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Hereford Base

Derek POV

You arrived back at Hereford and everyone was woken up and proceeded to get out of the chopper and pass by two of the med crew walking to the chopper with gurneys.

Derek: Poor bastards

Lion: They're assholes but they need to know when to listen.

Derek: Tell me about it.

Lion: You did good today, Harry was right when writing your file. You are good at thinking on the spot.

Derek: Its good to know that there are two operators I can rely on aswell when on a mission. Anyways I'm starbing, so I was probably gonna go to the cafeteria to get something to eat. You guys coming?

Fuze: We'll go do the debrief, we'll be there in a bit.

Derek: Alright, thanks

Fuze: No problem comrade, now go eat.

Derek: I will, потом.

Fuze: потом.

You split off from the two and headed towards the cafeteria, you entered into it and went to go get a tray of food.

Male Chef: What can i get for you today.

Derek: nothing special, just a steak medium rare.

Male Chef: Keeping it simple, I like that.

Derek: Yea, I dont like to make things seem difficult.

Male chef: You sound young, just how old are you?

Derek: I'm 20 years old, about to be 21 in a couple months.

Ela: You're 20!?!

Derek: jesus christ when did you get there.

Ela: Just now but wow, you're younger than Mark.

Derek: Haha yea i guess, anyways what did you need?

Ela: Just came to tell you that tomorrow at 6:30 you have training with me.

Derek: Should I be worried?

Ela: Well my motto is "The one who brings chaos"

Derek: So you'll make sure no one wants to walk afterwards... great.

Ela: Also Alexsandr is gonna be disappointed.

Derek: Why's that.

Ela: We watched your feed, after you thought of an idea to get olivier and shuhrat out alive, he wanted to go drinking with you.

Derek: well technically I could.

Male chef: Here's your steak

Derek: Thank you.

Male chef: No problem.

Ela: *walking with you* You should come sit with us.

Derek: Why is it if I say yes I'l regret it?

Ela: Because you might.

Derek: Welp I guess my age is out the window since you shouted it.

Ela: Haha, sorry about that, just was surprising. Now why do you say you can technically drink?

Derek: Well we are in the UK, and the drinking age is 18.

Ela: You're American though.

Derek: Not in America are we.

Ela: I like the way you think.

You both sat down at the table and started to converse.

Frost: So you're 20 years old, honestly wouldnt have thought that.

Derek: Older?

Frost: Well with the experience you had made it seem like you had many years of it so I thought you would be 29 years old.

Derek: My father was an ex Navy seal so when I was younger he showed my how to fire a gun and take care of it. The combat experience was only from the 4 years of experience i got while enlisted.

IQ: Only 4 years yet you are more battlehardened than most of us.

Derek: what can I say, Afghanistan can give anyone alot of experience.

Frost: You have any siblings?

Derek: Just my older sis, however havent been able to make contact with her since I became of age to enlist.

Ela: You know where she could be?

Derek: Last time I saw her she was sent to Afghanistan, I was hoping when I would be enlisted to be stationed at the same place as her but wasnt, even in operations I was never with her. But enough about me, Ela what exactly are we doing tomorrow?

Ela: Oh you know, pain.

Derek: You mean for me, or for you when you realize that I wont be feeling that after your session.

Ela: Keep that ego high and I'll be sure to add more to your training.

Derek: I'd like to see you try.

Tachank: Locust comrade, we need to have a drink sometime for getting my братья по оружию out of there.

IQ: Alexsnadr, he's only 20.

Derek: I dont see why not. I've always wanted to try vodka from the motherland.

Tachanka: Haha, I like the way you talk. Tomorrow night after your training session how about that.

Derek: Sounds like a plan.

Tachanka walks away from the table back to the Spetznaz table.

IQ: Your first time drinking is really gonna be with the russians?

Derek: First time is always the most fun.

IQ: If you dont mind me asking, why keep the mask on?

Derek: Just to hide my identity, I dont like having people know who I am and find out about my past. Thats why I hide my face and my name.

IQ: you really are just like Nøkk.

Derek: hehe. Indeed we are.

Ela: So what made you always take the leadership role.

Derek: Just the thought of losing someone in your squad always made you never want to see that happen, so I would always study the field while in combat s that way if shit goes south I would always have a plan in my head to get all of us out.

Dokkaebi: *mutters* 젠장.

Derek: hehe, trying to trace my phone?

Dokkaebi: How'd you know?

Derek: because you're on your tablet and my phone is buzzing letting me know that someone is trying to get in.

Dokkaebi: You made your own firewall?

Derek: Nah someone in my squad was good with hacking so he created a firewall for us to use.

Dokkaebi: Man is good.

Derek: He really is.

Ela: You should probably get some rest, that mission seemed exhausting.

Derek: I took a nap on the way back, if I tried to sleep now, then i'd have trouble.

Ela: Good point, why not come to the girls dorm for a bit.

Derek: You really trust a recruit in the girls dorm.

Ela: Well we van already prove that you aren't like the rest and dont act like a recruit so why not.

Derek: I mean sure I guess. What would we even do.

Ela: Well we were planning on getting Mark and julien to come aswell so you'll have two guys to talk to aswell.

Derek: Who's Julien again?

Ela: Rook.

Derek: I mean if Marks going then I'll go 100 percent.

Ela: Great, lets go then.

Derek: Lead the way.

You all went to the S.A.S dorms and picked up Mark and did the same with Julien. You went to your dorm aswell so you can go put your weapons away. You went back towards the girls dorm and then went inside.

Ela: Welcome to the girls dorm.

Derek: So what now.

IQ: Just hang out and watch a movie.

Derek: I mean alright.

We decided to watch a movie and halfway through Monika says soemthing halfway through.

IQ: So Locust, you play the guitar?

Derek: How did y- *sees the guitar* how the fuck did you get my guitar.

Valkyrie: haha yea, I'm a bit of a snooper.

Derek: Do I have to check my room for cameras.

Valkyrie: Oh dear no I repsect privacy just decided to snoop while you were on your mission.

Derek: Alright now I know to put a few more locks on my door, but yes I play guitar.

Ela: Can you play something.

Derek: I mean I could play one of the solos my friend made before I was enlisted.

Mute: Oh I'd love to hear this.

You grabbed the guitar and put it into tune. You then started to play the solo that you and your friend made all those years ago.

Ela: wow that was really good.

Derek: ahah thanks.

Mute: Who's this friend of yours?

Derek: We havent talked in years but he has a youtube channel now goes by "thedooo".

Ela: You keep contact with him?

Derek: Havent talked to him since I turned 17.

Ela: You ever thought about contacting him?

Derek: Always have but he's always been busy, so have I.

Ela: You'll meet him again.

Derek: Yea ik, but still its been years. Anyways I'm gonna attempt to sleep, See you tomorrow for training Ela.

You left the dorm and headed to your own, you opened the door and locked it and just quickly scanned the area to make sure Valk didnt put any cams in. You didnt see any so you just laid down and went to sleep, not worrying about getting out of your gear.

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