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"Yeonjun don't do this"

"Beomgyu, I have to"

"If you really cared about me you wouldn't do it"

"I'm sorry, Beomgyu, I have too"

"Please don't Yeonjun, do it for me"


"I'm sorry Beomgyu"

With that said, Yeonjun turns away from Beomgyu and looks back at the confused waiter with a smile.

"One mint chocolate ice-cream for me, please" Yeonjun states. 

The waiter nods and walks away, leaving the pair to argue amongst themselves. Beomgyu sighs and looks at his watch. 

"Are you aware we have school in 10 minutes?" Beomgyu asks.

Yeonjun gasps and stands up quickly. He rushes over to the counter and tries to get the attention of the person who took his order. Beomgyu sighs and saunters towards the exit. Yeonjun catches up a moment later and puts his arm around Beomgyu's shoulder. 

"Why didn't you tell me we had school soon?" Yeonjun asks as he catches his breath.

"I honestly did not think you would order ice-cream first thing in the morning," Beomgyu shrugs.

Yeonjun groans out and hides his face in the palms of his hand. 

"I'm such an idiot," Yeonjun mumbles.

Beomgyu chuckles and removes Yeonjun's hands from in front of his face.

"Shush you. You have a crush. Of course you're going to do some dumb things. It doesn't make you an idiot... yet..." Beomgyu trails off and starts walking a little faster.

"Hey! I heard that last part!" Yeonjun shouts and catches up with Beomgyu.

The two chat and joke around as they walk to the school. The school is only a couple of minutes away from the cafe so they always meet there in the morning. The pair manage to make it on time and head to their respective classes, promising to meet at their usual lunch table later.

[Lunch Time]

Beomgyu exits his last morning class and heads to the lunchroom. Sadly, even though he tried to smile and look nice people still avoided him. They weren't kidding when they say that your past will follow you everywhere. Deciding to try and ignore the fearful stares he puts his headphones in and decides to listen to the most recent T3XT album, Purple Minute. Even if he has a bad day, T3XT always makes him feel better. He will be a typo forever. 

He turns at the end of the hallway and sees Yeonjun staring into a classroom. Curious, he walks over and sneaks behind him. When he is directly behind him, he taps on his back. 

Yeonjun gasps and turns to attack the person who scared him. When he sees it is Beomgyu, he looks around and quickly moves away from the window. Even more confused, Beomgyu starts asking questions. 

"Why are you creeping in on someone's class?" Beomgyu asks loudly. 

Yeonjun panics and puts his hand over Beomgyu's mouth. 

"Hush! He'll notice!" Yeonjun hisses out quietly. 

Beomgyu removes Yeonjun's hand and attempts to walk to the window. Yeonjun pulls him back before he can get over there. 

"What are you doing?" Yeonjun questions.

"You've never told me who was your crush so I want to look," Beomgyu shrugs.

Yeonjun buries his face in his hands and sighs. 

"Fine! You can look, but be quick," Yeonjun says with a wave of his hand.

Beomgyu grins and walks over to the window. He peeks through the window and sees a dark-haired boy sitting at a desk. He is bent over a notebook and looks like he is doing homework. Disappointingly, all he can see is his back. He tries to see if he can see more of him by moving around. While he is moving around, the boy seems to notice something and turns around. 

The two boys make eye-contact and Beomgyu is able to see what the boy looks like. He looks like a foreigner and has quite attractive features. His eyes are beautiful and seem to age right into his soul. After a few seconds, Beomgyu realizes that Yeonjun might get caught and does the most logical thing. 

He runs. 

"Jun, run! I was spotted!" Beomgyu shouts and sprints towards the lunchroom.

Yeonjun's eyes widen and he starts to run after him. The two race to the lunchroom and find their seat. The pair sit down and gasp for breath. They aren't exactly the fittest people. Other people present give them weird looks, but the two of them ignore it. 

When the pair's breathing finally comes back to normal. Beomgyu and Yeonjun laugh at their fun mission. Beomgyu has fun teasing Yeonjun about his crush for the rest of their break as they enjoy their time together. Even when they try, nobody could ever destroy their friendship.

Finally! The first real chapter!

Unlike my last book, I will make the chapters a little shorter so I don't burn out.

I hope you enjoyed it!

@ -@

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