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hit the kwon

"You got a detention?" 

"You've only been here for like a week!"

"I was 2 minutes late! How dare she do that!"

The five friends are currently on their way to their next class after lunch. It wasn't until they were already on their way that Soobin decided to drop the bomb that he had managed to thoroughly piss off his first-class teacher. 

"Ok, but calling her a troll really wasn't the best way to make her be nice."

"But she is!" Soobin groans.

The five of them walk into the classroom and immediately notice that Mr. Lee isn't there.

"Please take a seat. Your teacher can not be here today so I am your subsite." a tall male states from the front of the classroom.

"Why isn't he here?" Yeonjun asks as he sits down.

"God, you guys are nosy shits. Your 'favorite teacher' is in the hospital with pneumonia. Any more questions?" the teacher asks with a roll of his eyes.

"What's your name?" another student asks from the front of the class.

"Can't you read? It says on the board, Mr. Kwon! Jesus! And you guys are the smart kids?!" he shouts and the poor kid.

Mr. Kwon. Everybody knows Mr. Kwon. He is the most feared teacher in the whole school. His grading is harsh, his attitude is cruel and his students... the students are scarred. However, the students have almost the best grades in the whole school.


Mr. Lee's students have the best.

As you can guess, Mr. Kwon does not feel quite fondly towards Mr. Lee. It is an unspoken rule that you do not bring up Mr. Lee in his class unless you want to be publically humiliated. Once, a girl mentioned that Mr. Lee was better and ended up dying mysteriously that same day. Nobody knows what happened but after that incident, Mr. Kwon has only been referred to as Mr. Murder.

"Your teacher has generously given you an extra workday so I expect you to no fuck around. Work on whatever thing he gave you. I will be watching." he states and looks towards the back of the class.

"You two. Blond and blue hair. See me outside." He demands and heads outside. 

The two boys look at each other in confusion before standing up.

"In trouble again, Soobin?" Yeonjun teases and sticks his tongue out.

"Shut your mouth cutie before I put something in it," Soobin responds back with a raised brow.

Yeonjun instantly closes his mouth and crosses his arms. As Soobin walks away, Yeonjun hides his face and groans.

"Your so lucky." Beomgyu pouts from his seat next to him.

"Lucky!? I want to strangle him!" Yeonjun nearly shouts.

"Kiss-" Kai mutters and covers it up with fake coughing.

"I heard that." Yeonjun glares.

"I want someone to call me cute," Beomgyu mumbles and juts his bottom lip out.

"I'll call you cute if you want?" Kai offers and winks at the older.

Beomgyu's eyes widen slightly and he smiles.

"Okay! Call me that from now on!" Beomgyu giggles and blows the stunned boy a kiss.

"What? Um? Gyu? Chile? Anyways so... what do you guys think of Mr. Kwon?" Kai panics before changing the subject.

"He's a lot ruder in real life" Yeonjun replies with a frown.

"Okay, not to be that person again, but doesn't he seem a little sus?"

"Suspicious? What do you think he's guilty of?" Kai questions with a raised brow.

"Hear me out okay! There have been earthquakes... Mr. Lee is sick... Mr. Kwon hates him..." Beomgyu says and gives the you know what I'm saying? look.


"I suddenly feel the strong need to press the heart button." Yeonjun mumbles.



"Maybe. Let's ask Soobin and Taehyun when they come back inside."

Yeonjun's panic gay vs Beomgyu's confident gay is a mood.


why is it on Mondays my motivation to write is higher than on Fridays?


Bighit: dyes Yeonjun's hair pink and has extensions

Everyone else:

also bighit during the next txt comeback

bighit stop dying their hair pls XD

also thanks for 1K <3 

have a good day <3

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