think I knew there was something going on there with her and Ryo.

I sighed thinking I was single, guess I'll still have to look around for that special someone.

I was prepping for the Moon Banquet Festival still agitated by that little pipsqueak's disrespect.

I was gonna get him back for it in the Moon Banquet Festival even if I had to serve all 500,000 visitors myself.

However, I somehow got roped into a group with Alice, Ryo, and Akira.

I showed up at our booth and Alice and Akira were arguing while Ryo stood by with a blank face.

I sighed and stepped forward saying, "Enough you two!".

They stopped and turned to me.

I said, "Since you two are arguing and Ryo seems to be out of it, I'll take up command. And besides I already have a dish in mind that suits all of us. Instant Ramen.".

They looked at me confused and I said, "Think about it in this way if Akira and I spice up the ramen after Ryo gets done making it and Alice finishes it off with some molecular gastronomy, we'll be creating harmonious ramen never before seen. We'll have customers for a while.".

Akira, Ryo, and Alice hummed.

Akira said, "I'm intrigued by this plan and think it's our best bet.".

Alice said, "Of course it's our best bet.".

Ryo lazily said, "Whatever.".

I said, "Great. Let's do this then.".

We got some unexpected help two weeks before the contest was set to begin.

Erina and Hisako.

The new plan was to have Ryo, Erina, and me making the bowls of ramen while Akira, Hisako, and Alice in groups of two with the chefs freshen them up and it was a recipe we could all agree on so we moved forward with it.

Hisako was gonna freshen Erina's instant ramen.

Alice was gonna freshen Ryo's instant ramen.

And Akira was gonna freshen my instant ramen.

We were set in the Central Area where we'd get a lot of customers and have the equipment we needed and we agreed to keep the prices near 2000 yen for the customers who didn't want to pay an insane amount for their food.

We were close to Kuga's booth so he'd be our main competitor.

Apparently, reputation plays a part in this, so Akira's reputation as Spice Man, Alice's reputation as a master of Molecular Gastronomy, Ryo's reputation as a Tyrannical Tyrant of the Kitchen, Erina's reputation as being the God Tongue, Hisako's reputation as a medicinal expert, and my reputation of being The Gourmet Goddess of the UK all together should get some heads turning.

Heck, we got a headline in the paper as being the dream team.

For the next few days, Ryo, Erina, and I met at my place to work on perfecting the noodles of the ramen so we could work in sink when the time comes.

We informed the journalism club we'd be making Cibo Et Laetitia Gastronomy Spiced Up Instant Ramen and that we'd be in the Central Area for any who want the best of the best.

I was curious about what Soma was going to do.

But apparently, he decided to attack The Ten first and set his booth right by Kuga's.

I sighed as all any of us could do was hope we don't lose and get expelled.

I was currently walking around looking around at everyone's booths seeing who's my competition and who's not.

I stopped by Kuga's and he was talking with Soma and Megumi.

He was crying at the prospect of Soma leaving the academy.

I said, "How do you know you won't be leaving the academy, short fry.".

He turned and faced off with me.

I said, "You talk a big game, Kuga. And it's backed but I think it's time for a lesson of harsh reality to hit you.".

He hummed angrily and turned and said, "Whatever, I'll stomp you out of this school first, Elizabeth.".

I turned to Soma and said, "I know you set up right next to him so you could take his customers but tell me you've got a plan.".

Soma gave me a thumbs up and I sighed saying, "Well good luck at least. I'm gonna go see if my group needs some backup.".

A Few Days Later*

Day 1 Of The Moon Festival*

We were all set up and the customers started pouring in.

Our booth was named, "The Culinary World".

It was like one after another but Erina, Ryo, Akira, Alice, Hisako, and I kept up with it.

Our customers were left with all kinds of different experiences after trying our cooking.

Not a single one was unhappy and the cash just kept on coming.

We had to work in overdrive just to keep up with the onslaught of customers that kept rolling in to the point I was actually breaking a sweat for once.

By the end of the day, Alice, Erina, Hisako, Ryo, Akira, and I were staring at an entire table stacked with money.

The money was stacked in a cube shape and was about 6 feet on all sides.

We somehow managed to get it turned in and on my way back to the house, the PA system said, "Everyone, we have an announcement. We have finished tallying first day sales as of six o'clock for the Moon Festival. We will now announce sales rankings for each area.".

Urara chimed in and said, "The Main Avenue's first! Third place goes to the bowl club!".

I raised an eyebrow and Urara said, "Second place is Skewering Club! First place is Pop-up Trattoria Aldini!".

I said, "Surprising to say the least.".

Urara said, "Now onto the Central Area! Third place is Yo-Yo Restaurant by the Western Cuisine Research Society! Second place goes to El Feugo by the Spanish Research Society! And tied for first place is Kuga Restaurant by the Chinese Research Society and The Culinary World by the combined efforts of the first years best students and the Shiomi Research Foundation!".

I angrily said, "Dammit! That pipsqueak tied with us!".

I skipped the high-class rankings and went home to rest for tomorrow but when I got home I had a paper waiting for me.

I decided why the hell not and read to see who was the best in the Yamanote Area.

My eyes widened in shock.

Momo was first, Tōsuke Megishima was second, Nene Kinokuni was third, and Eishi was fourth.

Momo, that little girl with the plushie out bested Eishi.

I do have to admit that booths might not be Eish's forte so I won't jump to conclusions about his skill just yet.

I sighed before going to bed.

The Next Day*

Day 2 Of The Moon Festival*

We were swamped again today with customers but today we were ready for them.

Ryo and Alice's Gastronomy Instant Ramen was very popular with the old folks and children.

Erina and Hisako's Medicinal Instant Ramen was popular with the food critics and Erina's fans.

Akira and my Spiced Instant Ramen was popular with the ladies and mostly the food critics as well.

We kept up with the crowd as one after another came forward.

For the customers who paid 5000 yen or more, we provided Gastronomical Medicinal Spiced Instant Ramen, which we called, Heaven in a Bowl which left the taster in a sense of culinary shock and delight.

Rindō Kobayashi came up and requested Heaven in a Bowl which I personally gave to her and she said, "Wow, wow, wow this is good, you six!" before walking away.

By the end of the day, we outpaced the pipsqueak and took the top spot in the Central Area.

The Next Day*

Day 3 Of The Moon Festival*

We were swamped yet again today with even more customers than the previous 2 days.

I chopped it up to our growing resound Heaven in a Bowl which almost every customer was coming and buying.

It was hard with all of us having to work to make one after another but we managed.

I was sweating and breathing heavily near unconsciousness when everyone told me to take a break.

At first, I refused but Erina and Alice kicked me out and I walked off for a bit to catch my breath.

Kuga and I stopped by Soma's little thing right across from Kuga's place.

Kuga and I said, "Soma...".

Soma turned to us and said, "Elizabeth? Kuga? Would you like a black pepper bun?".

Kuga said, "Nope!" and I asked, "I'll take water if you have it. I'm dying of exhaustion. Beating this pipsqueak take's a lot out of me.".

Kuga angrily growled at me and then turned to Soma and said, "I hear you've been scurrying around at night. You've broadened your offerings, too, but this is day three, you know? It's not exactly pleasant to have you in front of my establishment with your poor sales performance. Why don't you close up shop for us, say, right now?".

I said, "What's the harm he can do to you Kuga? His little shop here doesn't even affect your sales, what you're doing right now is trying to stomp out the underdog, which is sad seeing as your place is doing so well.".

Kuga turned to me and we stared off.

I said, "I'll admit you're a good chef and worthy of the ten, but... you lack the drive of a true chef. But it'll become more evident tomorrow. Just watch and be amazed Kuga." and I walked away.

By the end of the day, we made five times what usually make, and by the end of the day, we were twice as good as Kuga's place in terms of sales.

I smiled as I entered Kuga's restaurant and stood off with him.

I said, "About what I said earlier. I respect you as my peer and your restaurant is good and I'm surprised it didn't take long to build. However, everything I'm doing at this festival is for how rudely you treated me and my friends.".

Kuga smiled and asked, "What was the harm?".

I said, "You said we weren't worth your time well guess what, we doubled your profit margin with just one dish from all of us so don't ever disrespect my friends again, or I'll take your seat right out from under you in a Food War.".

He looked at me more seriously before I turned and left saying, "Be sure to watch Soma tomorrow, he's gonna turn a profit tomorrow.".

I went home and crashed in bed exhausted from today.

The Next Day*

Day 4 Of The Moon Festival*

I noticed a decrease in some of our customers.

The others did too and I said, "Soma.".

We still had a lot of customers so we had to keep up with them for a lot of the day.

Akira said he smelt something in the direction of Soma and Kuga's places and I said it was Soma's miracle.

We kept on cooking until we didn't have any more customers because of Soma so we were done and Soma had beaten us for first place today probably.

In our way of saying good work, Akira, Ryo, and I went over to offer him help with beating Kuga since we had already beaten him the past two days.

Ikumi helped as well as Takumi and Isami and we all worked together as a team to utterly humiliate Kuga's restaurant.

There was a point I shared a look with Kuga and I smirked conveying that we had beaten him, us the people he deemed unworthy of his time.

Today Soma got first and we got in second while Kuga came in third.

The Next Day*

The 5th And Final Day Of The Moon Festival*

All was well and we were finally finished for the day and with the festival overall.

We came in first with sales, Kuga followed up in second, and Soma was in third.

Rindō Kobayashi came over to our booth and said, "Hey Elizabeth. I reserved a table for you tonight.".

I turned to her and asked, "What table?".

I saw Soma and Megumi with her as well.

Rindō Kobayashi said, "Like I told these two, it'll be in the Yamanote Area. You're coming, right?".

I hummed and Erina said, "You should go, you've earned it.".

I looked at her and she had a light in her eye only she gives me and no one else which made me curious.

I turned to Rindō Kobayashi and asked, "Where are we going?".

Rindō Kobayashi smirked and said, "Eishi Tsukasa's booth. Aren't you the least bit curious as to what the cook whose seat you're trying to take is like? And aren't you curious what kind of food the current First Seat makes?".

My eyes widened and I said, "Erina hold down the fort. I'll be back momentarily.".

She nodded and I headed off with Rindō Kobayashi, Soma, and Megumi to the Yamanote Area.

We arrived in the high-class area and Soma said, "Wow! What is all this?!".

I said, "This is the high-end area. The Yamanote Area my big sisters told me so much about.".

Rindō Kobayashi said, "I remember your older sister Lilith when she was a third-year here. She was really lovely and outgoing to all of us, and told us stories about you over that year.".

I smiled thinking that's just like Lilith.

I wish she was still here.

Rindō Kobayashi said, "But... just before the third-year's graduated Eishi challenged her to a Food War for her First Seat... And he won.".

My eyes widened and Megumi asked, "Eishi beat Elizabeth's older sister just before she graduated?".

I gripped my fist together and said, "It was bad enough when Kuga insulted me and my friends. And now you're telling me, Eishi humiliated my sister just before she graduated.".

Rindō Kobayashi said, "No, no, no you have it all wrong! Eishi idolized Lilith and he took to learn from her everything he could before ascending to First Seat himself.".

I lessened my grip and Rindō Kobayashi said, "It was a battle they both wanted, to see if everything she taught him had been passed on. It was truly inspiring.".

I said, "That's just like her.".

Rindō Kobayashi said, "She also helped me visit the world because she said she saw something in me no one else did. I truly admired her.".

I said, "You and me both.".

We arrived and a servant said, "Welcome, Miss Kobayashi. Today's menu is a nine-course meal titled, A Symphony of Fall Ingredients. This way, please.".

We took our seats and were able to watch Eishi himself cooking on a screen.

Megumi said, "It's like watching a stage. Eishi's in his own world.".

Soma said, "There are only three tables?".

Rindō Kobayashi said, "Eishi handles all the cooking himself. The other staff only serve the customers. So you need to reduce the table count to make the setup work.".

I smirked thinking maybe Lilith did impart her family wisdom upon him.

Soma asked, "He's handling a nine-course meal all by himself?!".

Megumi said, "He must have a lot of confidence if he's taking on so much work.".

I said, "Back home and even all over the world The Nightingale's upbringing is that we learn such techniques like working nine-course meals or more. It would seem what you said earlier about imparting wisdom to him was right. In less than a year he's been trained by one of the Nightingale's and has the skills of one. So Megumi is right on the mark, he has to have copious amounts of confidence despite what Erina told me.".

Rindō Kobayashi said, "Well, the real person is more like this." and she gave us an explanation of his strange pessimistic self-loathing side Erina told me about.

Soma said, "Oh...".

I said, "Guess Erina was right after all.".

Eishi's first-course dish came out and I was in shock by it.

I said, "This is a near replica of my sister's own Nine-Course Meal.".

Rindō Kobayashi said, "He worked and worked at it until his was better than even Liliths.".

I took a bite of it and it was the same distinctive blend of flavors my sister had once used but this dish had a paradoxical taste as well.

I set my fork down and smirked saying, "I guess it won't be as easy as I thought to take

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