A Day Off

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Hereford Base

Derek POV

You arrived back at base with the rest of your group and met up with Harry at the garage.

Harry: Goodjob on the mission, I know it was not what was supposed to happen but you still ended up stopping the attack.

Derek: They have heavy armor now, we still need to figure out how they got that.

Harry: I have Grace and many others working on it now, but for now Dom I want a full debrief of what happened.

Bandit: I'll follow you back to your office.

Harry: The rest of you, take the a few days off, you guys deserve it.

Harry and Dom walked away and that left just you, Mickey, and Ela.

Mickey: I don't know about you guys, but I'm gonna schedule a flight back to go see my girl.

Derek: You do that man, you deserve it.

Mickey: I'll catch you two later.

He walked away

Ela: What you did back there was brave.

Derek: We all did our part.

Ela: I know, but you did more to help the cause in our mission being a success.

Derek: Dont make me feel more highly of myself, we all did our part. I couldn't have done it without Mickey either. He's the main reason we got rid of that Juggernaut.

Ela: Yea but you making yourself completely defenseless and causing the distraction is what caused it to happen.

Derek: Everyone had a part and everyone executed it. Thats why this whole mission was a success. Dont think of someone being higher than you, when you know that you did just as much.

Ela: Yea I guess, so what are you planning on doing for the next few days?

Derek: Dont know, haven't really had a chance to take a break.

Ela: Tell me about it, you know you could come back to my dorm with Monika and we can go for round two.

Derek: I'll think about it, don't really have a clue right now of what to do other than just play guitar.

Ela: ooo you should have a concert.

Derek: Hell no.

Ela: Why not?

Derek: I'd rather just play peacefully than be out there.

Ela: But you're good.

Derek: I don't really think that.

Ela: Bullshit.

Derek: How?

Ela: We can hear you from the cafeteria, people vibe to you playing.

Derek: I'll be in my room, might practice alittle more, still rusty.

Ela: Can't wait to hear it in the cafeteria.

Derek: Hehe, probably.

You split paths with Ela and headed back to your dorms. You opened the door and walked inside. You walked over to your guitar case and took it out. Plugged it in and started to tune it.

Derek: Time for some Tyr.

(Ignore the vocals and drums)

Derek: Damn, had some fuck ups during that.

You put the guitar back in its case and closed it. You looked around the dorm one last time before opening and closing the door and heading to the cafeteria to get dinner. You opened the doors to the cafeteria and walked over and grabbed a tray of food from the front and walked over to to your squads table.

Mickey: Good to have you here.

Derek: Its good to be here. So whats up?

Mickey: Nothing, just leaving early tomorrow morning to head back home for the week.

Derek: How early.

Mickey: About 5:00 sharp.

Derek: Damn, so what is it that you want to do?

Mickey: Go out for some drinks, the S.A.S. invited us all to go to the local pub for a few rounds.

Derek: Sounds good for me, what time.

Bulldog: About an hour and a half from now.

Derek: Alright, that sounds good.

Bulldog: There might be an issue though.

Derek: What is it.

Bulldog: They might not allow us to wear our balaclavas.

Derek: Yea but you know Covid would make it so we can stay unknown.

Robert: Yea true, but we never know. Just be ready to take off your mask if they say you can't wear it.

Bulldog: So Mickey, ready to go back home just to see your girlfriend getting dogged by another man?

Mickey: Oh shut up, she would never.

Derek: He's right, she wouldnt. I've met her a few times and she doesn't seem the type to do that. Even if she was alone for long periods of time.

NATO: Man you're no fun Derek.

Derek: Oh please, I think we both know that I only speak truth when I know of it.

NATO: Yea yea whatever. By the way we heard you from all the way over here. You're getting used to it again.

Derek: I had some fuck ups though.

Bulldog: So what, first time playing again in years and you still got it. Come on, lets go get ready for the pub.

You all got up and headed back to the dorm. You dressed in a blacker bomber jacket with light blue jeans and Adidas sneakers. You had you balaclava on with a pair of sunglasses and a hat. You walked out of your room to meet the others in your living room.

Mickey: Ready?

Derek: As ready as I'll ever be.

Mickey: Lets go then.

You all walked out of the room and towards the garage where you saw the S.A.S. waiting.

Thatcher: Good you lads are here, we'll take two cars so just follow us.

Derek: Bulldog you can drive.

Bulldog: Alright.

You all got in the car and slowly drove out of the garage tailing the S.A.S. boys. You reached a pub downtown in Hereford and got out. You walked in and got a booth and took a seat.

Sledge: So how was it showing your faces to the real world.

Derek: Fucking sucked.

Mickey: Eh actually working a job wasn't too bad.

Derek: Try having to go to college. Better yet, have someone in your class have good detective skills and find out who you are immediately.

Mickey: Oh please Ela already told me you enjoyed beating the shit out of kids in gym.

Derek: *looks away* OK maybe a little.

A waitress came over with a tray of shot glasses and placed them on the table.

Sledge: Ah some good ole Oban, thank you lass.

Waitress: No problem.

She walked away and you all grabbed a shot glass.

Derek: So this is Scottish whiskey.

Sledge: Best thing that can ever hit your taste buds. Better than that horse piss you guys call beer.

Derek: Hey man, when you grow up with that shit you get used to it.

Mickey: You haven't even drank yet besides that oen night.

Derek: Oh please when has a kid who turned 16 not picked up a beer.

Bulldog: Damn right.

Mute: *mutters* Americans

Robert: Hey man you gotta admit we throw some fucking bangers in our prime ages.

Derek: Yea, they always get crazy.

For the next hour you had a few shots. Everyone seemed mostly fine just a bit tipsy.

Thatcher: Yea so I ended up going to the pub and beating the fook out of Nick and his boys.

Derek: So don't piss you off, got it.

Thatcher: Damn right.

Smoke: We should head back, getting late and we can't be plastered while driving.

Mickey: yea he's right.

Derek: So who is the most sober out of us 5?

Robert: Bulldog has the most tolerance so he should drive.

Bulldog: Yea I will.

You all left the pub after paying and got back in the car. The drive back to base was mostly loud, everyone was just having a good time and enjoying the moment. You were glad to be able to finally lay back and relax and just have a good time.

You arrived back at base and you all got out of the car. You felt your phone buzz and you looked at it to see a text from Monika saying to come to the girls dorms. You started to walk over when you heard Mickey shout down the hall.

Mickey: Where you going.

Derek: Monika said she needs me at the girls dorm.

Mickey: You got the rubber?

Derek: Its not for that.

Mickey: Mhm, keep telling yourself that.

They walked towards the male dorms and you kept walking to the girls dorm. Once you arrived you went to their lounge area and saw them all huddled around ina circle.

Derek: Whats going on here?

IQ: Come sit down, I wanna hear what happened.

You walked over and grabbed a chair and sat down on it

Derek: So what do you want to hear?

IQ: So it went south.

Derek: Yes, it did. They had access to heavy armor and even worse military grade weapons. They aren't just using the standard L8s anymore. They're getting some serious firepower now. No clue who they're getting them from though.

Ying: That's, bad right?

Derek: Considering we weren't prepared to see a juggernaut, yes it is. We needed to drown him by ramming him with a car.

IQ: That reminds me.

She walked up to you and slapped you across the face.

Derek: What was that for?!?

IQ: Dont do something so stupid like that again, you could've gotten killed.

Derek: They're a bunch of idiots, they weren't gonna shoot me, they wanted answers so I took advantage of it.

Finka: You and Mickey tried to take on a whole army again just with you two. You two really need to stop doing that.

Derek: We do it because we don't want to lose more of those we care about. We've both had great losses, so we throw ourselves in the way so the rest of our squad can stay clean. Thats why Bravo squad is so dangerous, because we don't hold back when our life is on the line.

IQ: Dont do that stuff again.

Derek: Theres a fine line that is your life or death for others, we cross that line so that way the rest of our team can be safe. We get our hands dirty so everyone else can be clean. Will I do it again? No promises. But it happens.

Twitch: You guys are gonna get yourselves killed.

Derek: We've done it before and we'll keep doing it. Now if you'll excuse me I'm taking a nap right here.

Frost: Why not go back to your dorm?

Derek: Yea, and hear a bunch of Roberts hookup stories? No way.

You walked over to a couch and laid down on it. You folded your arms behind your head and closed your eyes.

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